
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantaisie
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152 Chs


Meanwhile, in the depths of the Shinobi Clan residence...

"Which idiot is cultivating lightning at this time of the day?!" The Second Elder shouted after being abruptly awoken from his meditation by the sound of thunder, which caused him to suffer a minor setback in his cultivation. 

That cost him a hundred years of preparation for his breakthrough from Peak God to True God.

"Hmm, who pissed off that old fool now?" Eveline muttered upon reaching her office and snapping her fingers, fixing the damage her niece caused to the floor this morning, 'Sigh, Gabriella truly is similar to you Susan…'

Eveline thought with a smile before frowning as a red talisman magically appeared in front of her and flashed three times. Signifying how urgent and important the secret message was as it caught on fire, the moment Eveline touched it as a message was transmitted into her mind. 

'Jade Eveline! Jade Eveline! Jade Eveline! Could you please report immediately to passage six to give a daily report and briefing about the status of the corpse for William and Karen Tracy have come to retrieve it!'

"Fuck! How could I… sigh, just what type of bad luck, did I receive to have to cater to those two? Better hurry up before they start demanding interest," Eveline muttered as she dashed into her office and tapped a button on her desk, causing a hidden passage to reveal itself.

Whoosh. Thud.


"Hmm, I'll take your word for it, however, that does not mean you are off the hook, young man," Crystal said as she glanced at the disappearing dark clouds outside.

"But Mom!!! It was not even my..."

"No, buts, and who the fucking are you shouting at Rin Kurama Jasper?!"

"Tsk... No one, Mom," muttered Rin as he rolled his eyes and just shook his head.

"Is that attitude, I hear young man? Also, did you just roll your eyes at me, Rin?"


"And that's what I thought so, honey just what shall we do with this child of ours?" Crystal asked sarcastically with a sigh, as she glanced at her husband, who was lost in his thoughts.

"Oh... um, give him some time to recuperate, before informing Eveline that Rin wants to spar Gabriella so that we can collect his rewards and finally return home and prepare for admission," Adam said after thinking about it since admission into Forbidden Blood should begin in two months.

"That could work so don't move too much, Rin and just give yourself time to rejuvenate as I and your father have some things, we need to discuss... So, if you need anything, we will just be a call away," Crystal said as she kissed Rin's forehead and whispered, "I love you."

Before leaving with Adam who had been acting weird ever since Eveline left and Rin threw up. 

"I love you too, Mom," replied Rin as he saw his parents leave.

Thud. Click.

"Was that even necessary?" muttered Rin as he shook his head, 'So now that they're gone; Rose how did the diagnostic go?'

[Do not you already know the answer, it was of course a success!]

'How so?' Rin asked.

[Don't act stupid now, are not you able to finally see and move your body.]

'Well, yes but...'

[But what? I did what I told you I would do so, tell me thank you and go rest! For I have things to do and places to be.]

'Okay… but I thought, forget it, thank you, Rose!'

[You're welcome, Rin! Now go to sleep mister and do not disappoint me tomorrow.]


"Um, master? What are we still doing in the Shinobi Clan, didn't we already collect my reward for being a third-place runner-up? Also, why are we posted outside Rin's medical room like police officers trying to find dirt on a suspect?" Jake asked as he glanced at his master with curiosity as he lay comfortably on the crown of a cherry blossom tree. 

That was a few meters away, from Rin's room and one of the many species of its kind that populated the Shinobi Clan's residence.

"Well, to be honest... that boy you're referring to will be your greatest opponent towards Supremacy. So, you'd better get rid of that playful attitude of yourself and get serious for once, or else you will one day regret it, Jake," Orion stated as he glanced at his disciple. 

"Master, while I deem Rin a worthy opponent and someone who could potentially be an adversary on my path to Supremacy! I think you are giving him too much praise because a boy wet around the ears is not and will never be my greatest obstacle to Supremacy."

"If you so my disciple... but do be warned, he isn't just any boy, but the descendent of an entity feared even in Origin! That even Celestials dare not anger," Orion commented before turning his attention towards the couple arguing, 'Oh, what do we have here?!'


"So, what was that all about?" asked Crystal as she stared daggers at her husband.

"Huh? Oh sorry, what were you saying, honey?" Adam played off as he dodged her gaze.

"Adam, enough with the bullshit! Seriously what type of game are you and Eveline playing?!" Crystal shouted as she was never one to like secrets and surprises, since all they ever brought her was pain and regret.

"W… W-What game?!" Adam asked while scratching his head, "As I honestly, don't even know what you are trying to ask me."

"ADAM GOLDWING, DID YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH EVELINE FOR I CAN SMELL THAT WHORE'S SCENT ON YOU!" Crystal asked as she stared into Adam's eyes as if she was trying to search his soul for any lies.

"Come on, Crystal you know our situation so, why the fuck would I go back when I have a beautiful, compassionate, and lovely wife before me. Who loves and adores me with all her heart," Adam said calmly as he stared into Crystal's eyes and brought her closer before kissing her, "So does that answer your question, my love?"

"Yes, but next time you leave my side and go to another woman's office after 8 am, mister! Hmph, watch and see how I deal with you as you already know how she feels about you, Adam?" Crystal muttered as she pinched Adam. 

"I know and I promise, that will never happen, my strawberry for I belong to you and you alone," Adam whispered before picking Crystal up and teleporting them both to somewhere more private and intimate.


"Damn, that was um... how do I say this in the nicest way possible, cringy and just disgusting like where was the action or at least," Orion muttered with a sigh after being nosy and wasting his time on Crystal and Adam's situation.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

'Oh… it seems it's time for us to leave before eldest sister throws a fit again,' Jake thought as all color from his face faded away as he remembered the last time, someone arrived late to her birthday party. 

Following the metallic bracelet on his hand, ringing three times notifying him that his eldest sister's birthday was about to commence.

"Master, it's time to go." Jake said as he tapped Orion's shoulder, "HELLO, EARTH TO MASTER IT'S TIME FOR US TO GO OR ELSE WE'LL BE LATE!!!"

He shouted after failing to get his master's attention.

"Goddammit, what is it, Jake?!" Orion asked with annoyance after finally realizing his disciple was trying to get his attention.

"Um, master it's time for us to leave for eldest sister's 21st birthday," stated Jake with a smile as his master finally realized what he said. 

"Wait, wait what time is?!" Orion asked as he and Jake jumped down from the tree, 'Tsk, it seems that meeting with the heads of the nine families will have to be postponed until we return.'

"It's 11:50 am, Master and the party begins at noon, on planet Yolo in Sector 5 of Multiverse Y," Jake said, "So, Master did you remember to get Jackie a gift?" 

"What gift?! That demoness of a brat does not need anything, but a rich idiot who she can extort and manipulate!" 

"Master, you do know this is the same disciple, who you claimed was your greatest pride?"

"Ha, greatest pride more like greatest regret as all that brat does is bring me headaches," Orion muttered, "But anyhow considering school won't start until January, who can kiss goodbye to your vacation, Jake."

"Wait, what?! But Master, I thought you said we should wait for my body to naturally adapt to the Vampiric Bloodline of Dawn before we resume training?" 

"Sorry, but kiddo but time waits for no one so good luck, and I'll see you in two months!" Orion chuckled as he picked Jake up and threw him into a blue portal, which appeared and disappeared shortly afterward.

"Huh, w… w-wait, what do you~"

Whoosh. Poof.

"Now then, let us hurry before that demoness finds some new way to extort me," Orion muttered as he vanished as well and made his way toward Yolo before Jackie noticed he had not arrived yet.