
Rebirth: I Have Doomsday Supermarket

How does it feel to be pushed into a pile of zombies by the closest and most trusted person? The reborn Hua Mi said: The first priority of survival in the last days is to have enough supplies, stay away from the crowd and that white lotus, and survive until the end. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big fight, suddenly activate the supermarket space and cashier system? ! Tsk, what more struggle is there in life, you can win until the end by lying down! But looking down at her growing belly, Hua Mi held milk powder in her left hand and a machete in her right. Where did this baby come from? ! The plan was a bit different, the first priority of survival was the smooth birth of the cub, and being vigilant against the man who stared at her stomach all day long. Man: Wife, why do I feel that you have been eating more and more fat recently? Looks like she's pregnant. Huami: Not like...

Yanyan_Angeles · Romance
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425 Chs


  She found City A on the map. She took out a marker and connected City A with the Xiang B Expressway.

  Because the agricultural trade tycoon said that he has a source of goods in City B, and he can get a large amount of frozen meat and a lot of live poultry.

  So Huami has been asking Huo Jing's relatives to do their best to clear the highway from Xiangcheng to City B in the past few days.

  All the garbage that was cleaned up was piled outside Xiangcheng.

  She will collect it when she is free.

  She don't care about other cities, she doesn't have so much energy to unblock roads all over the world.

  Looking at the map, Hua Mi asked Chi Chuan on the phone again, "Where is the wrecker team in City A? Right now, City A is short of medical supplies and food because the roads are blocked. As long as the wreckers can clear the way and supplies can go in, that's fine."

  Chi Chuan was on the other end of the phone, leading his friends through the chaotic and angry crowd,

"If the garrison commander in City A is half as courageous as the commander in Xiangcheng. It won't be like this."

  From the moment the earthquake spread in City A, City A remained calm at first, because many people ran from Xiangcheng to City A, and City A was quite popular.

  Everyone cheered each other up and helped the rescue team of City A to save people.

  But soon, the relief supplies couldn't keep up.

  At that time, the outside world also donated a lot of money to City A, but the money was stuck in the management system of City A.

  If the rescue team wants to use it, they need to report layer by layer.

  People's hearts are complicated, especially for this kind of report that needs money, just refer to Ke Minghong's management of Xiangcheng Management Headquarters for funds.

  You talk about your reasoning, I talk about my concerns, and you say you have an urgent need, but I don't think this matter is as urgent as that matter.

  The SOS came, and every second of delay meant the disappearance of several lives.

  Relief supplies have not yet arrived, and the rescue team soon had an opinion.

  It's like a domino, if one falls, the other will fall.

  The rescue team was hungry to save people, and waited for funds every day to purchase supplies.

  But when the management system approved the funds, the roads outside the city of A had been destroyed, and all materials could not enter the city.

  It's strange that city A is not chaotic.

  The biggest difference between Xiang City and City A is that Gong Yi has kept the money in his hands from the very beginning.

  What he wants to buy does not need to be approved by the management headquarters at all.

  He also didn't have time to ask the management system for funds again and again.

  Hua Mi frowned when she heard the gunshots from Chi Chuan,"You and your people should pay attention, and remember to bring the money back."

  "My dear sister, what's the use of money at this time?"

  Among the paper money floating around, Chi Chuan led the people to walk outside City A, and said, "It is estimated that in the near future, money will not be easy to use in Xiangcheng, we have to rethink the way to survive."

It's not that Chi Chuan is talking nonsense, the prices in City A are soaring now, they dragged hundreds of thousands of bottles of mineral water to sell, and they only sold them for 10 yuan a bottle, and they were quickly sold out.

  Then these few days, they're trapped in City A and witnessed the chaos in City A.

  Only then did they realize that the 10 yuan bottle of mineral water was simply given to City A for nothing.

  Because there is money everywhere on the road, from time to time there are crazy people who can't bear the pressure and throw money everywhere.

  Just like throwing coins.

  "No, no, the money is still useful."

  Hua Mi was afraid that Chi Chuan would not bring the money back, so that her [Doomsday Supermarket-Cash Register System] would not be profitable, and she would not have the money to upgrade the factory, "You must bring the money back. Because you have to use money to buy things from me, I don't recognize anything else."

  Hearing this, Chi Chuan, who was leading the way ahead, suddenly stopped.

  The little friend behind him asked,   "Chuanzi , what's the matter?"

  City A is still in a frenzy of restlessness. There are people on the top of the building who are about to jump off the building, holding piles of money and spreading them everywhere, "

  'It's useless, it's useless~hahahaha."

  Crazy laughter sounded, and a The body fell from a high altitude, just behind Chi Chuan and the others.

  The buying and selling gang took a look back, picked up Chi Chuan who was frantically collecting money, and ran away.

  "Chuanzi, you still have the mood to fetch money! hurry up, hurry up!!!"

  "Let me go, let me go, Sister Hua said she accepted the money, let me go!"

  Chi Chuan's shouts were drowned on t

the way out of City A.

  In Xiangcheng, it was still cloudy and rainy, Hua Mi slept on the second floor of the supermarket, and after getting up, she started to go to the emergency room.

  She made an appointment with Dr. Xin for an examination today.

  As soon as she walked out of the supermarket, a character came up,

  [! Detect danger, the supermarket is about to be flooded. ]

  ? ? ?

  The flood came so soon? Supermarkets are going to be flooded?

As soon as she turned around, she saw a wave of orange balls, crushing the roof of her supermarket.

  Oh my god, Hua Mi remembered, this is an orange she didn't harvest.

  Just one night, these oranges ripened, dropped, dropped, ripened, repeated, repeated

  Now it's almost flooding her supermarket backyard.

  Fortunately, the orange disaster happened at night, and Huo Jing and the others hadn't come to work yet.

  Hua Mi hurried to the backyard, walking all the way to stuff oranges into the level 11 storage.

  The speed of stuffing oranges one by one is a bit slow, but when the oranges become a disaster, you only need to enter the 11th level storage with one thought.

  Finished the Made Orange in a hurry, and successfully [unlock storage level 12 (space 12X1)].

  Hua Mi cleaned up the backyard of her supermarket again.

  The messy broken stones, etc., were all recycled, and the backyard was much more spacious.

  She vaguely remembered, is there something she hasn't done yet?

 Oh, she still has 5 square meters of black land that has not been settled~~~ What kind of dog memory is this?

 How could she forget such an important matter?

Hua Mi hurriedly placed her 5 square meters of black land in the backyard, and then planted rice.

  In view of the fact that just one orange tree on one square meter of black land almost caused an orange disaster and flooded her supermarket.

  This time, Huami only dared to plant one rice seed on 5 square meters of black soil.

  Well, really just one grain.

  For the rest she grew ginger, shallots, garlic and green peppers.

  After planting the land, looking at the [Lucky Draw X2] in the lottery pool, Hua Mi hesitated for a moment, forget it, and dare not draw.

  Still stock up.

  These lottery opportunities have to be stockpiled for at least a month, until the growth period of the oranges has passed.

  After finishing the resettlement of the 5 square meters of black land, Hua Mi drove the nanny car out from the iron fence and went straight to the emergency area of ​​the relief center.

  As expected, Xin Qiuru's tone was tight, and she took Hua Mi for examinations along the way, and even the nurse didn't know what she was doing for these examinations.

  Xin Qiuru even performed vaginal ultrasound for Huami herself.