
Realms of the beyond

José is transported to the Realms of the Beyond, a vast and dangerous universe filled with magic and legendary creatures, after his death on Earth. In the new world, he encounters his psychopathic father, transformed into a monster, who tortures him and causes him to lose a life. José is reborn in the center of the island and must join forces with other newcomers to learn how to survive and grow stronger. He embarks on an epic journey facing magicians, warriors, and beast tamers while preparing for a final confrontation with his father. "Realms of the Beyond" is an adventure that blends fantasy, magic, and suspense as José struggles to find his place in this unknown universe and discover his own destiny.

Jose_8330 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: The Enigmatic Labyrinth-Part 3

Chapter 10: The Enigmatic Labyrinth-Part 3

The following morning, as the sun's rays filtered through the trees above, the group gathered around a campfire, eating some of the mantis parts from days before.

"I must say, a fire mage is quite handy in these situations," José joked, smiling as he chewed.

"I've heard that a few hundred times," William responded in a neutral tone, though his eyes revealed a brief flash of anger and fear, skillfully concealed.

Ana, trying to steer the conversation away and keep the mood light, smiled at the two. "Shall we resume our search then? Today, we proceed with caution, and if anyone finds anything important, return immediately to alert the others."

José nodded, setting the plate aside. "Exactly. None of us should take risks alone. We regroup at the meeting point as soon as we find something significant."

Leo nodded, reinforcing the decision. "Got it. We'll communicate if we find anything."

"Watch out for traps and creatures that may cross our path," José warned, aware of the challenges they would still face in the maze.

"Shall we get going?" William stood up, ready for the day. "Stay together until we split into groups. If anything happens, we return to the meeting point."

Ana looked around, agreeing with William's decision. "Let's stay focused and remember to signal any discoveries or dangers."

The others agreed, and the group prepared to depart. As they walked, they continued to discuss possible routes and tips for identifying new paths or clues, working together to keep the group united and safe during the search.

On the fourth day, when everyone returned, they were surprised to see José and Leo already present at the meeting point. Normally, they were the last to return from the searches.

"I have good news," José announced as soon as the last pair arrived at the camp. He continued enthusiastically, "We found another riddle, which appears to be the route to the maze's exit!"

Everyone celebrated the news with joy, relieved at the prospect of finally finding the exit. The mantis meat was running out, and the hope of a solution brought new energy to the group.

"Although it may not seem like a pretty route, we marked it clearly," José explained, pointing to an improvised map they had drawn during the exploration.

William examined the map closely, checking the details of the route. He nodded in approval and said, "This is great news. We'll all go together tomorrow to ensure we can solve the riddle and follow the route you found."

"Yes, we'll all go together," Ana said firmly. "The provisions are already ready for the journey, so we need to focus on overcoming the next riddle."

"Exactly, we need to stay focused and make sure everyone is prepared," William added, showing his leadership.