
Reaper: The Archon of Death

After a false accusation leads to a family's execution, one soul becomes trapped in an eternal abyss, unable to move on. However, a shimmering light brings forth an ethereal being who provides limited but invaluable guidance. With this guidance, the soul embarks on a new journey, paving the way for a new odyssey.

Antivoid · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs


In the calm embrace of the village centre—hidden from the unknown shadows that lurked beyond—I moved with gentle steps as I strolled on through.

The daily lives of its inhabitants unfolded like a serene painting. The rhythm of their existence flowed in harmony with the world around them.

The air was filled with the fragrant melodies of blooming flowers, and the joyful laughter of children playing in the streets contributed to a heartwarming atmosphere that transcended the mundane.

I couldn't help but admire the exotic yet enticing sights that surrounded me—the freshly stocked stalls, the homes situated with vibrant gardens, and the workplaces filled with diligent residents.

Whether they're tending the fields, crafting goods, or simply sharing stories in the town square, the villagers always have a smile on their faces. It was all so different from the world I had known.

As I continued my journey through the streets of the village centre, the noise and chaos began to dissipate as I ventured further away.

Eventually, I found myself on a picturesque country lane, surrounded by the tranquillity of nature. The air was crisp and clean, and the scent of freshly cut grass filled my nostrils.

As I looked to my right, I saw a beautiful pond, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the blueish sky above.

I took a few steps closer to the pond and noticed the vibrant colours of the flowers and plants surrounding it.

I couldn't help but notice the multi-coloured grass, which seemed to be alive with a thousand different shades and hues, each one more vibrant and vivid than the last.

It was still a mystery to me how nature had managed to create such grass.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly became aware of Arisu, who was sitting on a bench by the pond.

Her hair, resembling the pond's serene hue, shimmered in harmony with its waters. A gentle breeze tousled her hair, enhancing her beauty to a level reminiscent of a delicate porcelain doll.

"Arisu!" I called out.

Arisu turned.

"Lyssa, you're here," she replied, her voice carrying a warm and welcoming tone that reflected her kind-hearted nature.

I returned her smile. "I decided to take a walk around the village. It's such a peaceful place."

Arisu nodded, her eyes still fixed on the tranquil pond. "It really is. This pond, in particular, has a calming effect on everyone. It's like a hidden oasis."

I sat down on the bench next to her, taking in the peaceful surroundings. The cool breeze was refreshing, and the rustling leaves of the trees created a soothing melody.

"Arisu, I've noticed something about the forest." I began.

Arisu tilted her head, and her curiosity piqued. "What is it, Lyssa?"

"I think it's healing itself." I revealed.

"Healing itself?" Arisu echoed, her voice tinged with wonder.

"Yes," I confirmed. "I've seen the crater closing and the trees regrowing. The forest is healing itself."

Arisu's laughter, like a gentle stream, echoed through the serene atmosphere. "Well, that's a good sign. The Sacred Forest lives on!" She exclaimed, her voice filled with hope and excitement.

I couldn't help but feel curious: "But why is the forest sacred, Arisu? Do you know?" I asked her.

Arisu looked at me as if she were clueless herself. "I don't really know," she admitted. "All I understand is that it's been with us for generations, protected by a magic-nullifying zone, and it saved our village."

"Really?" I inquired.

"We're not really taught much about the forest other than these things; you'd have to go to a special school for that, which I never went to," Arisu replied, kicking her feet lightly, "but there's something special about it. You can feel it when you're in it. It's as if the trees have lives of their own and the air is filled with magic."

"I see..."

Arisu stood up from the bench and turned to face me.

"Well," she said, her voice surprisingly calm and measured, "shall we see Kei now?"

I nodded in agreement and stood up, following Arisu as she led me to her house.

As we walked further, I couldn't help but admire the lush greenery and the well-kept houses that we passed by.

"The villagers seem so connected to each other, Arisu," I said. "It's like a big family."

But as soon as the word "family" left my lips, I hesitated. The thought of family reminded me of my own, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever be with my own again.

Tucked away in a quiet village corner, Arisu's house exuded warmth and comfort.

As Arisu opened the door, she called out, "Kei, Lyssa's back!"

