
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantaisie
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152 Chs

A Month Later...

"Sigh… just why must life be so cruel to me, Rose?" Rin complained as he lay on the crown of a tree outside his bedroom.

[Who knows Rin, maybe Destiny has a soft spot for oddballs.]

"Hmm, that's a valid possibility, however, just why must Themis force me to go to such lengths to earn something I didn't even ask for," Rin asked as he sat up and glanced at the sky with confusion and utter bewilderment at how he landed himself in such a pickle.

After, he thought he had failed the trial yet woke up later only to learn that he somehow defeated Ruth at the last moment just as the timer ended. Which would signify he won yet from what Rose told him, they technically both lost at the deciding moment just as the timer hit zero.

Followed by two thuds which lead to Themis having to null whatever agreement she made with Rut before the trial and withhold the special reward she was supposed to give Rin if he managed to defeat Ruth. But as you know that did not go as planned so Themis thought it would be fun to give both him and Ruth a chance to acquire what they lost, if they managed to fulfil one condition help Hero, a disciple of hers resolve an obsession within his heart and gain the love of her first disciple, Sofia. 

But that would only be happening after Ruth guaranteed Rin's survival during his planetary tribulation and oversaw his ascension to the higher realms.

[Rin just stop complaining already and get ready for your journey to the Shinobi Clan! This situation can wait until you ascend and meet Hero and Sofia.]

"But… sigh, you're right, Rose, and sorry for using you as a means to vet, when you're going through way more than I could ever imagine," Rin said as he stood up and used Shadow Step to return to his room, 'Truly one of the most convenient skills have in my arsenal.' 

A technique that allows its user to move through the shadow realm, one of the realms that resides between the physical and spiritual world. That can even give its user the ability to create shadows within a radius of fifty meters around them or even use a person's very shadow as a temporary hiding spot.

[R… R-Rin, I did not mean it like that~]

"It's okay, Rose there's no need to explain as I understand, just know I'm here if you ever want to talk," Rin replied as he turned the shower on and undressed before hopping in and taking a nice cold and soothing shower.

15 minutes later…

After exiting the shower and allowing his body to dry, Rin went into his closet and took out the black Montsuki Kimono his dad had given him last night. That had hints of red, white, and gold scattered upon it along with the designs of flames, stars, and dragons. Yet, that was all as Rin also took out a white under kimono and hakama along with a pair of trousers and sandals to go with it.

"So how do I look?" Rin asked Rose after putting everything on as he stood before a mirror and examined himself.

[Handsome yet dangerous like a concealed blade as the Montsuki gives you a hidden edge, I did not notice until now Rin. That fits your aesthetic a little too perfectly as if it were a match made in heaven.]

"Okay, I can rock with that, however, would you recommend someone to wear this in battle?"

[No, but then again do you plan to show all your cards today and shock the world once again, or do you intend to embody this sheathed blade persona?]

"Not sure, I guess only time can right…" Rin smiled mysteriously as he headed downstairs for breakfast.

A couple of minutes later…

"So, are you ready to uphold the Kurama Name and achieve total victory against all who dare oppose you, my son?!" Adam asked his son upon noticing him sit down at the outdoor dining table after he made himself a plate of food.

"Of course, however, this time I just plan to do a bit of exercising, so don't expect me to use anything outrageous like in the Trial of the Twelve Zodiac Gods," Rin replied before beginning to eat.

"Hmm, but Rin what if someone just as strong as you appear, considering you are still a Peak Angelic Cultivator and most of the people participating today range from Low Angelic Cultivators to Quasi-Demigods?" Maze asked as she gazed at Rin after finishing her meal and taking a sip of orange juice.

"If a Darkhorse does arise amidst the competition, Maze then I guess I'd have to get a little serious and show a few new moves," Rin replied after thinking about it as he hoped a worthy really would show up so he could have some fun, after being on house arrest for an entire month due to the worries of his mom.

"Sigh, battle maniacs will be the death of me," Maze muttered as she just shook her head and said nothing else.

"You can say that again," Crystal agreed causing both her son and husband to look at each other before bursting into laughter.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Well, would you look at that, it seems it's about time to go so, come everyone let's hit the road," Adam shouted after being notified it was 10:30 am and the competition did not start until noon at the Shinobi Clans Coliseum in Nakatsugawa.

Which was about a 2-hour trip, but since they had the Jet S7L Dock Cruiser, it would take no more than an hour for them to arrive in Nakatsugawa from Kyoto. Even though most of the clan had already arrived left to secure the best seats and build connections.

Before the other families stole them all and reserved them for their friends and guests, who they invited to show off the potential of their family's younger generation.

And with that, they all boarded the Jet S7L Dock Cruiser and began their journey to Nakatsugawa, the place of Rin's first public debut and the beginning of his journey to Stardom.

But that is only if he can defeat the younger generation of the other clans and secure victory...