
Rebirth: From Goddess To Black-Bellied Heiress

【Su Shuang, pet literature, abuse of scum, pendulum, strong male and female leads!】 Eighteen-year-old Su Xiaoyu went from being a farm girl from Hua Mountain to overnight, miraculously transforming into Mu Qingli, a wealthy heiress envied by everyone in the village. For her initial return to the wealthy family, Mu Qingli concealed her sharp edges, staying low-key in both her conduct and actions. The six younger sisters born after her rebirth stole the identity and status that originally belonged to her. Her greedy and worthless father, in order to save his biological son, actually conspired to have her heart removed! After her rebirth, Mu Qingli took a high-profile approach to life and to her dealings! Meeting Buddha, she would slay Buddha; encountering a god, she would slay the god! She carved out her own empire! A scheming younger sister? Then let her scheme to the absolute fullest! This life, I'll make it so she would rather die than live! When rebirth meets rebirth, it's either your death or your disappearance! A father who steals hearts? This lifetime, I will personally reclaim yours and return the torment a hundredfold! From then on, the underworld saw the rise of Lord Lili! Treading over bloodstained bones, each step she took was elegant. Lord Lili's methods were admired and appalling to others. The feng shui circle gained a great pendulum master! With a pendulum in hand, she subdued everyone at her feet, regardless of their age or gender. The business world saw the arrival of Boss Mu! Investing, starting businesses, she would manipulate the entire business landscape with a mere clap of her hands. The world of traditional Chinese medicine added an unparalleled genius! With her delicate hands, she could revive the dead and mend bones with her touch. In this life, she would live unrestrainedly and arrogantly! I do as I please! Challenge me if you dare! —— He was rumored to be the most noble man in the whole of China, handsome and exceptionally refined, putting contemporary young celebrities streets behind him, and also the fantasy of countless young women. He was richer than some countries, extremely wealthy, but unfortunately— He was gay! Even China's number one beauty couldn't get close to him. No female creature has ever appeared beside him. Until one day. After returning from Hua Mountain, a gender-unknown little milk dog started following him. From then on, he brought the little milk dog with him to eat, sleep, and attend various parties, where the dog gained fame and esteem in both private and public. Everyone sighed that in this world, one might be inferior even to a dog! Just as everyone was speculating what top-tier prestigious breed the little milk dog was... A renowned zoologist spoke after an appraisal, "Chinese Rural Dog!" The crowd: Sweat! This most noble man once declared loudly: I shall never marry! He said, "A man should have the dignity of a man. How could one stoop beneath a woman's skirt?" When a lifelong bachelor meets a woman who vows never to marry— Sparks fly like dry kindling meeting a flame! An explosion was imminent! Consequently, the face-slapping routine began— "Lili, stop being angry, okay? Shall I be your ride? Shall I sing 'Conquest' for you?" "Lili, I can't live without you." 【Proposal Chapter】 A certain man knelt on one knee, offering a ring and flowers, "Lord Lili, marry me!" A certain woman smiled gently, "Sorry, I vow to never marry." The man with a look of earnest devotion, "Then let me marry into your family. With your surname and my given name, allow me to be your subject under your skirt." The crowd: "......" Dead! Lord, your male dignity is on the ground. Could you please pick it up? Recommendation for De Yin's completed work "National Goddess: Rebirth of an Ace Heiress"

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432 Chs

008: This stupid dog doesn't want you anymore!_1

Translator: 549690339

Mu Qingli nodded her head, stood up, and was just about to descend the mountain when she realized that a man was still lying on the ground.

Looking at the man's condition, he wouldn't wake up for another two or three hours.

It was already getting late, and it might rain at any moment.

With the conviction to see a rescue through to the end, Mu Qingli squatted down and hoisted the nearly one meter ninety man onto her back. She had been accustomed to farm work since childhood, so carrying a large man didn't seem to trouble her much, and she walked steadily forward one step at a time.

Having grown up here, Mu Qingli knew every corner of the mountain like the back of her hand. She knew there was a cave not far away where as a child she had often hidden from the rain with her friends while herding cattle.

Fat Bear wagged its tail, following behind Mu Qingli.

About ten minutes later, Mu Qingli carried the man into the cave.

She laid the bearded man down with care, picked up some dry grass to cushion beneath him, and finally, scattered a circle of realgar powder around him.

Although there were not many wild animals in the mountains now, there were a lot of insects and snakes, especially in the summertime.

Scattering realgar powder could keep the insects and snakes at bay.

After completing these tasks, Mu Qingli was so exhausted she was covered in sweat, and her white T-shirt had even been stained with blood.

"Water, water..."

Just as Mu Qingli was about to leave, the man lying on the ground let out a faint voice, his lips already cracked and peeling.

Mu Qingli had originally intended to ignore him and let him die of thirst!

But, when she glanced back at him, she suddenly felt a pang of guilt.

She rubbed her temples somewhat helplessly and said to the man, "Wait here." After that, she walked out of the cave.

Fortunately, there was a natural spring nearby, so Mu Qingli returned very quickly.

The vessel for the water was a huge banana leaf.

Mu Qingli helped the man sit up, leaning him against herself, and carefully brought the water to his lips.

The man who was in a coma started swallowing the spring water voraciously the moment his lips touched it.

From Mu Qingli's perspective, she could clearly see the man's high-bridged nose, his thin lips, and the sensual and delicate collarbone.