Kei, after twenty seconds of waiting, came through the back door, drenched in sweat.

After a brief pause, Kei emerged from the back door, drenched in sweat. "Why?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

Arisu stared at Kei with an eerie smile.

"Please don't be rude."

I looked around, taking in the peaceful surroundings, and then turned to the smiling Arisu. "Arisu, now may be a great time to tell you." I began, "I noticed something strange when I arrived at the village—humanoid shadows, watching." I explained.

Arisu and Kei exchanged a quick, concerned glance before turning back to me, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Humanoid shadows? Are you sure, Lyssa?" Arisu inquired.

I nodded. "They were huge, almost twice the size of a normal human."

Kei, the usually stoic presence in the room, couldn't hide his unease either. He stepped forward, his voice measured but laced with underlying concern. "This is unusual. Humanoid shadows are rarely seen, and when they are, it's not a good sign."

"They're often linked to orcs. Orcs are not to be underestimated; they can be incredibly dangerous." Arisu continued.

I looked at Arisu with confusion. "Orcs? What are those?"

Kei, still cautious but willing to share knowledge, began to explain. "Orcs are formidable beings, often characterised by their brutish appearance. They possess incredible strength and are known for their ferocity. They're hostile and will attack any living thing. If they are indeed connected to the shadows you saw, it's a matter of great concern. This might be another battle."

Arisu's gaze shifted between us, and she spoke with a sense of urgency: "We need to inform the village leader about this. Those shadows I saw in the forest might be connected to orcs. This is not something to take lightly."

Kei tilted his head up and down in a gesture of agreement.

Arisu wasted no time in leading the way to the village leader's house. Kei and I followed her.

As we moved through the serene village and its lush surroundings, some flora entered my view.

Amid our conversation about the forest's mysteries and potential threats, I discreetly stepped closer to one of these plants.

Its leaves shimmered with an ethereal light, and its roots dug deep into the fertile earth as if connected to a wellspring of life.

My fingers brushed the plant's leaves gently with a soft caress and with a single, subtle touch with all five fingers, unseen by the others. The plant perished; its soul merged with my abdomen.

After that, I caught up with Arisu and Kei and continued our journey to the leader's residence.

The village leader's residence was a modest yet dignified structure, nestled among a grove of ancient trees. It seemed to echo the wisdom of generations past.

Arisu knocked on the ornate wooden door, and moments later, it creaked open, revealing an elderly figure with white hair.


"Arisu, Kei, Lyssa." He smiled. "What brings you here today?"

Arisu, with a deep breath, explained the peculiar occurrences we had witnessed in the forest.

She spoke of the humanoid shadows I noticed, their possible connection to orcs, and the possible threat they could pose to the village.

The village leader listened intently, his brows furrowing with concern. "This is indeed troubling. We must investigate this matter further," he stated, his words resonating with a sense of responsibility.

As we were discussing my findings, a sudden commotion erupted from outside, breaking the flow of our conversation. Shouting voices filled the air, their urgency echoing through the village leader's residence.

The village leader's eyes widened in alarm, and he turned to us. "It seems that our concerns are not unfounded. We must act swiftly and decisively. This may be a threat to our village's safety."

As we rushed outside to investigate the commotion, chaos engulfed the village.

The once-peaceful surroundings were now marred by brutish orcs, their massive forms wreaking havoc.

In the blink of an eye, Kei sprang into action. His form moved like a blur, swift and graceful. Able to cover long distances in a matter of seconds.

He leapt into the fray, and as he did, his hand glowed with an eerie darkness.

The dark energy swirled around his palm, ready to be unleashed against the approaching orcs. With precise control, he directed the dark energy at the closest orc.

However, to Kei's dismay, the attack did nothing more than inflict pain. The orc remained on its feet, its tough skin resisting the dark energy's intended effects.

Though he could sense the other orcs coming after him from a mile away, It seemed like.

I watched as Kei displayed his abilities in front of me. His agility and mastery over dark energy were incredible, even if they weren't enough to bring the orcs to their knees.

But the village was in a tight spot now as the village warriors were failing to defend themselves. The orcs were relentless, and their sheer physical power posed a significant challenge.

