
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantaisie
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152 Chs

Field Trip - Part 6: Aftermath

Back at the resort...

"Oh, if it isn't the notorious Rin Kurama, so what brings you here to this humble abode of mine?" A tall blinded-folded bald man wearing an expensive suit with a diamond cane in his right hand asked with a smile as he turned around to face Rin.

After he was notified by his bodyguard, that a suspicious individual appeared at the crime scene right after the police left not too long ago out of nowhere.

"Nothing, sir sorry for the intrusion I seem to have teleported to the wrong destination, so if you do not mind, I will be taking~" Rin replied after being caught red-handed trying to sneak away from a crime scene.

As the moment, he arrived in the dining hall, he noticed a group of police officers leaving as a few cameramen were taking a couple more photos of the scene. While others quickly wrote down some notes on their yellow notepads.

Before leaving as well yet that was not all as yellow tape, number tags, and fresh chalk were placed all around the hall. Marking specific places and creating a visual representation of what happened earlier today.

"Not so fast buddy, as there are a few questions your teacher said you might be able to help answer for me. Now knowing your family background and the character you seem to have developed, I can say for certain you are a man who does not like problems just like me. So please enlighten me on the course of events that transpired today at my resort, during my absence," The man stated as he flashed a brief but menacing smile toward Rin before proceeding to walk toward his office with his bodyguard following right behind them. 

Who kept a blank face throughout the entire situation and just kept an eye on Rin.

'Fuck! If it is not one thing it is another, just why must life be so difficult for me.' Rin thought as he trailed behind them, silently debating if the Goddess of Destiny held a grudge against him.

4 minutes later…

"Um, sir is there a possibility I could drop something off to my teacher real quick? I promise it'll only take me like five to ten minutes tops." Rin asked as he just remembered he had to inform Niko of Billy's status.

"Sure, just don't take too long… Oh and do tell your teacher, Niko, I said thanks for choosing to stay at the Outrigger Surf Hilton Resort. Even though his stay here was only temporary, it was a blessing to serve such a distinguished guest." The man said with glee acting completely different from how he was just a while ago to Rin.

"I will," Rin said as he looked for the nearest staircase and dashed upstairs to Niko's room.


Meanwhile, as Rin went to drop off Billy…

"Joe, what do you make of this situation?" The blind man asked as he gazed at his bodyguard the moment Rin left.

"I believe it was a staged operation, sir," A light skin man weighing more than 250 pounds and about six and a half feet tall made of steel replied monotonously as he gazed at the ceiling.

"And would you say that?" The blind man asked curiously as he began connecting dots but was not too sure of his guess.

"Because it happened right after we left to... along with the fact that the defensive and sensing array didn't activate as if someone purposely wanted us not to be notified of the situation." Joe stated as he glanced at his boss and sighed, "Yet, at the same, we weren't the only place hit so this makes the situation a bit harder to read, sir, but I'm just a bodyguard at the end of the day so, my perception of the situation might be a bit lacking as compared to someone of Niko's standing."

"Hmm... what a headache, I guess we can only wait it out like everyone else and see how things develop, huh? Sigh but still, thanks for your two cents Joe as it opened my eyes to a variable, I never considered."

"I'm glad I could be of assistance, sir," Joe replied.


Knock. Knock.

"Who is it?" Niko asked with a yawn as he sat up in his bed and stretched.

"Um, it's Rin, sir, could I maybe come in as I have something to give you?"

"Oh... well, come on in as it wasn't like I was doing something important anyway."

Click. Thud.

"So, Rin just how can I be of-"

"No, time to explain but um, this is what they placed Billy inside after capturing him. Oh, and some bald guy said thanks for choosing to reside at the resort, but anyhow that's about it, and bye," Rin said in haste as he did not want to keep the bald guy waiting downstairs too long, after handing over the prism to Niko considering he might have an idea on how to free Billy.

Swoosh. Thud. Click.

"Okay... well, um until next time I guess Rin, oh, and thanks are retrieving Billy," Niko added just as Rin left as he inspected the glass prism before throwing it toward a shadowy figure, "Hey, could you please take that to the research department promptly and get them to open that for me, thanks, Jackie."

"No problem, sir, but do please get some sleep," Jackie commented after receiving the prism and placing it within her storage ring.

"I will Jackie and do please stay safe out there as war could befall us any moment and I can't afford to lose such a valuable asset at a time like this," Niko muttered with a smile as he gazed at the starless sky and sighed before heading off to bed.

