
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantaisie
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297 Chs

Arrival of Reinforcement

The cavern echoed with the sinister cackle of the Leviathan as it lunged towards Eliss, its skeletal limbs slicing through the damp, heavy air. But just as it was about to strike, a sudden blur of purple and a fierce burst of energy intersected its path. Amukelo, with quick thinking and precise timing, had launched a powerful attack, throwing a shard and imbuing it with fire mana into the trajectory of the Leviathan.

The space around the shard warped violently, ripping open with an explosive cut that seared through the dimly lit cavern. Although the Leviathan swiftly dodged the brunt of the attack, the aftermath wasn't entirely avoidable. One of its massive, skeletal wings caught the edge of the fiery tear, severing it with a crack that reverberated off the walls. A roar of pain and rage erupted from the creature as it turned its malevolent gaze back towards Amukelo, its eyes burning with hatred as dark as the voids they resembled.

"I will kill you," the Leviathan hissed venomously, each word dripping with malice. "As you die, your friend will watch again how I murder her closest ones, and then I will kill her slowly so you regret stepping in my way!" It then charged with renewed fury towards Amukelo, its movements faster and more desperate, driven by pain and the urge to destroy.

Despite the dire situation, Amukelo remained composed, his focus unwavering as he continued to manipulate the energy around him, enhanced by the purple shards. His swords danced in his hands, weaving a barrier of spell-like attacks that shimmered with the enhanced power of the crystals. Each movement was a calculated defense, buying him precious seconds to appeal to Eliss.

"Eliss, you need to help me," he called out over the clash of their combat, his voice firm yet encouraging. "Together we can kill this monster. I know how hard it can be, but you can't let your past determine who you are. Even if you made some mistakes in the past, I know that now you are making the best choices you can. You only grow up. You will become the greatest mage that ever stepped on this earth, so your friends can be proud of you wherever they are!"

Eliss, who had been momentarily paralyzed by despair and haunted memories, felt a spark of something reignite within her as Amukelo's words cut through the fog of her despair. Her tears, which had blurred her vision, seemed to cleanse the doubt from her eyes, replacing the look of hopelessness with one of fierce determination and resolve. She wiped the moisture from her cheeks, her hands steadying as she grasped her staff, her posture straightening as if shedding the weight of her past burdens.

With a deep, steadying breath, she began to gather her mana, her aura flickering with increasing intensity. As the Leviathan turned its attention back towards Amukelo, who was skillfully evading another swipe of its deadly claws, Eliss prepared to unleash her power, her spirit bolstered by the trust and faith Amukelo had in her. 

Eliss's focus intensified as she began to cast her spells, drawing deeply on the power of the crystals she had collected a long time ago. Each incantation was bolstered by the shimmering shards, sending bursts of enhanced magical energy toward Leviathan. This orchestrated barrage gave Amukelo the breathing room he needed, allowing him to launch a series of counterattacks. While Leviathan easily maneuvered around Amukelo's swift sword strikes, the constant pressure from Eliss's spells was beginning to tip the scales slightly in their favor.

From a distance, Oxius watched the battle unfold with increasing frustration. "Should I stop the mage?" he shouted towards Leviathan, pointing towards Eliss who was relentlessly casting her spells.

Leviathan responded with a dismissive laugh, a sound that chilled the air around them. "Human, do you know who I am? I have slumbered for millennia; I merely needed to warm up. Now, I won't play with these mice any longer." As he spoke, a surge of dark energy enveloped him, forming a suit of armor crafted from black flames. This armor seemed to pulsate with malevolent life, enhancing Leviathan's already formidable capabilities.

With his new armor, Leviathan's movements became even more fluid and rapid, a stark transformation from his earlier tactics. He no longer just dodged and blocked; he was now actively on the offensive, launching powerful ranged attacks. A dark breath, a torrent of shadowy energy, erupted from his maw, aimed directly at Amukelo.

Eliss, reacting swiftly, conjured multiple layers of protective spells around Amukelo, trying to shield him from the devastating attack. However, the power of Leviathan's dark breath was overwhelming, and her shields disintegrated within seconds under its relentless assault. Amukelo, seeing his last line of defense faltering, braced himself. He overlapped his swords in front of him, channeling all mana around him into creating a thick, dense shield.

For a moment, it seemed like Amukelo's shield would hold, but as the dark energy continued to pound against it, it began to crack and thin. Just as Amukelo prepared for the worst, a loud, distinct clash echoed through the cavern, and the beam abruptly ceased. Looking up in surprise, Amukelo saw Erohan, in his human form, attempting to strike Leviathan's face. But the Leviathan, with its enhanced reflexes, evaded the attack with a swift lateral jump.

Just when the situation seemed dire, a flurry of activity signaled the arrival of reinforcements. Bursting into the chamber with a formidable presence, the rest of Amukelo's friends, alongside members of the Fallenhoods guild, stormed into the fray. Their timely entrance brought a new wave of hope and determination to the battlefield. Together, they formed a formidable front against Leviathan, ready to support Amukelo and Eliss and turn the tide of this perilous confrontation.