It made me wonder how they survived previous attacks.

Arisu, who seemed to appear out of nowhere, spoke to me.

"Lyssa, orcs are tough opponents. Despite having a very low pain tolerance, their skin is stronger than 'Black Unobtanium', and their brute strength is formidable." She revealed, "Kei's dark alchemy is ineffective against them."

"Black Unobtanium?" I echoed.

Arisu nodded. "It's a rare mineral with unique properties. It's so tough that it can resist most kinds of damage."

"I see..." I replied, absorbing the information.

Arisu continued, "The village warriors are struggling to defend themselves against the Orcs. It looks like they won't be able to hold out for much longer."

The situation looked grim as the village struggled to defend itself against the relentless orc assault.

I even noticed some villagers retreating to the forest and engaging in mysterious prayers, perhaps seeking divine intervention.

Suddenly, a powerful orc narrowly avoided slamming Kei against the ground.

Arisu gasped, her eyes widening as she witnessed the scene. Without hesitation, she sprinted back into the midst of the battle.

As she closed in on the nearest orc, Arisu's eyes blazed with an intensity that rivalled the sun at its zenith. She raised her palm, and from it, a radiant light burst forth, blinding the orc assailants momentarily.

"Kei, are you okay?!" She clamoured, her voice laced with concern.

"You didn't need to do that." He muttered back as he summoned dark katanas, duel-welding them.

Arisu dodged a massive orc fist with an agility that defied belief, then unleashed another burst of radiant energy—though failing to pierce through the orcs' tough exterior—caused them to wince in pain.

"But I did!" She eventually replied.

Kei adjusted his tactics, focusing on distracting the massive assailants and using his speed and agility to evade their attacks.

The dark energy in his hands swirled ominously, waiting for the perfect moment.

As the battle raged on, I couldn't stand by as a mere spectator; I secretly approached one of the orcs with measured steps.

Going unnoticed by everyone, I reached out and touched the back of its head without any hesitation.

The orc's eyes widened with a mixture of confusion and pain as it almost instantly fell to the ground, lifeless.

Its soul merged with my abdomen. I repeated this with several orcs.

I had killed ten orcs in total, and I felt a slight and unusual sense of satisfaction.

Arisu glanced in my direction, witnessing the fallen orcs. Her expression shifted to a look of bewilderment, but she soon regained her composure.

Kei, noticing Arisu's shift in attention, followed her gaze, his eyes narrowing as he observed my actions.

"Lyssa!" Kei called out. "Be careful!"

But it was too late. An orc barrelled towards me while screaming a gurgled mess, its form moving with an unnerving speed.

I managed to sidestep the initial attack, but the orc's massive form collided with me, sending me hurtling across the village square.

I hit the ground with a sickening thud, the impact jarring every bone in my body.

As I lay there, winded and disoriented, the Orc reeled in pain, its eyes glinting with discomfort and malice.

I watched as another Orc loomed over me, its massive form casting a shadow over my prone form.

Suddenly, Kei appeared, his movements a blur. With deadly precision, he unleashed a barrage of dark katanas.

Instinctively, I raised my hand out, and shadows wrapped around every Orc there was.

The orcs stood frozen, their bodies constricted by the shadows as they were lifted off the ground. Kei's eyes widened in amazement as he gazed in awe at the incredible display of power.

Arisu rushed over, equally stunned by what she was seeing. "Lyssa, how are you doing this?" She asked, her voice laced with both curiosity and surprise.

Despite their inquiries, I remained silent, focused on maintaining my hold on the orcs and keeping them restrained.

Kei's voice cut through the chaos, and his eyes locked onto me as he shouted, "Lyssa, your ability... It's incredible!"

Arisu, still at my side, added, "You're turning the tide, Lyssa! Keep going!"

Arisu lightly brushed her fingers against one of the shadowy tendrils before leaping and swiftly running along its length.

The remaining orcs watched as their companions were bound by my shadows.

They tried attacking me but couldn't get very far due to my shadows' restrictive capabilities.

Arisu took advantage of their vulnerability, unleashing radiant blasts upon the orcs until one orc remained alive, restrained.

Arisu stared down at the orc, her expression betraying a mixture of emotions.

