
Rebirth, capricious mode

I've been here for some time and since then, I have often tried various experiments that that have never produced any concrete results. Five months ago I wanted to use the spell (Fly) by jumping off the garage roof, but it didn't work and I broke my wrist. I tried to manipulate the fire but my hand is not made for that and I won't elaborate on it. Three years ago, I mixed various cleaning products to see if I had any alchemy skills and again, the result was disappointing. I was hospitalized for three days for inhalation of toxic products. Following this and many other stupidities my desperate parents decided to refer me to a child psychologist. After just a few basic questions, the man without imagination concludes our appointment with a simple sentence. Pupupu! 150 dollars to hear such nonsense. I hope for their bank account that my parents don't send me there too often. Speaking of my parents, I'm in love with my mom. Abby, 30 years old, blonde like me, blue eyes, like me, little nose, like me, pretty lips, just like me. Abby is the same as me but in older age. The other one is the one who serves as my father. I don't like him. As soon as I saw him, I couldn't stand him. A sort of a very tall, brown aged 34 year and an idiot. Hi, I am Lara and I am 6 years old.

Clintfree · Urbain
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41 Chs

Discovery of the world of cinema Part2

"Have you seen those Mister who stinks looks? Indeed, it's our first ever role and we're already the star."

But it's kind of annoying because all the stars have their own brand of star that allows them to make idiot boys dream. Marilyn Monroe had a fan and a magic skirt that showed her big thighs; Pamela Anderson is the opposite of Maï, a fluffy Madam bust and Joey has a unique adorable smile but what do I have? Oooh, I know.

To immortalize Lara the star, I hold Mister who stinks forward but, as usual, just to annoy me, Maï lifts me from the ground and takes me in her arms.

I am sure that Madam tench is jealous as Sally however, as I promised to remain nice, I bite her ear but I do not complain.


Having witnessed the amusing scene, the director knows that directing this little girl will certainly be a real ordeal, but apart from her being a bit restless, she is perfect.

She has everything to become a star and if he manages to channel the energy of this child, her performance can only be incredible.

As a professional of the seventh art, he has never been so sure of his feelings about one of his actors until now and he has never been wrong before.

After a glance towards his assistant, well decided to make the acquaintance of this young Miss with the well tempered character, he approaches of the little thing that shakes the arm of the girl who accompanies her.

Lara looks around and her little mouth pouts when she realizes that here, no ugly dog, no grass or pretty little mill.

It is indeed a bit disappointing and in addition, all these people look so dark that Lara thinks they look like they came out of a garbage can.

"Maï, you saw, it really sucks. All the people have rotten fruit faces and there's not even an ugly dog here."

Maï knows who the man is less than 10 feet away from her and when she hears Lara's words, fearing that this tall director will take the adorable remark the wrong way, she shudders.

Luckily, the director moves forward and then slowly crouches down in front of Lara whom Maï has just put down on the ground.

"Hello Lara Eve, I am Michael Mann, I am the director of (Mind Slippage), call me Michael, it will be easier. I'm very happy to meet you. When I saw you in the ad in which you played, I absolutely wanted you to be part of the cast of this movie. Tell me, do you know anything about the movie business?"

Lara looks around and sees that there are many more people than during her ad. The cameras and all the other things are also much more numerous. This doesn't worry her particularly, but what does make her curious is why all these people look like old, wrinkled towels.

"Hi Michael, I'm Lara and this is my best friend, Mister who stinks. No I only know about cameras, cartoons and now that Lara is here, why do all these people look like they want to cry? Oh, you want to kiss Mister who stinks' buttocks, fufufu?"

Maï hastens put her hand over the nasty little goblin's mouth, but it is too late. Two little white arms have already stuck her teddy bear's buttocks against the big director's lips.

This self-confidence and this way to declare it in this way at this age is unheard of according to him. Michael Mann, used to the atmosphere that reigns on the shootings, especially on the first day, because everyone has to find his place, had not noticed anything special but by looking more objectively, he realizes that indeed, the tension is palpable.

He moves his head back a little to peel his lips off the fluffy creature's buttocks and strokes Lara's little head.

"You know, before an actor makes his first camera test, a lot of things have to fall into place. You see the gentleman holding the big stick over there. He's called a perchman, at the end of the stick is a microphone and his job is to place his microphone in the best spot. But it's not as simple as it looks. He has to take into account where he is, whether it's windy or not, the time of day, and he has to know that each place sends back a different sound. Before even starting a shoot, tests must be done to make sure that the microphone is well placed and when this is the case, the perchman must not move at all. It's a very hard job. As you can see, right now he's looking for the perfect spot to place his microphone."

Lara, watching the man move like a slug, thinks to herself that so many things to consider must not be much fun.

"I wouldn't like to do this because besides to look really boring, my lovely Mommy says I'm like a little worm that can't help but squirm. You say Mister who stinks? It is a job for the lazy ones who would be perfect for Maï? Once again you speak without thinking Mister who stinks because, I don't believe she would have the courage to lift a tiny stick so, this long thing is beyond her strength, fufufu. By the way Michael, why can't I play today?"

The director smiles and stands up. He has a lot of work to do and although he would like to stay a little closer to this pretty little girl to tell her a little more about his world, his time is too precious.

"I asked you to come in today so you could observe. I'd like you to get used to the shoot and watch the actors carefully, so you can learn from them. I have to go back to work Lara. Ask this gentleman if you want anything, he will certainly be able to accommodate your needs. Walk around if you want and ask questions to the different technicians, actors and staff members. I'll see you later."


I didn't think it was that complicated but it's going to be fun to spy on all those people with crumpled faces and touch all these strange things. Let's go listen to what this woman with a grouper mouth says, Mister who stinks.

"Lara, don't run, there are wires all over the floor. Lara, come back here."