
Realms of the beyond

José is transported to the Realms of the Beyond, a vast and dangerous universe filled with magic and legendary creatures, after his death on Earth. In the new world, he encounters his psychopathic father, transformed into a monster, who tortures him and causes him to lose a life. José is reborn in the center of the island and must join forces with other newcomers to learn how to survive and grow stronger. He embarks on an epic journey facing magicians, warriors, and beast tamers while preparing for a final confrontation with his father. "Realms of the Beyond" is an adventure that blends fantasy, magic, and suspense as José struggles to find his place in this unknown universe and discover his own destiny.

Jose_8330 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 11: The Enigmatic Labyrinth-Part final

Chapter 11: The Enigmatic Labyrinth-Part final

The group spent the rest of the night preparing for the final expedition, checking their equipment, organizing the provisions, and discussing strategies.

There was a sense of anticipation and tension in the air, but everyone was ready to face the challenge together and finally find the maze's exit.

The next morning, they followed José and Leo with the route map. In less than two hours, they encountered an even more complex riddle than the previous one.

This time, the plaque was situated on a wall covered in vines, their dark, twisted leaves enveloping the riddle, creating a darker atmosphere.

"I have no body, but I can grow. I have no wings, but I can fly. I am never the same, but I always exist. What am I?"

The three exchanged thoughtful glances, pondering the riddle while the vines seemed to grow even more around them, as if they were under pressure from time. Ana, looking up, murmured quietly:

— It's time.

The plaque spun, revealing an alternative path that opened up in front of them. José smiled, pleased with Ana's answer, and the group proceeded with renewed enthusiasm.

The path narrowed as they advanced, the maze's walls seemed to close in on them, but they remained steady.

Soon, they reached the center of the maze, where they found a colossal gate, intricately detailed and adorned with ancient and mythological forms.

William pushed the gate with force, and it opened with a solemn creak, revealing an impressive cave.

The cave was illuminated by glowing crystals that projected multicolored lights throughout the space, creating a magical and ethereal atmosphere. The crystals were spread in all directions, casting beams of blue, green, and purple light, bathing the cave in a soft glow that seemed to dance around them.

The floor was covered in precious minerals that sparkled in the light of the crystals, forming a hypnotic spectacle of colors and brilliant reflections. The air was charged with a soft magical hum, while a palpable energy floated around, heightening the adventurers' senses.

— What an incredible place... — Ana whispered, amazed by the sight before her.

— Do you know what these crystals are? — José asked Ana and William, pointing at the crystals.

— I've never seen anything like it, but the magic contained in each of these stones is at least 100 times more concentrated than that of a common mana stone — Ana responded, still impressed with the grandeur of the place.

— Could it be a mana crystal? — William asked, examining one of the crystals with interest.

— Are they valuable? — José questioned, intrigued.

— You are still getting familiar with this world — William explained. — A mana crystal can be worth at least 100,000 mana stones.

— So, is this the legendary treasure? — Leo asked, his mind trying to calculate the value of the riches around them.

— Certainly not — Ana responded firmly. — Even all these crystals together would not be worthy of a legendary treasure.

The cave walls were adorned with ancient inscriptions, possibly from a lost civilization. Mysterious and complex symbols covered the surface of the walls, exuding a magical energy that echoed through the cave.

— Let's continue and, on our way back, we'll take as much as we can — William instructed, and the group followed him deeper into the cave.