
Teach Them

"Who are your companions Joshua?" Rena asked, while looking over Gregor and Big. "They smell and look like normal humans. Are they more workers to fix our house?"

"They are indeed new workers." Joshua said.

"Matthias!" Rena called out.

Within moments Matthias came out of the manor. "What is it lady Rena?" Matthias asked. "Is there something…" He noticed Joshua and the two men behind him. "Oh, master Joshua, you have returned home. Are these men guests of yours or new conquests?"

"New employees." Joshua said. "If you could show them around and show them to their rooms, I would appreciate it."

"Wait, are we living here?" Gregor asked. "What about my house and all of my possessions? I can't just abandon all that and live here with you…"

"Hey you made the bet." Joshua replied. "You don't have to sell your old place, but you will be living here for now. Don't worry, the rooms have everything you could ever desire."