
chapter 6

Kirishima and i make it to my house. The lights are out because its now about 11:30am. Sighing i look at him.

"This is my place, um thank you again for saving me. Um maybe we can hang out at lunch tomorrow" i say.

"Yeah for sure! And i could just sit around when my friends are in danger!" He exclaims with a toothy grin.

"I'll see you tomorrow kiri, you should probably get to sleep as soon as you can haha, we have a long day of training tomorrow!" I exclaim happily.

"Yeah i'll do that! Have a good sleep Takahashi!" He says.

"You too" and with that he leaves.

Open the doors to the house i walk inside. Its quiet, the only things that can be heard are the fridge running and the snores from upstairs. Walking up to my rooms bathroom i take a shower. I feel gross, i feel violated. A searing pain on my arm snaps me out of my thoughts. The marks i made a while ago remind me to stay sane. Getting out of the shower i check the time, 12:30am. Damn i need to make my showers quicker. Throwing on my wolf onzie i make my way to bed, im not sure if i can sleep tonight but i'll try.


Im running, why im not sure. Piercing eyes bore into me, im naked? Where are my clothes? Whats happening. A figure comes into view, they have spiky hair. It must be kiri! Maybe he can help me! Running into the person embrace i close my eyes tightly. They smell of caramel and smoke.

"The hell are you doing dumbass? Wake the hell up" a gruff voices says.

Looking up im met with striking crimson orbs and spiky ash hair.

"Wake the fuck up" he says again


My alarm blares in my ears, i guess it was time to wake up. Crawling out of bed i finish packing up the last box, this has been a long time coming. Walking into my bathroom i change and brush my hair and teeth. Guess i'll head to school now, better early than never. Walking out of my room and down the stairs i grab an apple off the counter and make my way out the door.

The walk to school was quite peaceful, aside from the paranoia. Upon arrive im met with the press, i try making my way through the crowd but start panicking. What if it happens again? What if im kidnapped? I hadnt realized i start trembling to a visible degree. A hand gripped my arm and pulled me through the crowd.

"Your fucking pathetic" a gruff voice says.

"Ya... Your right" i mumble.

"The hell did you say? Fucking speak up" the voice growls.

"I said thanks but fuck off" i growl at the owner of the voice.

"I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" Porcupine shouts.

"Ya? So fucking do it" i growl.

He looks taken back by what i said, but that quickly fades as he punches me in the gut.

"Your fucking weird you damn extra" he growls.

He walks off visibly angry. I didnt thinn he would actually hit me but I guess i deserve it. I soom follow him into the building, wouldnt want to be late. Walking through the halls a familiar spiky head of red enters my view.

"Kiri!" I yell.

"Oh hey MK! How did you sleep last night?" Kiri turns to me and asks.

"Was alright i guess? Had a weird ass dream but oh well. Oh! Also here's your jacket, i wanted to thank you again fir last night" i say to him.

"Tch slut" i hear from behind me.

Looking down i wait for the insults.

"Bakubro we didnt do that! I was saving her fro-" i cut kirishima off by covering his mouth.

"He was helping me pack, and maybe you should mind your own business" i growl at porcupine.

"Why the hell are you packing?" Porcupine asks, obviously just curious.

"The hell do you care. Not like id tell you anything" i growl.

"Tch i dont, whatever losers i dont have time for you" he grumbles.

Porcupine proceeds to walk ahead and into the classroom. Taking my hand off of kiri's mouth i turn to him.

"Before you ask, im moving to my own place closer to the school and i will be loving with roommates so dont worry but want to come find a place with me after school?" I say abruptly.

"Oh um sorry MK, i promised i woukd hang out with kaminari after school!" He apologizes.

"No worries i figured i would offer" i say smiling "lets head inside before we're late".

"Ya! Ladies first" kirishima says.

"Thank you" I say giggling.

Upon walking into class, I had forgotten to change my features a bit. So when I feel familiar eyes follow me, I know I'm doomed. The sounds of a chair being shoved as someone forcibly stands is heard, turning to look I'm immediately punched in the face. The class gasps, watching what may unfold into a horrible disaster.

"Why the hell are you here" the voice trembles.

"Because I want to be a hero, why else" I grumble.

"You'll never be a hero. You'll always be a villain no matter what you do" the voice growls.

Looking to the person, my 'sister' comes into view. She's trembling with anger and looks like she's about to cry. The class holding they're breaths after the sentence she spoke but a certain ash blonde is very curious.