A grown man with such an attractive collarbone was simply outrageous!

She thought that if the man shaved off the full beard, he might be one of those peerless handsome men, a national heartthrob or something of the sort.

But soon, Mu Qingli shook her head, dismissing the notion with a helpless smile on her lips as she turned her gaze back towards the outside of the cave.

Their encounter was nothing more than a fleeting one, and there would be no chance of meeting again in the future, so why did she harbor such strange thoughts?

Just as Mu Qingli raised her eyes towards the cave entrance, the man leaning against her chest suddenly opened his eyes.

They were a pair of deep, imposing eyes, unparalleled in the entire world.

They were like...

the starry sea...

As if they could suck a person in at any moment.

Both enchanting and ethereal.

From his angle, he could see the delicate jawline of the young girl and the faint fragrance emanating from her body.

Subtle, like the elegance of bamboo, and yet as piercing as snow.

At that moment.

He even thought he had encountered a fairy.

However, before the man could react, he closed his eyes once more, slipping back into unconsciousness.

Mu Qingli did not notice this anomaly, and after placing the man back on the dry grass, she reexamined his wounds, took his pulse, and confirming there were no issues, she prepared to leave.

"Fat Bear, it's time to go." Before turning to leave, Mu Qingli called to Fat Bear, who had been squatting obediently on the ground.

Hearing the call of its master, Fat Bear stood up, wagged its tail, and whined softly a few times before sitting back down on the ground, tilting its head as it watched Mu Qingli, refusing to leave her side.

"Fat Bear, don't you want to go home?" Mu Qingli asked as she walked over and petted Fat Bear's head.

"Woof woof!" Fat Bear barked twice.

[My dear, that silly dog doesn't want you anymore.] Little Baba said quietly from inside Pearl House.

After all, it was Fat Bear that led her to this bearded man who was injured.

Could it be that the bearded man was Fat Bear's owner?

Mu Qingli narrowed her eyes slightly.

That shouldn't be the case, for when she'd encountered Fat Bear, its eyes hadn't even opened yet.

They say dogs are the most spiritual animals, could it be that Fat Bear knew she was about to leave and thus didn't want to follow her anymore?

"Fat Bear, are you really not coming home with me?" Mu Qingli asked again as she petted Fat Bear's head.

"Woof woof!"

"Alright then." Mu Qingli sighed. "To each dog its own path. Stay with him then, I'm leaving."

After saying that, Mu Qingli turned and left the cave.

"Woof woof!" Seeing Mu Qingli turn to leave, Fat Bear stood up and followed her for a few steps before quickly returning to the cave to continue guarding the bearded man.

Mu Qingli glanced back at Fat Bear, seeing its hesitation, she didn't make things difficult for it. If Fat Bear wanted to come back, it would naturally do so.

As she was nearly at the bottom of the mountain, Mu Qingli could smell a strong scent of alcohol.

Mu Qingli narrowed her eyes slightly. She knew she had probably encountered the man that Mu Lanke spoke of in her past life, the most esteemed man in all of Imperial City.

She looked up and saw a man in a suit and leather shoes leaning against a pine tree, his eyes bloodshot. At that moment, the man was undoing the tie around his neck, preparing to hang himself.

According to Mu Lanke, this man had mistaken his lifesaver in a previous life and ended up getting involved with Mu Lanke, ultimately becoming her fiancé.

This blind man, who couldn't even recognize his own lifesaver, didn't deserve to be saved!

[Master, the Yin Family has caught the scent of prey again.] Little Baba on her wrist spoke up with a flattering laugh.

Mu Qingli slightly raised an eyebrow. "Speak human." Her tone was cool, tinged with a trace of coldness.

Startled, Little Baba shrank its neck, straightened its demeanor, and formally stated,[Fifty meters to the left up ahead, there's a young man in distress waiting for you to rescue him.]

"Rescue that person?" Mu Qingli's gaze shifted toward the man in the distance attempting to hang himself.

[Exactly.] Little Baba replied with a smile.

"What if I don't rescue him?" Mu Qingli asked with a raised eyebrow.

[You must!] Little Baba explained: [Master, that prey has the mark of Pearl House on him. You are obliged to save him, and then, the Yin Family must consume the prey's money. Only in this way can Pearl House maintain its integrity and endure.]

Saving someone would generate righteousness, which would adhere to the RMB; thus, what Little Baba really consumed was not money, but righteousness!

Considering this, Mu Qingli narrowed her eyes. If that was the case, then she had no choice but to save this man.

After all, her own life was at stake.

"A grown man sneaking around here trying to kill himself, aren't you ashamed?" Mu Qingli threw a pebble, interrupting the man's attempt with remarkable accuracy by snapping the tie.

This skill was taught to her by Old Man Zhang from next door.

In his youth, Old Man Zhang was a chivalrous bandit, the kind who robbed the rich to aid the poor, but because he became blind in one eye, he never married.

Mu Qingli, kind-hearted from a young age, often secretly brought food to Old Man Zhang. As time passed, the old man and the young girl grew acquainted, so he taught Mu Qingli all he knew, each and every move.

It's a pity that in her previous life she was too low-key and failed to make good use of these resources.

Now she thought about it, Mu Qingli felt like a fool! She had a winning hand but wasted it completely!

In this life, she would never keep a low profile again!