
Reaper: The Archon of Death

After a false accusation leads to a family's execution, one soul becomes trapped in an eternal abyss, unable to move on. However, a shimmering light brings forth an ethereal being who provides limited but invaluable guidance. With this guidance, the soul embarks on a new journey, paving the way for a new odyssey.

Antivoid · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs


Only five minutes had passed since we crossed the gates of Mythril Haven.

We continued our walk, the fading sunlight casting long shadows on the grassy ground.

"Arisu. Please explain what those glistening lights were."

Kei turned to a genuinely confused-looking Arisu, suspicion evident in his gaze.

"Why are you asking me? I don't know anything."

Arisu shrugged her shoulders as she denied knowing anything.

This was all I needed to figure out that they both saw those lights.

"I know you're not telling the truth, Arisu."

"But I actually have no idea..."

"Then, Kei, tell me what you saw."

"The same as Arisu, shimmering lights."

I knew they weren't lying. As I knew what the lights were, I couldn't really blame them.

"Oh well, whatever."

I just decided to leave it. However, Kei didn't let it go.

"Arisu, you are a master of Light Alchemy. Your very being radiates the essence of light. So, if you're not familiar with those mysterious lights, it's safe to say they must be something monumental."

Arisu sighed, feeling a mixture of frustration and curiosity. Kei had a point: she was someone with the ability to manipulate light; it would be strange that she couldn't identify the source of those lights.


She turned towards me, curious and a bit surprised at my sudden interruption of our contemplative silence.

I looked forward; my eyes were seduced by the fascinating land ahead of me.

"Those lights... they weren't just a random phenomenon."

"You know something for once?"

Kei's sudden turn towards me caught my attention. I noticed the slight furrow on his brow and the way his eyes flickered.

"Yes, in fact. I do."

"Well, tell us then!"

Arisu seemed a bit curious—no, very curious—to know what the lights were. I glanced at the horizon and remarked cryptically, letting the anticipation linger in the air.

"It might be showing up soon."

Kei and Arisu exchanged puzzled glances, curiosity etched on their faces.

"Well, that's cryptic."

Arisu turned around and began walking again, as if this conversation never happened in the first place.

Kei shrugged it off. And I wondered why it was coming again. I doubted it was to guide me, and confusion began stirring in me.

A few more minutes of walking and talking passed, and I noticed something different about the path we took.

"Arisu, is this the same path we took to get to Mythril Haven? It seems different."

"No, it's not. It's the faster path you all wanted so badly."

"Really? It doesn't seem very fast."

"It's fast for me."

Arisu looked confident for a reason only she could answer. I, however, noticed some animals, or monsters, far ahead of our path.

I had hoped that Arisu wouldn't notice them, as that would be irritating.

She did.

"Ooh look! Animals!"

"Arisu, please don't..."

Arisu simply ignored Kei and her out-of-nowhere Insistence on playing with wild animals spontaneously grew, a whimsical desire clashing with Kei's stern caution.

I glanced at Arisu, her kindhearted energy momentarily overridden by stubborn curiosity.

"Arisu, we can't afford to indulge in impulsive whims."

"Lyssa is right. We need to stay focused, especially considering the mysterious lights we witnessed."

Arisu pouted, a mix of frustration and curiosity evident in her expressive eyes.

"But it could be a chance to discover something new, something extraordinary!"


I cut through Arisu's impulsive enthusiasm; Kei's expression mirrored my disapproval.

Arisu's energetic disposition clashed with the serious tone of our discussion.

Her eyes, usually filled with curiosity, now reflected frustration.


We continued walking through this 'faster path' with Arisu leading the way as always.

The path twisted and turned, revealing unfamiliar terrain.

"Lyssa, are you sure you weren't hallucinating when you saw... whatever you saw?"

Arisu, who had been skipping their way through, suddenly stopped and turned to me.

I met her gaze, a calm certainty settling over me.

"I don't hallucinate, Arisu. Those visions were real. At least, I think so."

"If you say so..."

Arisu, surprisingly, didn't probe more.

Eventually, we reached a large clearing. And, of course, Arisu ran forward into the clearing with joyous cries of delight.

Kei and I watched from afar as she twirled and danced in circles around us, her hair billowing out behind her in the gentle breeze.

There were tiny little firefly-looking creatures that emanated light but no heat or sound.

We watched them flit about gracefully until finally, Arisu gathered enough courage to reach out and touch one, only to have it dissolve into nothingness upon contact.


Arisu, who had looked happy earlier, now sighed in disappointment over accidentally killing the firefly creature thing.

"Arisu, can we go now?"

Arisu crossed her arms and stuck out her tongue in response. She seemed determined to explore this place further.


She sighed heavily and looked away from us, reluctant to leave. She was having too much fun here.

"At this point, we're going to leave you."

Kei spoke softly as he gestured for us to move on.

After some persuasion, Arisu decided to listen to us, and we continued our journey to Obirokuro Bomu once more.


An hour had passed, but Arisu's curiosity remained unsatiated.

