
Realm of Ascendance

In a not-so-distant future where virtual reality has become an inseparable part of society, the immersive game "Realm of Ascendance" captivates players with its vast fantasy realm. Meet Alex, an anomaly in this world, physically weak but possessing extraordinary magical talents within the game. As Alex's reputation for unparalleled magical prowess grows, he unwittingly stumbles upon a hidden plot, driven by a mysterious group seeking to exploit the game's mechanics for personal gain. Intrigued and determined to protect the integrity of the virtual world he cherishes, Alex delves deeper, gradually uncovering the extent of their machinations. Alongside his like-minded allies, he forms unlikely alliances, challenging the complex web of political rivalries within the game. However, as secrets unravel, Alex discovers a dormant power within himself, one that blurs the boundaries between the virtual and real worlds. The revelation both astounds and frightens him, for he realizes the immense impact his unique abilities hold. With the oppressive ruling faction tightening its grip, Alex embraces his extraordinary powers, becoming the catalyst for change. Guided by resilience and personal growth, he leads his allies in an exhilarating quest to expose the hidden plot, facing formidable challenges and adversaries along the way. Their journey intertwines the fate of the virtual and real worlds, as the implications of their actions reverberate beyond imagination. As tensions mount and stakes escalate, Alex undergoes a profound transformation, shedding self-doubt to emerge as a confident and resolute leader. In a climactic battle, he unleashes his dormant power, challenging the fabric of reality itself. The lines between the virtual and real worlds blur, and the destiny of both realms hangs in the balance.

FIRE_ANGEL · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Rat Extermination

Taking a deep breath, I bravely stepped into the outskirts of the village, determined to face the wild rat infestation head-on. Little did I know that my past experiences with rats would lead to a comical and ironic turn of events.

You see, I fancied myself as an expert in rat catching, proudly proclaiming that I had a PhD in the field. But, if you think I'm joking, you couldn't be more wrong. Let me share with you the incident that shaped my rat-catching prowess.

During my childhood summer vacations, my family used to visit my grandma's house. Everything was perfect, except for one tiny problem: the house was infested with rats. My mother was terrified of the rodents, so my father decided to take matters into his own hands.

One day, he proudly presented a rat trap, assuring my mom that it would solve our rat problem. Little did we know that the rats were cleverer than we had anticipated. They ate the bait, slept inside the trap, and then miraculously escaped, leaving us dumbfounded.

Undeterred, my father and I embarked on a four-day rat-catching marathon. We tried everything we could think of, even resorting to a state-of-the-art rat-catching robot we found on the internet. Alas, the rats proved to be quite the electrical experts, as they chewed through the robot's wiring, rendering it useless.

Just when we were about to give up hope, we stumbled upon an old guidebook on rat catching. Though it was a relic from decades ago, its tips proved to be surprisingly effective. Armed with newfound knowledge, we finally managed to catch a rat. Ecstatic, we rushed to show our trophy to my mother, only to encounter an unexpected twist.

As we entered my mother's room, we were greeted by a black cat, perched majestically on her bed. Time seemed to stand still as we watched in awe. Suddenly, the cat sprang into action, pouncing on the rat that my father held in his hand. It swiftly dispatched the intruder and proudly carried it in its mouth towards the hall where my mother was sitting.

In that surreal moment, we stood there, mouths agape and eyes wide open. Tears welled up in our eyes, not from sadness, but from the sheer irony of the situation. We had spent days trying to catch a rat, only to have a cat effortlessly do the job for us.

This will be easy peasy for me' well that was what I initially thought.


In that surreal moment, we stood there, mouths agape and eyes wide open. Tears welled up in our eyes, not from sadness, but from the sheer irony of the situation. We had spent days trying to catch a rat, only to have a cat effortlessly do the job for us.

"This will be a piece of cake," I confidently thought to myself as I prepared to take on the rat extermination quest.


"Where the heck did all the rats go?!" I exclaimed in frustration.

Observing my dismay, a fellow adventurer approached me and asked, "Hey, are you new here?"

I nodded, feeling a bit disheartened. "Yes, I'm just starting out and hoping to level up."

"Well, let me give you a piece of advice. It looks like most of the rat infestations have already been taken care of. If you want to earn some coins, I suggest joining a party."

My heart sank as I realized the reality of the situation. "So, there's no other way?"

The adventurer shook his head sympathetically. "Unfortunately, if you can't find a party to join, it'll be tough to make any money around here."

" No I can't"

"Well it's your choice, then see you around" saying this he left.

I watched him walk away, feeling a surge of anger and disappointment. How could this happen? I had hoped to relief myself from real world, but now I felt like a joke.

I decided to give it one last try. Maybe there was still a chance to find some rats and prove myself. I wandered around the village, looking for any signs of rodent activity. I checked every nook and cranny, every trash can and sewer grate, every barn and cellar. Nothing. Not a single whisker or tail.

I was about to give up when I heard a faint squeak. I followed the sound, hoping it would lead me to my prey. I reached a small hut at the edge of the village, where an old woman was sitting on a rocking chair. She smiled at me and gestured for me to come closer.

"Hello there, young man. What brings you here?" she asked kindly.

I'm looking for rats," I blurted out, feeling a bit foolish.

"Rats?" she repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Why would you be looking for rats?"

I felt a flush of embarrassment as I explained my situation. "Well, you see, I'm a rat catcher. It's my profession and my passion. I came here to take on the rat infestation quest, but it seems like there are no rats left."

The old woman nodded, understandingly. "I see. Well, I'm afraid you're out of luck, young man. The rats have been gone for a long time. Ever since the cat came."

"The cat?" I asked, intrigued.

"Yes, the cat. A black cat, just like the one that saved your mother from the rat you caught. It showed up one day and started hunting down all the rats in the village. It was amazing to watch. It was fast, agile, and ruthless. It didn't miss a single one. Within a week, the village was rat-free."

I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized the coincidence. Could it be? Could it be the same cat that had ruined my childhood triumph?

"Where is this cat now?" I asked eagerly.

The old woman pointed to a corner of the hut, where a black cat was curled up on a pile of blankets. It opened its eyes and stared at me with a smug expression.

I gasped as I recognized the cat. It was the same one. The same markings, the same eyes, the same attitude.

It was the cat that had stolen my glory.

And now, it had stolen my quest.



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