

Gia had been out to play. She slowly creaked the front door open with her muddy hands and tried tiptoeing past the living room

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOURSELF GIA" Mother's voice screamed.

7 year old Gia was a notorious bubbly child who could never resist giving up an adventure. It had rained the last night, and the park had been muddy. Of course, she rose to the chance to make little mud castles and what not, not caring about how dirty her clothes got.

That was not the only thing that happened that day.

She tripped in the mud, fell, and bruised herself. The accident also led to her tshirt being torn.

Oh the shame her mother felt.

Hastily running to Gia she picked her up and stormed to her room.

"Have you looked at yourself? Strolling around having no sense of decency, being utterly careless? Why do you need to make such a mess out of yourself? What will the neighbours think? My daughter running around half naked! You are grounded from EVER going out again until you learn how to manage yourself!"

Gia's knees were bleeding. Mother had paid no heed to them.

Quietly, she sat and tended to them herself. Once they were bandaged, she crawled in bed and sobbed, wondering if she had done something horrific.

All she did was run and play. She did not want to offend anybody.