I slammed the Orc into the ground, causing it great pain, and touched its green, rough back. Its soul merged with my abdomen.

Villagers erupt into a spontaneous celebration, with Arisu and Kei looking on in disbelief at the Orcs' annihilation.

The villagers gathered around, their expressions a mixture of relief and gratitude. Their cheers echoed through the village centre, celebrating our victory over the orcs.

Arisu beamed, her eyes brimming with joy and pride. Kei, maintaining his stoic demeanour, couldn't help but feel amazed at Lyssa's abilities.

Suddenly, Arisu turned to Kei, her voice filled with excitement and curiosity. "Kei, Lyssa has incredible abilities!" She exclaimed.

Kei, whose voice was measured and controlled, agreed. "Indeed, she does," he replied. "Her shadows are unlike anything I've ever seen."

As Arisu continued to gush about my abilities, I remained silent, taking in the scene around me.

The villagers were all gathered together, celebrating their victory in Shantai and expressing their gratitude towards each other.

I took this moment to sneak out of the village and wander to the 'sacred forest', taking meticulous steps back to the clearing.

Once there, I opened a rift back to the Limbo with a hint of anticipation etched into my face.

And, as I anticipated, souls—specifically from the eleven Orcs I massacred—floated throughout the place.

Their memories were simply waiting to be reaped by me; I wasted no time reaching out to them one by one and absorbing the memories that lay within them.

Every single one of them consisted of a shadowed humanoid. Dissatisfied with this outcome, I chose to see through the shadows.

Behind the mask of shadows was a tall man with crimson red hair and green, mischievous, but serious eyes. A self-assured, sinister, and enigmatic smile graced his lips, giving the impression that he was the mastermind behind the attack."

He also had a crystal in his abdomen, specifically a green one. I couldn't tell if this was D.K. or not, but I could tell that he was an archon; it was intriguing.

As I absorbed every drop of their memories, the souls fell to the ground, forming crosses as a marker like every other soul.

I decided to quickly exit the Limbo, but not before gazing back at it. I looked at the crosses and felt the souls that lingered beside them.

"This... all of this... Just for my soul. Just to meet my family again... Is it truly worth it?" I mulled to myself.

Stepping through the rift, I welcomed the tranquil woods that encircled the clearing I returned to.

Walking back to the village, I realised that other than the village and the forest, I had no idea where I was.

For all I knew, I could have been in a completely different world.

With that thought in my mind, I managed to return to the village without anyone having suspicions of me...

And that's when Arisu showed up.

"Lyssa! I've seen many powerful abilities, but what you just did with the shadows—it's something entirely different and cool! How did you manage to restrain those orcs so effortlessly?" She asked me with genuine curiosity.

"It's not just about the shadows strength; it's about the way I control them," I replied. "I've spent years mastering controlling shadows, and it's allowed me to harness their power in various ways."

"Shadow Manipulation..." Arisu echoed with fascination and excitement.

As Arisu's questions about my 'Shadow Manipulation' arose, my mind wandered off again.

"I've noticed I've been using a lot more energy than usual. It's tiring sometimes... But why am I even using so much energy in the first place? Is it because of this new body, or is it something else entirely..."

"Maybe it's just chance... Or a coincidence."

My contemplation was broken by one word Arisu spat out of her storm-like mouth—family.

I turned to look at her, she was talking to Kei.

"How come we haven't seen your family? Especially me!" Was the question she asked.

Kei's gaze softened as he considered her question. "Arisu," he began, "my family... they're not in the village."

Arisu's curiosity didn't wane, and she continued to press. "Oh... Well, shall we go meet them?"

Kei's eyes darted around, and he was clearly hesitant to answer.

But after a while, he finally spoke, "Arisu, my family is not in the village, but I appreciate your offer. Perhaps one day, I'll take you to meet them."

Arisu's face brightened, and her energy seemed to return as she accepted his answer with a smile.

"That sounds wonderful, Kei. I look forward to that day."

The two continued their conversation, seemingly forgetting about my presence while I, on the other hand, was intrigued by Kei's reluctance to talk about his family.

I couldn't help but wonder what secrets he was hiding.

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