
Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Fission

  The number of websites in America now exceeds a thousand. Of course, Netscape, Yahoo, AOL, Lycos, etc. may be famous, but there are not many Internet practitioners.

  Like Wired magazine, it launched its own Internet online website, and other large and small media, magazines, giant companies, etc., are also launching their websites one after another.

  The emergence of double-click companies is beneficial to small and medium-sized websites or personal websites. Double-click companies also place advertisements on these websites, giving them hope of survival, and at the same time attracting traffic for them.

   On the other hand, Double-Click is now serving as a channel for the American Internet to connect to other industry links. Companies like IBM, Compaq, and General Motors all place advertisements on the Internet through Double-Click.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that Double-Click is the Yanmen Gate of the Internet industry in America today, which makes Double-Click may not be the most famous Internet company today, but it has the most extensive network.

  When double-clicking on the company, it began to promote Hotmail emails to large and small websites in Silicon Valley.

  Wang An's company is also cooperating, especially in Europe, and this time it is also promoting Hotmail to a large number of partners.

  Hotmail e-mail addresses that did not appear in newspapers and magazines began to infiltrate companies large and small in Silicon Valley and Amerika.

  For Wired magazine, the editor-in-chief Kevin Kelly also logged into Hotmail through the website. When he directly entered the Hotmail email through a website, Kevin Kelly couldn't help but shine.

Hotmail e-mail is undoubtedly much stronger than the Euroda e-mail client launched by Steve Downell before, which needs to be sent and received through the client, not to mention that the capacity of the latter is only 2M !

Kevin Kelly is considered an expert on the Internet. His perception of a product is basically "picky". Things that can be certified by Kevin are basically among the same products on the Internet. Top notch.

  Kevin checks the function of Hotmail mailbox one by one. Needless to say, the convenience, Hotmail, which can log in to the webpage through any computer, kills the mainstream Euroda and other mail clients in the mailbox industry.

In terms of the appearance of the webpage, the entire webpage and background of the Hotmail e-mail box were basically designed by Song Yang directly and developed by Wesley and the others. Not to mention surpassing an era, this design is definitely a classic, and it will not be seen in ten years. will fall behind!

  Anyway, Kevin Kelly couldn't help feeling comfortable when he looked at the page of the Hotmail email.

As for functions such as calendar, scheduled sending, and email retrieval, Kevin also felt pleasantly surprised. Compared with the monotonous email, the appearance of these small functions undoubtedly made Kevin, who often needs to use email, feel very handy and practical of.

  Finally, the virus scanning function is temporarily launched in the mailbox. Seeing this, Kevin can't help but press it. This function is divided into three parts. The first part is to scan the Hotmail mailbox for viruses to see if there are unsafe emails.

  The second is to perform a security scan on the entire computer, that is, to find out the loopholes in the computer, and the last function is naturally to remove junk files.

  After the scan, Kevin Kelly saw several small vulnerabilities and some junk files, etc., and he pressed Clear, feeling that this function seems to be pretty good.

The virus scanning function provided by Fortinet for Hotmail emails is actually just a sham. How could it be possible to develop a set of top-level security protection software in such a short period of time? Small loopholes are easy to appear, but for ordinary users, with the appearance of this function, they feel that the Hotmail email box and even the entire computer are a bit safer...

  "Bruno Song, an Internet genius from Houston, once again surprised people. The emergence of Hotmail email may completely change the way Americans work in the future. Email will become a must-have product for countless people..."

To be touted as a prophet of the Internet, Kevin Kelly must have a few brushes. After he experienced it, he could feel that the emergence of Hotmail e-mail may bring e-mail into a new era. I feel that in the future, major companies, schools, and even the federal government will probably introduce Hotmail emails!

  On the online website of Wired Magazine, Kevin has written a lot. As for the offline magazine reporting on Hotmail, it will only be written when the next issue of the magazine is released.

  If Kevin Kelly touts Song Yang and Hotmail e-mail with a bit of reserve, he just touts it from the perspective of market demand and function, then Tristan on the other side is much more straightforward!

