
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Killing for power

The door slowly opened, creaking for added effect.

Behind that door, the mist seemed denser than before. Almost as if it was gathering there.

"What have we got here?"

Looking closer, Kalvin, who was once again talking to himself spotted a dense sphere of mist floating in the midst of the room he had entered.

Above a table located in the middle of the room it was levitating and occasionally dripping some kind of liquid that would, before it could hit the ground, evaporate into the mist, only to gather as a liquid once more.

Around the table stood a few Couches. It seemed as if the place he had entered was some kind of private launch.

Not minding the room much however, he put his focus entirely on the thing that was floating above the table.

It seemed to pulse slowly, like a dark heart, that was peacefully floating in the air.

When looking closer, one could almost see some kind of creature inside it. It looked similar to an embryo of some unknown creature.

Kalvin did not know what to think of the creature. It had not attacked him, but at the same time, his intuition told him, that it would be hostile towards him

"Maybe it is just Video Games that taught me that, but this pulsing ball gives me the feeling, that if I were to attack it, something would come out."

Not knowing how to proceed further, he just stood there watching the floating ball.

Slowly, he pulled out his handgun. While it may be difficult to het much use out of it in a cramped space in a fast moving fight, when faced with a stationary enemy and a clear line of fire, he would choose it without hesitation.

He pointed the gun at the ball, that, the longer he looked, seemed to more and more remind him of some kind of meatball, and pulled the trigger.


A loud shot echoed trough the room and the entire bar and outside to the city.

With a splat, the ball burst, and a creature, that looked like it was not yet fully formed, looked in his direction with absolute hatred in its eyes.

It had small humanoid figure, with holes in the side of its head that were at the place where ears should have been. It skin was greenish and slightly transparent, allowing Kalvin to see the black liquid that was flowing through its veins.

It was quite short, looking about 1 meter tall, when standing up, but right now, it only lay there on the table curled up and looking at him with its beady black eyes.

"Oops, did I interrupt anything?"

Kalvin said, trying to provoke some reaction out of the creature. He did not know whether it would be able to understand him, but he hoped the sound of his voice would somehow provoke it into action.

Either way, the Goblin like creature slowly tried getting up with some difficulty, but eventually failed, not having developed the necessary strength yet to perform such an action.

Seeing how it was struggling, Kalvin approached it, intending to finish it of.

He had clearly interrupted the development process of the creature. Leaving it alive for any longer would only waste his time and cause the creature to unnecessarily suffer for longer than needed.

Though he thought the creature to be some kind of abomination and could judge from its look, that it would normally have tried ending his life if given the chance, he did not deem it fair to let that creature suffer for much longer.

The spear in his hand, he approached the creature, not intending to waste another bullet on it, now that he knew of its weakness.

Without Mercy, he stabbed the spear into the creature that was suffering on the table, ending its short existence before even having the chance to take control of its fate.

Quickly, the creature stopped moving and after a very short time it devolved into a thin red mist, that quickly rushed into Kalvins mind.

The amount of mist he had absorbed just now, was equivalent to around half an hour of absorption. Just that unlike the usual absorption of energy, here, the energy directly went to his mind and was completely absorbed by it, not leaving anything over for the rest of his body. Not that it needed it.

"Interesting, it seems that wherever there is this odd mist, there are also these creatures that seem to spawn here.

If I hurry up and am lucky, I'm sure I can spawnkill some more monsters before they can hatch."

It was clear, that there would not be much more time left before the creature would have hatched. He estimated about a day or two until it was ready. If he judged the other places in the city to have similar things, he should definitely make use of his time and kill as many as he could.

From the way the creature looked at him before ever having met him before, these things had an innate hostility towards him, or humans in general.

Though it was possible the creatures similar to that goblin would all only hate him since he did not have any way to test it, he at least knew that betting rid of them early would only beneficial.

With that thought in mind, he left from that building in another direction with more mist.

