

Nexus Message: ... What is your deepest desire? In the aftermath of "The Great Collision," an event that plunged humanity into chaos, Aria Everhart's sister mysteriously vanishes after being contacted by the cryptic entity known as Nexus. Determined to unravel the truth and save her sister, Aria must embrace the role of a "Realmwalker." Navigating treacherous dimensions, battling formidable monsters, and surviving in hostile environments, Aria's journey becomes a test of her strength and resilience.

Yu2sama · Fantaisie
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18 Chs


Aria's heart raced as she ran through the dense rainforest. Branches crackled beneath her feet, and the roars of wild creatures echoed in the air. She knew she was in danger and needed to find a way out of this unfamiliar place.

Aria opened her eyes, and what she saw around her defied all logic. Floating rivers, waterfalls suspended in mid-air, birds that seemed to swim in the water, plants with shapes and colors never seen before. In the sky, several planets and a bluish sun that appeared to be growing in size stretched out before her. Everything seemed otherworldly, a place that challenged the reality she knew.

"What is this place? Have I been summoned by him?" Aria thought as she dodged trees and ventured deeper into the jungle. "All of this is so surreal..." Fear and confusion mingled in her mind as she struggled to stay one step ahead of her pursuers.

The furry beasts closed in fast, emitting threatening growls. Aria desperately searched for an escape route, but it seemed the jungle had no end. As panic took hold of her, her thoughts turned to her family, her home, and the safety she had lost.

"I can't give up," she told herself, trying to gather strength to keep going. "I have to find a way out of here and rescue my sister." Aria clenched her fists and, in one final effort, kept running.

Finally, she arrived at a precipice that stretched out before her, offering a panoramic view of the abyss below. Her heart sank as she realized there was no escape. "I'm trapped... with no way out," she whispered in anguish.

The creatures closed in rapidly, cornering her against the cliff's edge. Aria took a deep breath, her mind working at full speed. She couldn't let herself be defeated, not here, not now.

"If this is the end, at least I'll face it with courage," she murmured, looking directly into the yellow eyes of her pursuers. With determination, she extended her arms and prepared for what would come next.

The warm wind caressed her face, blending with the echo of the creatures' roars and tousling her silver hair. Aria closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the energy flowing through her body. "You won't give up... Never give up," she silently reminded herself.

In that moment, without warning, Aria's body began to emit a soft glow. It was as if the mantle of space had settled upon her, as if thousands of stars had started to orbit her body. Faint flashes appeared and disappeared within seconds, like small bursts of energy.

Then, with one final defiant cry, Aria leaped into the abyss, vanishing into the darkness as the world spun around her. An ethereal gleam was all that could be seen in the darkness, one filled with hope and bravery. Her adventure had just begun, and she would stop at nothing to find the answers she sought.