
Chapter 30


While public opinion on industrialist, inventor and superhero Tony Stark are mixed to say the least, official support of Stark has never been higher, despite his past clashes with both the U.S government and SHIELD over his refusal to sell technology to military projects. Having been one of the most high profile supporters of the Superhuman Registration Act, Tony Stark has largely been seen as an enforcer of government policy, especially upon his selection as the new Director of SHIELD after the disappearance of the previous long-time director Nick Fury. His position was seen as largely unassailable, due to his willingness to confront his former allies in the superhuman community over their refusal to comply with the SRA, a conflict since dubbed the "Civil War", new information has recently been released that casts Tony Stark in a distinctly unflattering light.

This information, if verified, reveals that Stark Industries not only exploited the political crisis for financial gain, but also used it's connections in the government to gain the contracts for the power-supressant technology used to enforce the SRA. Furthermore,Tony Stark is accused of colluding with fellow SRA-supporter and longtime superhero adventurer Reed Richards to create or worsen the series of events leading up to the creation of the SRA and ensuing Civil War, with the justification of avoiding "worse outcomes". Another SRA supporter, former Avenger Hank Pym, has been accused of lesser charges.

Neither Tony Stark nor Reed Richards could be reached for comment. A spokesperson for Stark Industries "vehemently denied these groundless accusations". Stark Industries stock plummeted once the information was published.




You'd think being a reporter would be a relatively straightforward job, wouldn't you? It's our job to find the truth, no matter how unpleasant it might be, no matter how many people want it to stay buried. Atleast that's what I thought when I started out god knows how many years ago.

Suffice to say, it hasn't been like that, atleast not for me. Maybe in other cities, where all a reporter has to worry about is the mob, a concern which seems almost quiant to me now, it still is like that, but in New York, with it's pantheon of costumed heroes and villains? Not a chance. I've dug up secrets I've been threatened for keeping quiet about, secrets I've been threatened for NOT keeping quiet about, and finally, secrets I've decided to keep to myself because I was afraid of what exposing them might cause. For the greater good of course.

The greater good, what a joke. I've been afraid, plain and simple. Afraid of making things worse, afraid of tearing down this fragile peace, if you can even call it that. Hell, what I know aren't even really secrets anymore, no matter how hard we try to pretend otherwise, atleast two of them are already public knowledge. And I'm tired of keeping quiet.

Matt Murdock is Daredevil. Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin. And Tony Stark is a traitor not just to this country and the world, but to all the people he called friends. I doubt he ever really knew the meaning of the word. All in the name of the greater good. Which just so happened to put him in charge of everything and further fill his pockets. Pure coincidence, I'm sure.



Following the charges brought against him, Tony Stark has been forced to resign leadership of SHIELD pending trial. In an unexpected move, World War 2-veteran Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan has been appointed the new director. This despite expectations that the position would pass to deputy director Maria Hill. Sources indicate that Hill was passed over due to the public and disastrous defeat of the government-sponsored Mighty Avengers last week, which resulted in the loss of several high-value agents. Neither Maria Hill nor Director Dugan has made any statements.



Already suffering tensions due to members choosing different ideological sides during the SRA split among the superhero community, legendary superhero team The Fantastic Four is expelling founding member and leader Reed Richards, who is currently awaiting trial. Richards, one of the main proponents of the SRA, has been charged with conspiracy and treason alongside Tony Stark AKA Iron Man.. Sources indicate that his position will be filled by X-Men affiliate Ororo Munroe AKA Storm.



With two of it's biggest proponents charged with conspiracy to make the bill a reality, there has been a resurgence of complaints against the Superhuman Registration Act, which were thought settled once the so-called "Civil War" had concluded. Several legal experts have called the Act grossly unconstitutional, while new witnesses have come forward accusing the Pro-Registration side of corruption and unecessary force against political opponents, as well as unlawful tactics while trying to have the Act made into law. Accusations have also been made against SHIELD for attempting to enforce the Act before it had even been ratified. Henry Gyrich, head of The Initiative, released the following statement:

"Unbelivable, we fight tooth and nail to get this damn thing passed, and now all you liberal crybabies want to tear it up and start the whole mess all over again just because someone hurt your feelings? You want to talk about rights, what about the average Americans right not to get his property smashed by some asshole in tights? What about the nations right not to be overrun by freaks? We finally had some control, and now it's all in the wind because you didn't like how the sausage got made? You don't like how politics are done, tough shit!"