"If that's what I am in your eyes than so be it, but in others I want to be a hero" I say in a softer voice.

"Ha! You?! Others will think your terrifying! Especially after what happened 11 years ago" she laughs.

"What happened 11 years ago?" Pink cheeks and Izuku ask.

"Your looking at the girl who sent her own two sisters to the ER 11 years ago. All because she couldn't control her anger" katelyn mocks.

"It wasn't like that.." I grit my teeth.

"Really? Tell me then, what was it like to almost KILL your own sisters? Hmmm?" She teases.

"It wasn't like that at all, I was quirkless and it was just bad timing" I growl.

"Bad timing? You call that bad timing? Ha! You must be stupid! No wonder mom doesn't talk to you anymore!" She laughs.


"Careful now, don't want to go killing your classmates" she muses.

I freeze, looking about over the rows of desks, they all seem terrified. This is what I am? Am I really destined to be a villain? Looking away I stuff my hands into my pocket. They want to see a villain? Fine. Bring it on.

"Hahaha, your funny you really are" I laugh.

Everyone looks taken a back.

"You think you can get the better of me? Hmmm? I think the scars suite you, no? And I could care less about mom, the sooner she's in a grave the better" I say with a wide grin.

This hurts. I don't want to act like this but I have to. No one likes me. Everyone hates me and always will.

"H-how dare you!" Katelyn growls.

"How dare I? I'm not the one calling people villains am I? I'm just playing the part in your delusions" I say matter of factly.

"Well it's true! You are a villain! You hurt us and that's all you'll ever do!" She says angerly.

"Really? Well I should probably let you know that I've been working a late night job to save up the money to be completely out of your lives. I'm moving and changing my name. Just so you can have your little happy family again. But that's not something a villain would do right? Anyways class is about to begin, best take our seats" I say.

She goes to retort but gets a face full of feathers, I've popped my wings out except this time the tip of each feather is stained red. I go and take my seat and she takes hers as well. Aizawa walks into the room immediately feeling the tension in the air. He gives a questioning look to me and I point to my sister. He nods in understanding and begins his lesson.

************possible triggers ahead**********

After a few hours of class it's finally lunch. I take my leave quickly, too quick to notice I'm being followed. Heading up the stairs I go to the roof. High places make me feel comfortable because who would be crazy enough to go there right? Taking a seat at the edge of the building I pull out a little pouch from my bag. Just one, that's all I need I say to myself as I pull out a small blade. Placing the blade to my arm I smile, this is the only way to be happy. Before I can even move, the blade is swatted out of my hand. Freaked out I immediately jump into a fight stance, only to loose my balance and slip. I don't fall tho, in fact I feel warmth. I feel to arms wrapped around my waist. Looking up I notice crimson orbs and ash hair. Realizing who it is I extend my wings and push him away from me.

"The hell was that man! Could have given me a warning" I growl.

"What the hell are you on about! The hell were you even doing anyways!" Porcupine growls.

"It doesn't concern you" I say blandly.

"Like hell it doesn't" he growls " what the hell were you doing with that blade?"

"Why do you fucking care? Huh! Your just an asshat who thinks he's better than anyone so why do you care about a lowly extra like me!" I shout.

"BECAUSE UNLIKE EVERY OTHER DAMN EXTRA YOUR ACTUALLY kinda strong and I respect that...." he says, looking away.

"You respect me? Ha! Please your probably only say that because of what my sister said" I laugh.

"Fuck whatever she said, if your trying to be a hero than be a hero but don't ever become a god damn villain you got that! Or, I'LL HAVE TO KICK YOUR ASS" he yells.

I didn't realize it but a single tear slipped down my cheek. It seemed almost surreal. Someone respected me? Not only that, they recognized my dream and told me it was possible.

(3rd POV)

Bakugo looks at me and then looks a bit shocked. The strong-willed, intimidating girl he knew was now crying infront of him. She looked fragile, he wanted to protect her. He had no idea the amount of damage she had sustained but he wanted to fix it.

(Reg POV)

Bakugo face looked shocked but why? Feeling my face I notice a weird liquid, I'm crying? I don't cry, especially not infront of people! So, why him? Why do I feel safe enough to cry around him? The ring of the bell fills our ears, lunch has ended and now it's time to get back to class.

"Hey bakugo?"

"What shit face?"

"Thank you"