She kept stealing glances at the horizon, captivated by its beauty and mystery.

The sun was slowly starting to set, painting the sky shades of orange, pink, and purple. Arisu's eyes were fixed on the breathtaking view, while Kei and I continued walking, gradually moving away from her.

Eventually, we left her there, still entranced by the spellbinding sight before her.

"Hey, wait up!!"

Arisu's voice was loud enough to seem as though she was right in front of me, even though we were far away.

As I turned around, I was taken aback by the sight that unfolded before me.

She was merging with the fading light, almost as if she was trying to speed herself up.

My knowledge of Light Alchemy was limited, and I regretted not paying enough attention in school. However, I knew it was extremely dangerous and could lead to fatal consequences.

The prospect of death loomed large if anything went wrong or if the light completely faded.

However, that's not what happened.

Instead, she was knocked out of her light form and returned as a normal human.

The shimmering lights returned and somehow managed to defy Arisu's alchemy.

The lights were more intense, with them pulsing slight shockwaves.

"Normally, it effortlessly arrives whenever it wants, so why is it requiring effort now? Also, why is it even returning?"

Kei instantly gets into a defensive stance as I go to help Arisu.

"What the hell is this thing?"

An aura of darkness enveloped Kei; the atmosphere crackled with an eerie energy.

"Kei, what's happening?"

Arisu, wide-eyed and alert, shifted her stance, ready for whatever was to come.

Kei's usually stoic conduct wavered as the darkness around him pulsated with an unsettling intensity.

"It's not supposed to be like this."

I approached cautiously, reaching out to touch his shoulder.

A surge of energy vibrated through me as my hand made contact. The shadows seemed to respond, slithering in unstable patterns.

The lights intensified, and Kei drew upon the depths of his Dark Alchemy, conjuring forth the essence of Umbral Eclipse—a manifestation of darkness that defied the usual constraints of mystical manipulation.

Arisu struck too, unleashing Radiant Scorch—a manifestation of pure light that can blind and burn through anything that comes in its way.

But the lights were unaffected.

Suddenly, they burst forth into a dazzling, blinding light that illuminated everything in its path. The light persisted for what felt like an eternity, casting a surreal glow over the surroundings.

As the light gradually faded away, an ethereal, translucent figure emerged, emanating an otherworldly aura that left all who witnessed it in awe.

It was the Guide Phantoul.

The ambient glow of its body accentuated the otherworldly aura surrounding the enigmatic figure.

In the hushed atmosphere, I internally whispered words that resonated with the weight of realisation.

"As I expected..."

The Phantoul sighed, a sound that echoed not only in the air but also within the recesses of my mind.

"That was troublesome..."

Arisu, attuned to the subtle shifts in the atmosphere, instantly shifted to attack mode.

She morphed into a glowing body of light and moved at physically impossible speeds.

"She's using Photonic Step and Bombardment at the same time."

Kei informed me. I turned back to her in surprise.

"What's Photonic Bombardment?"

My query reached Kei's ears as he turned to me.

"Photonic Bombardment is Arisu's release of focused, immense, blinding light energy. It scatters broadly; it's an unyielding, omnidirectional assault capable of singeing anything caught in its radiant storm."

Arisu's radiant form surged forward, unleashing a blinding torrent of light towards the enigmatic Phantoul.

The luminous assault, fueled by her Light Alchemy prowess, aimed to pierce through any mystery surrounding the ethereal being.

"Shouldn't we get out of range then?"

"My Dark Alchemy can shield us from it."

In an instant, I was engulfed by darkness, and all I heard was a colossal explosion. The aftermath was eerily quiet, and I struggled to make sense of what had just happened.

The veil of darkness receded, and I saw a slightly amusing sight: a completely unfazed Guide Phantoul and a perplexed Arisu.

A completely unfazed Guide Phantoul and a perplexed Arisu.

"Kei, what is this thing? Why didn't my attack work?"

Kei's dark aura wavered, a rare display of uncertainty.

I have to admit. I did anticipate her attack to be ineffective at the time.

"Whatever this... ethereal being is, it doesn't seem hostile."

Kei finally spoke up, breaking the momentary silence.

"What are your intentions? Why do you still cling to me?"

I took slow steps towards the Phantoul. Its glow seemed to pulse in response, its form twisting and shifting like wisps of smoke caught in a breeze.

It regarded me with an unreadable expression before finally speaking, its voice echoing softly through the shadows.

"Lyssa, a Guide Phantoul stays with an immortal for three weeks; it has only been one week for us."

I frowned, trying to piece together the meaning behind its cryptic words.

My gaze shifted to Arisu, who watched us both with wide, curious eyes. The Phantoul continued, now addressing her as well.

"Our current situation is the result of a series of events that were set into motion without your knowledge—events that have led us to this very moment."

Arisu tilted her head, clearly fascinated by the Phantoul's nature.

She stepped closer, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"You look so cool! What are you? Where do you come from? When did you first meet Lyssa?"