Henry Gyrich is currently under investigation for negligence at Camp Hammond.



I wonder if it's weird I haven't used my powers to change my appearance yet?

My familiar reflection stares back at me from the bathroom mirror as I turn my head back and forth, looking myself over. One of the advantages of not having much in the looks department is that you don't really lose much as you age, I look more or less the same as I did in my 20's with the exception of a few grey hairs that have begun to pop up in my beard. I never cared much about my appearance before, I'm comfortable in my own skin, but hooking up with someone like Jen who is LAUGHABLY out of my league... Then again, so were my previous relationships too, just not by this much. Not sure why, but "bearded ogre" seems to be a look a surprising amount of people are into.

The blare from the TV as the commercials end, signalling the return of the news report, interupt my thoughts, and I head back to the living room just as the screen cuts back to the outside of the New York City courthouse, which is absolutely swarmed, not exactly surprising considering who's being put on trial. A large police barricade has been set up to keep the angry protestors off the steps, neatly dividing the two groups into Pro-and Anti-Regs, though the former is surprisingly smaller than I would have guessed, even with all the accusations being flung at Stark and his friends. The screaming crowd makes it hard to make out the words of the reporter in front of the camera, a blonde woman with a name that doesnt ring any bells for me comics-wise. Guess not all of them would have appeared on-panel.

"It's the first day of what has been dubbed the Trial Of the Century, which has sent shockwaves through the entire country, as well as cast doubt on the policy making of the U.S government over the past several years. Regardless of the outcome of the trial, many experts are claiming that the increases scrutiny as well as new evidence and accusations coming forth, may have caused irreperable damage to the Superhuman Registration Act, and may lead to serious overhaul down the line. Wait, I'm being told-"

She's cut off as a limousine rolls up to the curb behind her, and out steps two familiar figures, surrounded by bodyguards dressed in power armor. There's no nicer way to say it, Tony Stark really looks like hell. Despite his Armani suit and perfectly tailored hair, his face looks like he's aged a century in a few weeks, and even the expensive suit can't hide how gaunt and skinny he's gotten. Reed doesn't look too bad, but considering he's basically made of rubber, stress probably doesn't hit him quite as badly. The two ignore the screaming crowd around them, with Stark brushing off the reporters trying to get a soundbite as they move up the stairs and into the courthouse.

Another car pulls up, and out steps Jen, looking like a million bucks in her business suit, a sharp contrast to Stark and Reed who looked like they hadn't slept in weeks. The blonde woman manages to elbow her way past the other reporters and reaches Jen just as she steps onto the stairs. "Miss Walters, Miss Walters! How does it feel to be prosecuting your longtime friends?" Oof, right for the low blow too. Should I be down there to support her?

Nah, I'd just get in her way.

There's a flash of pain across Jen's face. "Mr Stark and Mr Richards made it perfectly clear through their actions that friendships don't matter to them. I'm here to make sure the laws they ignored when they got inconvenient are upheld, nothing else."

Another reporter pushes his way to the front "Miss Walters, there are reports of you being an accomplice of the mutant Ginnungagap. Is this true?"

She raises an eyebrow "I assume you mean an ASSOCIATE, since to my knowledge, Ginnungagap hasn't been accused of a crime. And even if I was, I wouldn't answer, since he isn't part of this trial."

Jen turns to leave, but a third reporter manages to catch her attention "Miss Walters, what do you say about the reports that Norman Osborn is lobbying for directorship of SHIELD?"

She gives the camera a cold look "I say: one criminal at a time. He can get in line behind Stark." She turns and heads up the stairs, ignoring the shouts from the remaining reporters.

Hmm, Osborn HAS been quiet since I beat up the Thunderbolts. I should check in on him, make sure he's not going to be an even bigger pain.