Looking back at the building he had just left, he saw that the dark mist was already dissipating from the vicinity of the building, like some kind of curse had been released from it.

Walking for tree minutes, he arrived before a normal looking house. This time, it was not some kind of bar, but instead just a normal looking house. Here, the. ist seemed slightly denser than in the previous location. Once again, he was careful when entering and had his weapons on the ready.

Like. before, he found a pulsing orb, that had a creature inside it.

Knowing what he had done last time, he used his spear this time around, in order to no waste bullets.

Instead, this time he wanted to try out the capability's of his nano fiber thread.

Slowly wrapping the thread around the ball, he could easily completely envelop the ball.

Doing so would be stupid however. He intended to use it as a cutting weapon after all.

Thus, after surrounding it once, he pulled the thread together with all his psychic power behind it.

Like butter, the ball, along with the creature inside were cut badly.

The all had burst completely under the attack, and the little unborn goblin had received a large gash to its skin, that was oozing black blood.

Not waiting for the creature to have ay chance, he wrapped the thread around its neck, and pulled once more.


Promptly, the things head dropped to the floor, its body only following after a brief second.

Thereafter, all of the creature, its blood body and head dissolved into a mist that rushed into Kalvin, netting him half an hour of energy absorption once again.

"Wow, that was really smooth. Cutting through the places where there were no bones was quite effective and easy with the assistance of the power."

Kalvin praised his strategy.


The next place he went to went a out the same, just that he tried immediately crushing the creatures internal organs with his power. Sadly, as soon as he tried that, he felt a fierce resistance pushing against his efforts rendering them useless.

"I guess that would have been too easy. Maybe if one day I am strong enough though, I might be able to install kill them with my psychic powers alone. But judging from the fierce resistance I felt, it will still take quite some time.


Like this, Kalvin went around the city slaughtering the goblins one by one and gaining their energy.

He avoided the places his instincts warned him about however. Especially places like the graveyard and the hospital were places he avoided like the pest, his instincts screaming at him even when he just looked at them.

By the end of his time for the day, he had gained around the same amount of energy he would usually gain in three days inside here.

"Call me the exorcist, because I sure exorcised a lot of buildings from weird flying flesh globes. Wo that sounded weird."

Kalvin felt weirdly proud of himself. While all he had done was kill defenseless monsters, he had gained so much out of it.

When he dove into his existence space, he saw the energy that was a mix of his accumulation from his previous two weeks and his hunt, already starting to gather together.

While it would probably take some time for that to happen, it showed that he was on the right path.

A thing he really notice, was however, how much energy the moth had really provided to him.

Two weeks of accumulation and one whole day of killing unborn monsters had only gained him as much energy as the moth had given him in one moment.

This truly showed what an incredible opponent the moth had been when compared to the other creatures he ' fought' against.

Yet even then, he would still be glad if he would never have to meet something like that moth ever again.

It had simply been to risky for his taste. Some people might enjoy constantly being on the brink of death, but he was not one of them. The reason he tried so hard to gain all that power was to be able to protect himself in the first place.

With a shake of his head, Kalvin pulled out of his thoughts and looked at his digital wristwatch.

"Two minutes until I wake up. Maybe tomorrow I will continue my hunt. I only hope none of the creature hatches in the meantime. That would make the whole thing so much more difficult.

He threw a last gaze towards the hospital. Whatever was going to spawn there, it would be on the same level as the moth if not higher. He had to be careful if he wanted to deal with whatever would eventually come out of there to hunt him.

The next time he got back, he would attempt exploring the place and kill,the monster while it was still in an incubation period.

The alarm on his wristwatch went off. In a minute he would depart for the real world once more.

He was already looking forward to the next time he came back for the strength it would grant him.

Truth be told he had grown a bit power hungry, but who could honestly blame him.

~Beeb Beeeb~

With that, his alarm clock went of, and he awoke once again, already anticipating the next return.