The Phantoul gazed at Arisu with its usual expressionless appearance; Arisu's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"It's a guide; it's supposed to guide me. But it hasn't been doing much of that lately."

The wind blew softly through my hair, carrying with it the faint scent of damp earth and blooming flowers.

The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving a canopy of stars above us. I glanced at Arisu, her eyes still wide with curiosity, reflecting the starlight in their depths.

"Phantoul, if you are a guide, as Lyssa claims, then what exactly are you? Are you a spirit or something else entirely?"

Arisu took a step closer to the Phantoul; she was completely taken over by curiosity.

The Phantoul remained silent, its ethereal glow casting eerie shadows across the forest floor. It seemed to be contemplating its response—or lack thereof—before turning its attention back to me, as if dismissing Arisu's question altogether.

"Lyssa, heed my warning, for there is a great peril that approaches. A being that has broken out of The Void."

"You're acting as if I know what the void is."

"It is similar to your limbo, but instead of for the deceased, it's for the erased."

"The erased?"

The phantoul's glow dimmed slightly; perhaps that was its way of showing emotion?

"Beings erased from existence."

Arisu's energy transformed into stillness, captivated by the enigmatic tale.

"Erased? From existence?"

The Phantoul nodded solemnly, confirming her worst fears.

"Ok. But what does that have to do with Lyssa?"

She pressed further.

Kei, who had been quiet this whole time, finally spoke up.

"She's the key to stopping this being from wreaking havoc, I'm guessing. She possesses a unique power that can seal the breach between realms and restore balance. But she must be prepared, for the journey ahead will test her strength and resolve like never before."

Kei's words hung in the air, the weight of their meaning sinking in.

"You are incorrect."

The Phantoul turned away from Kei; Arisu's eyes widened in surprise; her curiosity now piqued even further.

"If Lyssa isn't the key, then who is?"

The Phantoul remained silent, its gaze fixed on the distant horizon as if searching for an answer.

"It is not whether Lyssa is the key or not; it is about whether she chooses to be."

"This just added a whole new meaning to my role in this new world. And what about my revenge against Fides? Does it even matter anymore at this point?"

My mind ran wild after the Phantoul's response.

"But if I don't fulfil my revenge, I'll never be able to be with my family again."

The Phantoul slowly turned towards me; its eerie glow grew brighter with each passing moment.

"I should not be telling you this. But there are six beings capable of defeating this entity. Six beings, each with their own unique power."

"Six beings? Am I one of them?"

"No. These beings have a unique item that makes them capable. You don't have such an item. However, I do notice you have a trinket. The Trinket of Tyranny."

My eyes followed Arisu's movements as she held the trinket tightly against her chest.

She shifted her attention to the mysterious Phantoul.

"Do you mean this?"

Arisu slowly stepped forward, holding up the Trinket of Tyranny. It glowed faintly, casting an eerie light on her face.

The Phantoul's glow intensified further. Its gaze was firmly fixed on the trinket, and an almost tangible sense of anticipation filled the air.

"Yes, that is it. That item is dangerous and can overtake someone's mind. It is greatly tied to this entity."

I watched as Arisu's eyes widened in surprise, clearly struggling to believe what she was hearing.

When she turned to face me, her expression was a mix of confusion and shock. The weight of the revelation seemed to hit her all at once, and I could see her struggling to process it all.

But I was just as confused. So many questions were swirling in my mind.

Suddenly, the Phantoul's luminescence dimmed, and it pivoted to fixate its gaze on me.

"Where did you find such an item?"

"It was Arisu who bought it from a merchant in Mythril Haven."

"Bought... it?"

The Phantoul's brows furrowed in confusion, its eyes scanning the surroundings in search of answers.

"Yes, she did. We didn't know its significance then."

"Whoever you bought it from probably was not a real person, but either an illusion or one of the six beings if they can wield the trinket without powering the entity."

"An illusion? Or one of the six beings? But why would they sell it to us?" 

The Phantoul's ethereal glow wavered, mirroring the perplexity that infiltrated my own thoughts. The uncertainty, like an elusive mist, enveloped the air.

"Why would they sell it to us?" I questioned, my voice carrying the weight of bewilderment.

"That I cannot answer."

As the Phantoul readied itself to depart, Kei intercepted with a crucial inquiry, his words slicing through the fading echoes of our conversation.

"Wait, but how do we stop this being from 'The Void'?"

"You are not one of the six beings. You cannot stop it."

Arisu, ever the curious spirit, attempted to interject, her voice barely escaping the Phantoul's declaration.


"However, there is a seventh item I have heard about."

A sudden halt marked the Phantoul's revelation. My ears, attuned to every nuance of its cryptic disclosures, perked up as it hinted at a potential resolution.

"What item?"

With an air of authority, it turned to face me fully, as if to emphasise the gravity of what it was about to say.

"The Black Heart."

The utterance of those two words cast a sudden hush over the surroundings. At that moment, the world seemed to freeze—the birds suspended their songs, the wind held its breath, and the distant trees ceased their dance.

Everywhere became silent.