
The Need for Strength Part 2

Joshua started making the batter while Gina started the fires in the ovens. "I was made a noble." He said, as he whisked. "I was appointed the rank of knight."

"Oh, you were?" Gina seemed sad. She knew that now that Joshua was a noble, he would no longer be allowed to marry her as she had one day hoped he would. Although her family had ties to the nobility, she was too far from the noble line herself. She put on a fake smile for him, as the future he had planned evaporated. "That's wonderful Joshua. I am so happy for you."

"Honestly, I don't like it." Joshua said. "Every noble I have encountered so far has been a miserable waste of space. I don't like the idea of being lumped in with them. Although my father sounds like he was a good one."

"You found out who your father was?" Gina asked. "You always told me, your mother would always evade the question and just say he was a great man."

"The count told me who he was." Joshua said. "But really his butler told me who he really was. He was a Viscount by the name of Gilhaven. He had a city not far from here that was destroyed one night. Apparently, he fought against the invaders to ensure his servants and staff were able to escape."

"I remember hearing about the city of Gilhaven." Gina said. "It's a tale they let known in the church as a warning. Be vigilant in obeying the will of the lord or the demons will kill us as they did Gilhaven. That is how they end every sermon.

They mean it as if the commoners try to rise above their station, god will destroy this city. Word is that the Viscount of Gilhaven did not treat commoners poorly, he allowed them to own land and earn a living wage. He treated them all as people and not as scum or rats.

The nobility say that's the reason the demons attacked. That god himself was angry at him for upsetting the natural order of this world."

"Then they are all fools." Joshua said. "Listen Gina, I doubt any of that is true. It sounds like they are just trying to use that tragedy as a means to solidify their own hold on power. IT sounds like what my father did was a threat to them and their way of life. Too many times in history have the oppressed risen up and taken a country from themselves when they finally figure out they have the power."

"What do you mean Joshua?" Gina asked. "I haven't heard of anything like that before…"

"Right, it must have been another dream." Joshua said, trying to play it off.

"You sure had a lot of crazy dreams when you were bed ridden." Gina said.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I am a different man now." Joshua said with a laugh, trying to make the truth sound like a joke. "Batter is ready, have you floured the pans?"

"Yes." Gina said, having the pans all laid out.

Joshua poured the batter into each of the pans, and they placed them into the brick ovens.

"Listen Gina, I am headed to a dungeon tomorrow." Joshua explained. "I don't know when I will be back, but it is something I have to do if I am to save my mother from her fate."

"I understand." Gina said. "But promise me you will be safe." She said as he placed both of her hands on his chest. He was still mostly skin, and bone and she could feel his ribs through his shirt. She rolled her fingers below her palms and made flat fists as she bit her lower lip and looked him in the eyes. "Promise me you will come back."

Joshua was no fool, he could tell that Gina cared for him deeply. At least she cared for the man Joshua once was. Now he was only an imposter inside of Joshua's shell. The man this girl loved was dead, she would never get to be with him as she wished.

Still Gina was quite beautiful, it would be hard for anyone not to make a move when presented with such an opportunity. Joshua leaned down and quickly pressed his lips against hers. They were soft and delicate. The feeling as he pressed his lips against hers shot sparks of ecstasy down his spine as his brain dumped every once of dopamine it could produce.

The kiss took her by complete surprise, as Joshua had never taken any of her hints before. Now in the back of this bakery with the flames of the ovens dancing behind them, she was experiencing what she had always hoped. Her eyes widened from the shock, before he ultimately closed them and leaned into the kiss.

The kiss was only a few seconds, but the pleasure to her was enough to last a lifetime. If a demon hoard killed her right now, she would die a happy woman. When the kiss ended, they rested their foreheads upon each other.

"I promise you I will come back." Joshua said in a whisper. "I will come back to you."

"Thank you." Gina said. "Thank you for everything. Listen, ten percent isn't enough. I talked to my mom about it last night and she agreed. We want to make you a partner, without you none of this would have happened. So, we are going to give you fifty percent. Mom already went to set it up at the bank, anything we deposit, you get half. So, no arguing."

"I accept your terms." Joshua said as he lifted her forehead from her. "I need to go. I have to tell the guild where I am going before I rest at the inn tonight. Can you handle everything else?"

"I can!" Gina said. "Thanks for all you do."

"It has been my pleasure to help, Gina." Joshua said as he put his hand on the back door and opened it. "I will see you when I return."

"I am counting on it!" Gina replied as Joshua left and shut the door behind him.

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