"I will do, sir," Jackie replied with a nod as she glanced at Niko one last time before disappearing from the room.


Sometime later…

Within the office of the owner and manager of the Outrigger Surf Hilton Resort, or as his rivals would call him the Blind Demon of the West, Boris.

Two individuals could be seen seated on Zabutons with a table between them, that had a Lenox Sprig & Vine tea set placed in the center nestled on a matching tray underneath it. Along with two bowls of traditional fried rice placed in front of them and an assortment of sauces and different condiments stationed on the side.

"So, Mr. Kurama now that everything is set and there isn't anything else that requires your immediate attention, could you please answer my question from earlier?" Boris asked politely with a smile as he looked at Rin and took a sip of his jasmine tea.

"Sure, however, could I please indulge in a few mouthfuls of the food presented before us? Just before we begin as I am a bit famished from all the errands I had to run today," asked Rin with an embarrassed smile as he scratched his head innocently.

While gazing at the fried rice that was calling his name, enticing him to take a bit of it, one he surely would not regret.

"Haha! Of course, Mr. Kurama, what type of host would I be to allow a guest of mine to suffer from starvation? So, by all means, dive in as I can assure you, you'll be begging for seconds." 

Boris chuckled as he squinted his eyes briefly for a moment as he watched Rin devour the food made by his head chef, Kiki. With enjoyment and satisfaction before turning to his bodyguard Joe and signaling for him to leave.

10 minutes later...

"Aww, now that was just amazing, sir! Truly a 10/10 experience, so what do you want to know as it would be rude of me not to answer a couple of your questions, after the meal I just had." Rin asked politely as he wiped his mouth with a napkin and sat upright.

After, consuming two bowls of fried rice and a fortune cookie, that read, "Whatever your goal is in life, embrace it, visualize it, and claim it for it will be yours."

"For starters, now that my bodyguard has left; why exactly did your teacher choose to come to Hawaii at such a peculiar time?" Boris asked curiously as he leaned forward and folded his hands.

"Well, to be honest, you would have to ask him yourself as I have no clue as well, sir, but I do know the trip was supposed to last a week to about a month at the latest," Rin replied calmly after thinking it over.

'Hmm? Now that's strange as which teacher would not inform their students of the field trip they are going on? But then again this is Niko Rodriguez we are talking…' Borius thought as he sighed, 'Yet why cannot I help but feel he knows more than he is letting on but for now, let us just move on to the next question.'

"Tsk, so you honestly don't know anything beyond that, Rin?" Boris asked.

"Yes, sir, but I'm sure my teacher has the answer to that if you truly want to know," Rin replied.

"Hopefully, he does... so, if you don't mind me asking could you tell me, what occurred from the time you entered the dining hall to when you returned to it later this afternoon? As I'm quite fascinated by the events that transpired during my absence."

"Sure… however, not to be rude or anything, but have you asked any other student for their statement on the events that occurred today at your resort?" Rin asked if it would be strange if he was the only one who had to give an official statement to the owner of this establishment.

"Sigh... I see so, you truly do not know, huh?" Boris muttered as he glanced at Rin questionable with intrigue.

"Huh?! What do you mean I do not know?" Rin shouted as he suddenly stood up and stared at Boris awaiting an answer while retracing the events that took place today to see where he might have slipped up or forgotten something important, "Did something happen while I went to go retrieve…"

He muttered to himself with wonder as he could not think of anything that could have happened while he was out.

'Bingo! Aww, now this is interesting… so if you were not here just where exactly were you Rin? As your classmates were here sleeping peacefully.' Boris wondered as his mind raced producing countless new possibilities and dead ends, creating a spider web of answers and even more questions that all found their way back to the student before him, Rin Okumura.

Who for some reason did not know what occurred during his disappearance, but as they say, "What's hidden in the darkness will eventually find its way to the light."

"No need to fret, Rin as it was only the murmurs of curious man, but I think that's about all for today. So, thank you for your time and I hope the rest of your day goes wonderfully," Boris stated as he stood up and stretched a bit.

Before clapping his hands twice, summoning a housekeeper to come and clean up the table while his bodyguard reentered the room and returned to his previous position.

"If you say so, sir... well, thanks for the food, and same to you, sir," Rin said as he calmed down and left, returning to his room.

5 minutes later...

"So did you find what I asked for?" Borius asked Joe as he handed him an envelope and left the room afterward. "Thank you, Joe."

'Now let's see just what exactly occurred during my absence.' Boris thought as he opened the envelope and took out some pictures and a hard drive.