

Nexus Message: ... What is your deepest desire? In the aftermath of "The Great Collision," an event that plunged humanity into chaos, Aria Everhart's sister mysteriously vanishes after being contacted by the cryptic entity known as Nexus. Determined to unravel the truth and save her sister, Aria must embrace the role of a "Realmwalker." Navigating treacherous dimensions, battling formidable monsters, and surviving in hostile environments, Aria's journey becomes a test of her strength and resilience.

Yu2sama · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

The Violet Tempest: Aria's Trial

While Aria, Hilda, and the guild leader were engrossed in their conversation, a mysterious presence lurked in the shadows. Sharp violet eyes, keen and snake-like, observed the scene from a crack in the door, hidden behind a barely visible mane of purple hair. The mysterious onlooker's lips curled in disapproval, but her face remained masked in darkness.

This figure had been listening to every word spoken in the room, her gaze fixed on Aria. A feeling of rivalry and jealousy bubbled inside her, fueling her antipathy towards the newcomer.

"Why does he show so much interest in her? She's just another piece of trash..." she muttered to herself as she observed the scene intently.

"How dare she raise her voice to my father! Tch." Fueled by fury, her dislike for the girl grew until she could no longer contain her impulses.

Suddenly, the door swung open with force, crashing against the wall and causing a loud noise. Yuka entered the room, her purple hair flowing behind her as she walked confidently towards the group.

Everyone present was taken aback or surprised by her words, but for Yuka, it only brought satisfaction to see how she had become the center of attention.


Guided by Hilda, Aria and Yuka made their way to the training grounds to face off in a duel that would determine Aria's entry into Nightfall. The place was a completely cubical room, with strange engravings on the walls that reminded her a little of the ones she had seen in the ruins of the palace.

As they approached, they could feel the curious gazes of those who had gathered there to practice, but now everything turned into an unparalleled spectacle.

The guild leader followed closely, interested in seeing how the situation would unfold. Other Nightfall members also peered from windows and hallways, eager to know what was happening.

The atmosphere was palpable, and the expectation of the spectators reached its peak.

Yuka's ironic smile remained on her face. She moved with elegant and confident grace, captivating the attention of the spectators. Some blushed, clearly admiring the young woman.

Her sharp gaze fell upon the silver-haired girl, almost seeming to revel in the attention directed at her, the voices of admiration and encouragement.

"I'll show you that there's no place here for someone like you," Yuka expressed with a threatening tone as her face was consumed by darkness, revealing only a pair of eyes shining like those of a predator.

Aria, on the other hand, displayed a calm expression as she walked with determination. Yet, there was a strong inner turmoil within her. This confrontation was not what she had sought when she came here. Uncertain about her own abilities and Yuka's intentions, this duel felt like an unnecessary annoyance in her quest to find her sister.

Her green eyes then focused on Hilda's tall figure, who smiled at her.

"I hope I can trust you," Aria whispered to herself before fixing her gaze on Yuka.

Inside, Aria questioned many things about what was happening, but she couldn't let uncertainty make her falter. If she wanted to find her sister, she had to overcome any obstacle, no matter how trivial it seemed.

They reached the center of the training grounds, where Yuka stood with a challenging smile on her face.

The guild leader took position next to Hilda, showing a smile.

"Ready?!" he exclaimed loudly, making sure everyone could hear.

"Then it's a battle!"

"I can't believe I get to see Yuka fight... what a blessing!"

"Is she a newcomer? I feel a little sorry for her."

The voices of the other Realmwalkers echoed, but nothing reached Aria's ears as she displayed surprising composure for the situation she was in.

The atmosphere filled with tension, and the spectators' anticipation soared. For Aria, this duel was not just a test of strength, but also a test of her worthiness for Nightfall.

The training grounds filled with a brilliant and silvery energy as Aria summoned her Astraforge. The power seemed to emanate from the deepest reaches of space, forming spirals and flashes around Aria, enveloping her like an ethereal armor. Her orbs glowed in the same color, while determination shone in her gaze.

[5% synchronization detected]

"Hoho," chuckled the guild leader softly as he observed.

Yuka, on the other hand, wore a mocking smile as she summoned her Astraforge, but the energy that emanated from her was much more intense. Aria felt an unmatched pressure as her eyes got lost in the intense violet glare of her opponent.


Aria was surprised; perhaps she couldn't gauge the synchronization level precisely, but judging by the amount of Astraforge flowing through Yuka's body, she assumed it was at least twice her own.

It had to be a minimum of 10% synchronization.


A shout from the guild leader signaled the start of the battle, and there was no time to waste. A silver flash moved at breakneck speed across the battlefield as Aria decided to take the initiative, trying to attack Yuka before she could react.

Her strategy was clear: end the battle immediately.

Her precise and swift steps guided her to Yuka within seconds, and she launched a powerful strike toward her opponent's body.

But Yuka wouldn't be an easy adversary to defeat. With a mocking smile on her face, she halted Aria's attack with her hand. The force of their clash created a powerful gust of wind, causing strands of their hair and parts of their clothes to flutter, creating an image that the audience would not forget.

Aria found herself locked in Yuka's penetrating gaze, and for some reason, Yuka seemed much larger in that moment, despite them being of similar height.

Underestimating Yuka had been a mistake, and before Aria could react, Yuka delivered a strong kick to her stomach. The blow was precise and forceful, sending Aria staggering back several meters, feeling the impact in her abdomen.

The intensity of the impact was such that it knocked the air out of her.

"Haha! Is that all you've got? I'm just getting started with you," Yuka laughed with delight, seeming to relish the challenge. Her violet energy glowed intensely, causing Aria's whole body to tremble.

Yuka's Astraforge reached its peak intensity as she channeled it into her hands. A powerful violet flash spread across the entire arena, almost blinding the spectators with its tremendous power.

"'Forging,' huh? It seems Yuka is taking this battle very seriously.~" the guild leader remarked with a wide smile as he watched the phenomenon unfold.

In Yuka's hands, two unique fans appeared. They were formed from her Astraforge, but their design was captivating, primarily due to the dragon expanding across their surface.

"Ryuukumo, it's time to devour this insolent one!" Yuka exclaimed, licking one of her fans.

In the next moment, Yuka spun around her own body, performing a strange dance that caught Aria off guard.

The surprise quickly turned into anger for Aria. Was Yuka playing with her?

Yuka's fans moved smoothly, slicing through the air with ease as she smirked mockingly. Then, the delicate fan blades transformed into sharp blades.

In a swift movement that took Aria completely by surprise, Yuka closed in on her, delivering a diagonal descending strike.

In a reflex action, Aria stepped back, attempting to dodge, narrowly evading the attack.

"She's so fast..." Aria thought as she clenched her teeth.

But what she didn't expect was the deep gash that appeared on her arm and abdomen, following precisely the pattern of the previous attack.

A pained groan escaped Aria's lips, leaving her temporarily paralyzed.

"H-How is this possible?" she murmured to herself. Hadn't she evaded it? How did Yuka manage to do that?

Raising her gaze, she only saw Yuka's violet eyes smirking playfully, as if she were amused by Aria's reactions. Yuka was a formidable opponent; underestimating her would be her undoing.

"Let's hope this doesn't end too quickly, don't you think, Hilda?" the guild leader's voice sounded colder than before as he turned his attention to the taller figure.

The red-haired woman observed the situation, and even though it seemed that Yuka had the upper hand, a confident expression graced her face as she looked at Aria. Would she be able to win this battle?