
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantaisie
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152 Chs

The Death of a Legend

A few minutes earlier…

"Hmm… now, Angel while it isn't impossible to fix this current problem of yours… you didn't tell me I'd have to be dealing with a fucking black hole?!" St. Vil shouted as he gazed at Angel before shaking his head in disbelief.

"Oh, but by how confident you sounded, I thought this was going to be a piece of cake for the magnificent St. Vil! Are you now saying you aren't as powerful as you, Oh Lord?" Angel teased as he watched St. Vil pulse with anger.

"Tsk, if I was in my prime this would be nothing, but a Lionheart never goes back on their promise, so please try not to shit your pants in amazement, Angel."

"I won't but please do give it your all, St. Vil as time's ticking and my job starts in eight minutes. So, could you please hurry up," He stated with a smile as St. Vil glanced at him before smirking as he raised his right hand to the sky.

"Now due to our unique predicament, I am going to need you to copy everything I say and do from this point onward, is that clear Angel?"

"Yes, sir!" Angel replied as he raised his left hand as well.

"Thank you, well then good luck and I hope to see you on the other side pal," St. Vil commented before getting serious as he and Angel began to slowly say something in Latin, "O magne Deus Infinitorum siderum, commoda mihi potestatem tuam, ut his mortalibus virtutem tuam ostendam!"

Causing their surroundings to get brighter as their palms began to exude a whitish glow as stars appeared in the sky and began to provide them with energy. 

'Now just breathe, Angel and allow me to do the rest,' St. Vil whispered as he took control of the situation before Angel could accidentally ruin their only chance to get rid of this situation.

"Okay, but are you got this as this doesn't seem like something you can handle in your current state?" Angel asked with worry as he could see St. Vil's astral body was beginning to fluctuate.

'I'm fine just give me a few more minutes and everything should be Gucci.'

"If you say so, man... but hey, if you need any help do please tell me. As we are a team at the end of the day until you can recreate your body, St. Vil."

"Stop worrying about me and focus on getting to your job, as I promise it'll take more than this for me to die."


Coincidentally upon realizing her technique didn't work as intended, a beam of whitish light suddenly flew past her from out of nowhere and struck the black hole. Immediately leading to its gradual disappearance until it was nothing but the size of a penny.

Swoosh! Plop!

Yet just as the black hole was about to shrink and vanish from our known reality, a dim ominous light traveling faster than the speed of light tried to wiggle its way out. However, its efforts were in vain as no matter what it did it couldn't escape the gravitational pull of the black hole.

That seemed intent on dragging it back into the abyss, where it's been kept captive for three millenniums, however, at that moment, something within the mortal realm called out to it. 

Giving it the strength needed to free itself from captivity yet while beyond happy, it knew nothing in life was free. Even though this was the first time in a long time, it got to feel the warmth of the Sun as it passed through its translucent body.

Which brought a smile to its face, seemingly vanquishing all of its worries and problems for just a moment. Before it boldly shouted at the heavens, "I Luke J. Void have returned, and I swear to the high heavens and the Gods above that'll reclaim what was rightfully mine or I shall not be worthy of my destiny!"

However, just as Luke was about to find a worthy inheritor, the being that saved him snapped its fingers. Freezing him in place before waving his hand summoning Luke toward some sort of hovering vehicle.

Where he could see a baby sleeping in a weird crib and two Japanese adults arguing along with an Archangel that wore a broken crown and had grayish wings. Who was gazing at him with interest and disdain as the Purple Obsidian Tiger-eyed Scythe on its back radiated a fiendish glow?

'Just what the fuck is going on?' Luke wondered as he couldn't wrap his head around his current situation.

'Yawn, while I would love to tell you… my time is running short, so is my descendant worthy enough to inherit your Destiny, Karma, and Potential, Luke J. Void, the fabled Destroyer.' Cloud asked as he pointed at the sleeping Rin.

'Wait, huh… what do you mean is your descendant worthy?! Of course, he is if his Bloodline Ancestor is an Archangel!' Luke exclaimed with joy at finding an inheritor after suffering for three millenniums in that hellhole.

'Well, then it was nice meeting you, Luke… but off you go, toddles,' Cloud muttered as he crushed Luke's soul and merged it with Rin's Soul Palace, the cornerstone of a cultivator's life and an indicator of their potential. 

Before returning to Rin's body and entering dormancy until his bloodline races the third transformation.


"Wait, wait where did that black hole, you opened a while ago vanish to?!" Crystal shouted with confusion upon noticing the black hole vanished and Japan was safe and sound as if nothing had occurred a moment ago.

"Who knows and who cares, honey as long as y'all are alright that's all that matters to me," Adam stated as he began driving toward Fukuchiyama, Kyoto, the home of the Kurama Clan.

"Tsk, but still I can't believe you would put our son's life at stake, Adam! Just what type of father does that to his newborn and recently discharged wife?" Crystal shouted as while she was happy to know Japan, she still couldn't get over how they nearly could have lost their lives at any moment if things didn't work out the way they did.

"Sigh, I…I-I'm sorry Crystal, I didn't mean to upset you or endanger the life of our son, it's just that in the spur of the moment my alter ego took over and said fuck it." Adam sighed as he put the car on autopilot and turned toward Crystal.

Stopping her before she could respond as he placed his finger on her lips, "But that isn't an excuse for my poor performance as both a husband and a father and I'm sorry, I couldn't be there when you most needed me, Crystal. However, moving forward I promise to be the best father and husband, someone could ask for to both you and Rin… so please do bear with me as I'm still new to fatherhood."

Sniffle. Sniffle.

"A…A-Adam, I didn't mean it like that as you aren't a horrible father, baby. Nonetheless, your actions could have been different, idiot! But thanks for the honesty and sincere promise to do better mobbing forward," Crystal smiled as she jumped into Adam's embrace and gave him a hundred kisses as tears slowly trickled down her face as she digested everything Adam said.


An hour later…

After returning from the hospital and surviving an encounter with a black hole, the trio finally reached home at last. So, as they reached the inner territory of the Kurama Clan you could see a crystalized gate made of purified silver tongue standing proudly as sky-high walls surrounded it. 

"Even though I've seen it a million times, I still can't help but admire its craftsmanship!" Adam exclaimed after landing the car and getting out with Crystal who was holding a sleeping Rin in her embrace.

"Hey, could you open up the gate for us?" Adam asked politely after walking towards a nearby security post and knocking on its glass window.

Abruptly startling the person inside, who was sleeping peacefully, "Hmm… Sorry, about that I'll immediately open the gate, sir!" The person inside replied with a yawn as they stretched a bit, before shooting a ray of light into the crystallized gates.

"Take your time and are you Ben's son by any chance?" Adam asked as the gatekeeper held an uncanny resemblance to an old friend of his.

"Actually, yes… I do, sir how did you know that?" Matt asked curiously as the gate began to open.

"You remind me of him, but it seems time is not on our side, so whenever you're free do come by my office," Adam said as he took his wife's hand and walked inside as the car suddenly vanished from its position and swiftly entered a hidden garage.