
Great Surprises

As I think about the situation that happened to me before, I wasn't able to notice what's I am I in now. Thus, my surrounding area was trespassed and threats came running to me.

"Put your hands up human or we will shoot you!" A menacing voice resound but with a hint of soft tone.

It seems I was heard by the natives of this land. The demons.

I look at where the voice came from and there I saw maybe ten figures hiding within the bush. Only the one who spoke reveal itself to me.

I calmly turn my head towards them signaling my friendly and harmless approach. However, it doesn't seem to work.

"I said put your hands up human, if you dare make a single move once more I will be sure your head will be pierced with this arrow!" The menacing sound once again resound from the deeply "angered" Lady demon as she yelled to me.

I said demon but to me she simply looks like a human but with a horn similar to that of a deer.

Her scarlet eyes and navy hair is also beautiful. However, her emotion seems to have the opposite words from it.

It's truly ugly.

I want her.

A wicked thought soon appear within my mind that tells me what I should do if I get out of here alive. But, will I?

I tried to raise my hand in order to try a friendly approach from the native once more, dropping my scythe to the ground.

"I surrender." I said with a calm demeanor and made a cheerful expression. This only made the girl's mood worsen, however.

"Apprehend him and his weapon! Also, be careful he might try something suspicious, if he did kill him in the spot!" The lady frown before giving her people a word of caution. I am terrified right now.

I was soon apprehended and chained by a lead as I was guided to na unknown location. As they do, I stare at the back of the woman reliable enough to command an entire squad-numbering group. I was strucked by an unknown emotion that tingles my darken heart. It was a beautiful sight for the first time!


An ear-piercing sound echoed from my right as I saw the man who hold my scythe dropped it. I frown a bit but soon fix my face before I get caught by the beautiful girl.

"What happened?" The lady asked after turning her focus to the man who held my weapon. Her frowning face is also admirable but still felt a little terrifying.

The man who hold my weapon seems to have the same thought as he stutter while giving their supposed leader an excuse due to his behavior.

"I-I can't wield it... I-It's too heavy!!!" He said with a hint of horror visible in his face.

That's weird. I can wield it perfectly fine though?

"What foolishness are you talking about?! Why can't you even wield a-" The lady's face soon changed to a confused one after trying to wield a my weapon.

It seems to me that they can't wield it or even anyone. Maybe I am smart to think such idea. But seeing her face, it seems it's truly can't be wielded.

I made a small laugh that was soon noticed by the frowning lady that made me flinched for a bit. My eyes stare at the lady as I sweat profusely while looking at her with terror.

I wanna escape! Is what my mind is going through right now.

"You scumbag, you can wield this right?" When I thought she will smack me, she seems to have a different reason of approach and simply gave a demanding question.

"Yes." I answer obediently of course.

"Then show me." A demanding voice still escape her glossy lips.

Hence, without further thought I wielded it. And just like I expected, it's light as feather. I even throw it to the sky and catch it with my bare hand to show its lightness to them.

Of course, I'm still in shackle.

As I do so her command, it seems she's not definitely satisfied from it. Instead, a frowning woman with a sign of disdain can be seen forming to her beautiful face.

"I want this man unconscious!" she once again yelled that cause my consciousness to fade.




(Yra's POV)

I'm not begrudge, I'm not angry. But seeing a human wield something heavy as if it were light made me think he's mocking us.

I hate to admit it but in my eyes, he's strong. So I ordered my man to make him sleep so we can head to my village. With this man, we can offer him to our great ancestors.

Why did I make him faint? Simply because I don't want to see his mocking face full of arrogance.

I really hate humans.


Three hundred years ago, we are in peace. Coexisting with the likes of humans. In a harmonious world where humans and demon are friends and families, it's like a dream.

But we soon wake up from that dream.

A tyrant lord of one of the empires within the border of human commit a rebellion and overthrown the royalty and caused a mass genocide of our species.

Even the elves and beast became endangered because of this. Now, they are in hidings.

We fought a fierce battles, we even won some. But the might of the human empire is terrifyingly formidable. So we were vanguished and retreated to this area where mana beast lurk, stopping the humans from expanding through this area.

Now, we are here trying to pay for the sins we didn't commit. The humans spread a rumor that the cause of the war are the disobedience of the other race.

It was stuck within the minds of the people and soon the next generation made a long-lasting hatred towards us. We can't help ourselves but do the same in order to repel the attacks and keep our lives from dying.

By simply reminding me from such a bitter memory where my mother was mercilessly abused, I can't help but simply bring hatred to this man who don't even have any idea what he will soon face.


It took as more than half a day to arrive in our village. We were delayed mainly because of the heavy weapon that the man wields.

We couldn't even abandon it due to its rarity so we were forced to travel despite getting dark.

Finally, we enter the village where a smile and some disgust can be seen from the villagers. Not directly to us but to the man we just captured.

As we passed by the people, the stare soon change to spit and rocks being thrown to the unconscious man. It was terrible, but I can't help them as their hatred seems overbearing.

I arrive at my destination where a man of old age stand in front of me with a smile.

"Welcome back, Yra. How are the journey?" The old villager asked with a hint of worry.

I smile and reassure the old villager with a name of Iyl who is my grandfather and also the chieftain of the village. He is too old that even his eyes can't seem to open and only rely to his great sense of feeling.

Next to him is his adjutant, the future chieftain, and my father, Gia.

However, as soon as they saw the man we captured, their eyes turn wide and the faces that should have felt a sense of anger were nowhere to be found and instead fear and respect appear.

What's the meaning of this?