
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantaisie
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152 Chs

Journey to the Shinobi Clan

"So, Rin, what did you do in these last 5 years?" asked Maze after getting bored of glancing out the window of the Jet S7L Dock Cruiser, which was in its second form, a metallic black private jet that had the interior space of a medium-sized house.

"Well, besides traveling, slaying monsters, meeting some interesting people, and sneaking into mystic zones that was about it," Rin replied to Maze who was sitting across from him.

"At least you got to leave the compound… so, what is a mystic zone?" Maze asked curiously with a glimmer in her eyes as this was the first time she had ever heard of a mystic zone.

"They are like miniature versions of pocket worlds or even larger, that can be found wherever there is a high concentration of energy. Or behind the gates of an array, created with the intent of finding a successor, tailored towards gauging a cultivator's heart, body, and mind."

"So, is possible for me to enter a mystic zone?" Maze wondered as from the sound of it, it seemed like something that would be fun.

"Of course, however, I would wait until we arrived at the Academy before you dare venture into a Mystic Realm, Maze. Since they can be quite dangerous if explored alone," Rin warned Maze as he did not want her to suffer at the hands of Mystic Bandits.

A term used to describe people who venture into Mystic Realms solely to steal from newbie adventurers.

"Bet! So, does that mean once we get settled in and everything, you will travel with me into a Mystic Realm if the Academy has any?!" Maze exclaimed as she stared at Rin before giggling at his stunned face.

"Maze, I don't think you~" Rin was about to say before he was interrupted by his cousin.

"Sorry, but Rin if you don't venture with me into a Mystic Realm… I am going to tell Aunty and Uncle about your fling in Denmark with J~" Maze whispered as she leaned forward.

"Tsk, you win Maze, I'll accompany you into a Mystic Realm, just promise me you'll listen to my commands and not stray off the path." Rin sighed as gave up and just let her win.

"Wait, wait you're not afraid I might spread the news, Rin?" Maze asked confused as to why her cousin was so common when she held info that could stain his reputation.

"Honestly, I could care less as eventually the world will learn what is hidden in the dark, so what is the point of denying it? Plus, you will meet her eventually so what is the worst that could happen between now and the start of school?" Rin said as he closed his eyes and returned to meditation.

'Hmm, while commendable are you sure that's how she sees it, Rin as even though you may not care she surely does….' Maze thought as she glanced at cousin before shaking her head and getting something to eat in the meantime until they arrived.


Simultaneously as Rin and his family traveled to Nakatsugawa, two friends were sparring in a forest within the Cerulean Empire…


"Come on man, were you not just a Peak Demonic Cultivator three months, how can you already be a Mid Lower God? It has only been like a week since I last visited… cannot you give your body time to adjust to your newfound strength, Zack?"

Dante asked as he could not believe this was the same guy, he used to bully when they were kids as he deflected Jake's attack and jumped back. Before sending a sword slash mid-air to mess up Zake's rhythm while giving himself time to predict his next attack.

"And that's why you're here Dante so until the day, I reclaim my spot among the Seven Kings of Sanction. You will continue being my sparring partner and best friend," Zack replied with a laugh as he dashed towards Dante and split into two identical clones, evading the sword slash that was about to hit him as he continued toward Dante.

While ordering the clone to conceal itself and wait for his signal to attack.

"Hmm, decent tactic but come on you can do better than that!" Dante shouted as he stomped on the ground and shot into the air, dodging the dagger that was about to stab him.

Along with a chain whip that cut through the air and grazed his left cheek at the last moment, if he did not perform an air kick and a somersault midair.

"Sigh, you talk about me but aren't you already a God?" Zack complained as he retraced his chain whip and placed it back in his multi-K.


"Maybe," Dante shrugged as he landed, "However, with your current speed it seems in a couple of years you might just be able to reclaim your title, Zack. So, since we're done sparing do you to go spectate the Shinobi Clans annual competition."

"Sure, however, let's have one final clash before we depart," Zack said as he removed the spear holstered on his back and bent his knees as he held the spear as if he were charging.

"… fine but we're only exchanging one blow, so whoever wins or loses takes all, okay," Dante smiled as he lowered his center of gravity and held the hilt of his sword as he got ready to perform something similar to a quick draw.

"So, are you ready to lose?" Dante and Zack asked at the same time before laughing and dashing toward each other as they shouted their respective skills.

"Omega Slash: First Form – Lightning!" Dante shouted as electricity began to gather around his eyes which briefly turned gold for a second, before vanishing as he swiped his sword and sheathed it with a click immediately afterward.

"Dragon's King Fury: Third Form – Unstoppable!" Zack exclaimed as a Dragon shadow rose from behind him and roared as it fused with him and caused the spear he held to transform as scales appeared upon it. While a bluish energy began to coat the tip of the spear. 

Whoosh! Zap! Clang! Kaboom!

"Sorry, Zack but while I may say you're quite strong for your realm, I'm still your big dawg at the end of the day," Dante smiled as he turned around and got a glimpse of a blue dome amid a cloud of dust.

Swirling around his best friend which vanished afterward, displaying the damage their attacks did to the environment as a gigantic crater was all that was left after their clash. Which destroyed any nearby vegetation and scared away any creatures in the surroundings.

"Cough! Damn, Dante do you know how difficult it is to activate this damn thing! Sigh just why cannot you at least give me a free win for once," Zack said as he picked himself up and glanced at Dante with ire after he nearly killed him.

Fortunately, the Azure Dragon Dome, a defensive artifact his late father gave him, activated at the last minute, or else he would have been seriously injured on the brink of death.

"No can-do buddy, but at least you didn't die like last time," Dante chuckled as he approached the crown prince of the Cerulean Empire and slapped his shoulder.

Nearly causing the latter to stumble as he glared at his best friend shooting into the sky and speeding toward the Shinobi Clan.

"Bro… relax, it isn't like you have not suffered worse at the hands of~," Dante said before shouting up as he could sense Zack, he was not in the joking mood anymore.

"Dante, please don't bring up anything that has to do with those vermin's… as you of all people, should know how I feel about them." 

"Sorry, Zack, I promise it won't happen again," Dante apologized as he stopped and bowed.

 "Thank you," Zack said as he took a couple of deep breaths and returned to his usual self.

10 minutes later…

"So, considering you are now back to your usual self, how about we have a little race to see who'll reach Nakatsugawa first?" Dante proposed as they had only a mile left to cover before they reached Asia.

"Sure, however, if you lose you must give me a technique of the Heaven Rank?" Zack stated as he knew while Dante might be stronger than him in combat, if he wanted to escape not even a Quasi-True God could catch him.

"Aww, so you think you are faster than me, Zack?" Dante asked with a devilish grin as he gazed at Zack as if he was a fool.

"Yup, so do dare bet or are you too poor to hand out a Hevan Rank technique, Dante?"

"Oh, okay I see how it is, however, instead of a Heaven Rank technique I want Spiro, Zack is that fine?"

"Tsk, greedy bastard but okay, I'll give you Spiro if you win," Zack agreed as they both looked at each other and nodded.

Before a blue aura began to surround Zack while a red aura surrounded Dante as the two turned into intertwining bolts of red and blue lighting. Breaking the sound barrier in the process as they zoomed toward the Shinobi Clan as if their lives depended on it.