
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Training, training and more training

*Beeb Beeb Bee-*

"Heh Foolish machine, you actually think you can surprise me? Well, think again, for I am more steps ahead of you than you can possibly comprehend."

Kal exclaimed cheerfully at his success at beating his alarm to waking up and even shutting it down before it had even the chance to beep its forth.

Today Kal was feeling quite cheerful, considering how much progress he made and how he managed to find a way out of the realm. What he had only noticed a bit later, shortly after leaving, was that the process of leaving actually took some energy to perform. He noticed, when he, shortly after waking up, looked into his existence space(That place where all that energy gathered) which he decided to call it, due to it seeming fundamental to his being, more so than his body or anything else for that matter.

To get back to the main point, a bit of that mist was actually gone. If he had to judge the amount, he would say that it was about half an hour of accumulation. Not much when he considered the amount he had in there due to what he obtained from the moth, but it was better not to use the energy unwarranted. Since he learned something from it this time, he did not consider the energy wasted though. At least, should his alarm ever break, he would not be stuck in that world forever.

Keeping his thoughts for a later date, Kalvin started preparing for the day to come. Having gotten a day of, due to the murders, he could use this day to get in some training. But before that, he would take a shower. He literally smelled like he had not showered for half a month. Considering the intense training he had undergone, it was natural that he had sweated like he was in a sauna.

The training was definitely worth it however. He could already feel and see, how his muscles had slowly started to further develop. Even before, he was built quite well, but now, after having gotten what felt like a month of training. Together with the fact that many injuries scars (the wound on his arm as well) and flaws he previously had, also disappeared, he had literally never felt better.

So after taking that well deserved shower of his, he made his way to the convenience store. There he bought loads and loads of easy to store high protein food which he would take with him on his next trip. While at it, he also visited a sports store, where he bought some weights which he could strap onto his body. Though usually he would not use them, as they had the potential to damage the joints if not used correctly, he did not have to worry about it since he could, with the help of the energy recover from pretty much anything. If the energy was capable of healing a centimeter deep gash within hours without leaving even a scar, then keeping his joints in order should be child's play.

While doing these chores, he also did not forget to train his psychic ability. Since the forcefield was invisible, he could train it in daylight without anyone being the wiser. What was strange, was that he felt some strands of the invisible energy flying all around the place. The energy density was so small here, that it could not even be considered a gas but instead more like a plasma, singular particles or strands just floating around.

Though strangely he still garnered a few looks here and there. He hoped that the gazes directed at him where of envy at his body, which looked very healthy or his skin, which had become almost perfect with the energy improving it quite a bit, while still having his original look remain.

... or it could be because he was pushing around a shopping cart full of protein bars, milk, and other groceries that were meant to be good for his health along with tons of sports equipment.

But honestly, would say it was not his handsomeness that attracted their attention.Honestly.

The shopping cart by the way had been borrowed from the store he had first visited. Borrowed i. a none metaphorical sense, he had actually asked one of the employees there if he could borrow one of them for a while. Since they had just shrugged their shoulders he had taken that for a yes and used it for his city wide shopping trip.

Arriving at his apartment once again, he carried his stuff up the stairs and returned the shopping cart. He was not a complete degenerate after all.


He had finally arrived in the dreamworld once more. This time however instead of his apartment, he saw the same sight he had before, leaving last time. He was currently inside the gym, the sun shining through the windows. Inside the gym were actually a few people, but they were obviously not real, since he was in a dream at the moment. Inside his personal dream to be specific. h

Like last time, he brought up the barrier. But instead of tearing it apart, he tried willing it to disappear.

He did this, because needing to rip a hole in it every time would quickly become annoying.

And indeed, after putting in a small amount of energy(about the amount he would gather every minute, the barrier disappeared, leaving him standing inside where he last left the dreamworld.

Putting down the two shopping bags full of food and such in a corner of the place and started training.


al energy draw, coupled with his psychic energy barrier pushing a bit of energy closer to him every time, had netted him 14 sessions. The amount could truly be considered insane, but id did not truly capture how much the regeneration helped him. With his insane training, in keeping up the barrier and constantly using it all day, he had managed to increase its size to about 5 cm. So, every time he would train a certain muscle, he would help either one regenerate while already training. This lead to his training sessions becoming longer the better his psychic power got, while his body's growth also elongated each session.

This training came with aa great cost to his body's resources though. He had eaten almost all the food he had almost eaten up all the food he had taken with him.

Once again he returned to the real world, this time using the alarm though, since the other method would take up some of his energy.

Like this his days continued, going out to shop for a whole bunch of food and right after training at home all day.

The only other thing he did, was that he also searched for a martial arts teacher that would teach him Muay Thai. While he realized that he would need a lot of money to keep up his current lifestyle, he already had something planned for later, that if it worked out, would secure his Finances indefinitely.

So now he was actually training Muay Thai rest of the day, while the other half he was sleeping was spend with normal workouts at the same time though, he constantly kept up the use of his psychic powers, allowing him great growth in that aspect as well.


Monday ~about 2 in the Morning~

Everyday until now he had trained his body to its limit and absorbed energy. His muscles were already nor underdeveloped before he started, but now they had grown a lot stronger. He felt like his muscles would easily follow his every command. While before he had less control of them, he would now not be surprised if he had gained the precision of a surgeon when doing a surgery... well that was maybe a bit over exaggerated, but he had indeed gained a newfound control, that he had lacked before.

The reason for this probably was, that through all the exposure to the invisible energy, his body had now was perfectly healthy. While he believed that he could grow stronger, he also thought that he had reached the peak of health his current body could reach.

His psychic ability too had reached a new level. While before he could only lift pebbles, he was now able to move even some light weights he had found around here, and a pebble he believed, he would now be able to keep in the air almost indefinitely.

This was what the days of training had gained him. However, there was a flip side to everything. While he had improved his body like crazy and had to wear baggy clothes whenever he went out, so the people that recognized him would not notice his rapid overnight improvements, buying all that food to sustain sustain himself was quite exhausting to his bank account. He had in fact been buying what he normally needed in food each month every day now. While for now he could hold out, in a few days he would have to touch his investments.

But for this he had a plan already. He was very sure that he would be able to do it if he got a bit stronger in his use of telekinesis.

"Guess the training has really been paying of." Kalvin said, looking at his gains, both physical and mental.

"Even the amount of energy I have inside my mind has increased a lot."

Diving into that space, there could be seen a pretty dense cloud of mist floating around. Since he had killed the moth, the mist has only grown denser. He made the hypothesis, that inside his mind, the mist was somehow drawn together instead of spreading out like it normally would.

Once he would gain a bit more energy, he believed that it would somehow change, since its density seemed about to hit a critical limit, that would cause a chain reaction to occur.

Not minding that though he continued his training.

Just when he finished one of his sessions though, he suddenly felt an influx of heat inside his mind. Wanting to see where it came from, he dove inside his mind into the black space. What he saw, shocked him.

"Wait, is this energy actually forming a star?"

His guess was correct. Inside his mind, he saw how to energy's grew denser and denser, as if they were drawn to each other.They pushed closer and closer almost as if alive, and formed a very small point, that looked as if it was shining a dim brown glow.

The star was so small, that he almost did not manage to see it inside this space. But when coming very close, he felt it giving of the smallest amount of heat. He had a feeling as if that heat was nourishing his existence. But he somehow also knew how he would not need to stay in this space to feel its warmth, since he had already felt it outside.

The moment he left however, he felt something amazing.....

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Thank you for reading and have a great day.

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