  In addition to doing interviews on TV, Tristan also writes some special issue reviews for newspapers and magazines of several technology media from time to time.

  After using Hotmail e-mail this time, Tristan directly started with a sentence in his commentary to a special issue of a Silicon Valley technology newspaper, "the father of modern e-mail!"

  Simple, direct and rude, this is the way Tristan touts, without a trace of water, which is also the reason why those funders like to work with Tristan, not like Kevin Kelly touting people, but also reserved.

In a special comment to the science and technology newspaper, Tristan directly gave Song Yang the title of "Father of Modern E-mail", regardless of who invented the e-mail, anyway, Tristan directly Awarded to Song Yang!

  "Hotmail e-mail will become an epoch-making product. It will be the first product that all people come into contact with when they enter the Internet era. Countless people will come into contact with the Internet because of it.

  I saw media reports that Mark Anderson is the Bill Gates of the Internet. I have no objection to this sentence, but I think Bruno Song will be the one who will change the times! "

Tristan secretly ranked Song Yang in front of Mark Anderson, and he almost shouted the slogan of the number one person on the Internet for Song Yang. Anderson was the second Bill Gates, and Song Yang was with Just like Bill Gates, the person who created an era, who is not swearing at others, and acting good when he gets a bargain, Song Yang is a generation taller than Mark Anderson for no reason.

  Wired magazine's report, as well as Tristan's comments, made Hotmail e-mail a considerable influence in the circle of the Internet industry, but it has not yet broken the circle.

A newspaper that couldn't understand Tristan's remarks retorted, "We haven't seen what a Hotmail email address looks like, but Tristan's evaluation of Bruno Song, I think, is cheating, the father of email. It should belong to Ray Tomlin..."

Later, several media joined in. The popularity of Hotmail e-mail has not yet risen. The media in Silicon Valley are arguing about who is the "father of e-mail". Ray Tomlin, David C. Three figures, Roland and Leonard Cranklow, who had made contributions to e-mail, were all brought out by the media. For a title, there was a lot of quarrel.

Of course, Song Yang has to be added now. Tristan is still fighting with scholars in the newspaper because of Song Yang and Hotmail email. He thinks that Song Yang, the "father of modern email", is justifiable. Everyone will know that Hotmail email is completely different from those emails in the past. This is the mailbox of the new era.

   "This is Bruno Song's new product?"

Netscape Headquarters, during this period of time, is cooperating with SUN to develop a new generation of browsers in JAVA language. Mark Anderson, Jim Clark, President Baxter and others are all busy and watched the newly launched Hotmail email address.

   "The degree of completion is very high, and the experience is far superior to email clients such as Euroda!"

After Marc Anderson's experience with Hotmail email, he still told the truth. He couldn't do it for Tristan, and was overtaken by Song Yang. Can't compare to other products.

  Jim Clark also experienced it, tried to send an email, finally raised his head, and asked Netscape President Baxter, "How many downloads are Hotmail now?"

  E-mail has not yet been paid attention to by Jim Jin, Anderson and others, and naturally they have not paid attention to how much influence e-mail can have.

   Mentioning this, Baxter had a strange face, "I don't know yet, but Hotmail e-mail is not publicized in the media, and it also adopts an invitation system. Only when you receive an invitation can you get the right to use Hotmail e-mail."

Hearing this, Jim Clark and Mark Anderson were obviously stunned. Now which Internet company is not desperately advertising to attract users, but when it comes to Song Yang, it even drives users out, for fear that there will be too many users occupying Hotmail e-mail. Mailbox server?

"I know that kid, and he will never do stupid things and stare at the Hotmail email box!" Jim Clark thought for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out what Song Yang was going to do, so he could only let Baxter stare at Song Yang there.

   Not only Netscape, Yahoo and other Internet companies that received the news are also staring at Hotmail emails, but they are also waiting and watching, and they still don't know what the Hotmail emails are playing.

  But in major companies and universities in America, Hotmail emails are spreading at an alarming rate!

  (end of this chapter)