
Reality Bender System, Marvel

Embark on a journey alongside Emelia as a bored god whimsically transports her to another universe, or perhaps even a multiverse. In this intriguing realm, she encounters a myriad of characters from diverse backgrounds. Immerse yourself in the excitement of Emelia's adventure as she grapples with her 'Reality Bending System' and unravels the enigmas of the extraordinary realm unfolding before her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there I'm the Author, this is my first time writing fan-fiction, please let me know what I can improve at! Also, to let you all know, this will be done in my spare time when i am not busy with RL stuff! I hope you all enjoy! FYI: I do not own Harry Potter or any other pre-existing novels/ works that i use within my Fan-Fiction. This does have a Harem, it will be purely Yuri though. (Since people have been complaining i am adding this to say that this is inspired by 'The Fallen Gamer'... They have accused me of Plagiarism, so, just to let you guys know I am not stealing from the other author only using some of the ideas and basic themes with a sprinkling of some of the same events early on in the story; mainly because they are some of the best and easiest to start from; even these I have made changes to.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt

Alex_Simmonds · Anime et bandes dessinées
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387 Chs

Courting Hel (Part 2 of the courting)

Long Chapter but that is okay, since you always tell me that it isn't a problem, right?? 👌


I woke up with Sol the next morning and quickly cooked some breakfast for her. She was still asleep and i wanted to be there for her this morning to show i was serious. Luckily she didn't wake up and I was able to plate her up some food and give her some breakfast in bed.

I delicately shook her awake, seeing her light up in joy at seeing me melting my heart.

"Morning sleepy head..."

"Morning... What is it you have there...?"

"Some breakfast for you, love."

I leaned down and kissed her on the lips before giving her the food. She lit up even more and looked at me with tears in her eyes. I ran my hand down her cheek and smiled, her tears falling down her cheeks as she slowly slipped her fork into the food and ate.

I stayed with her for most of the morning and said goodbye by ten, teleporting her back to her apartment before going back to my own apartment where i spent the rest of the morning with my wives and checked in on the babies.

They were all fine and were happy that i could find some other people to take my lust away from them. Apparently the times in the bathroom in the morning were starting to become too much. I was somewhat saddened by that but also understood that growing children like ours was exhaustive even for goddesses. I cooked for them all and spent some time before going off and spending some time preparing my date with Hel today. It took me a few hours but ultimately I was ready. I wanted each date to be unique and not necessarily end with sex, although i was prepared for it if they wanted to.

In the time between me finishing my prep and the actual date I quickly went to check in with Skadi, Kali and Pixel with regards to the city. It was the same as usual but we had experience a mass influx of mutants and humans from America as Erik was apparently doing a very good job. 

Some people would find it strange that we are still excited over population increase with Asia on our doorstep. Well, you see we don't accept people with a certain IQ or below and unfortunately the vast majority of the people coming from Asia were unskilled and uneducated people. Now, naturally we did not discriminate on colour of ones skin but we needed highly skilled people or at least properly certified workers for each part of our society. This was mainly because of the high-tech nature of the city and the lack of handrails that Ancient Technology provided for people... Click the wrong button and *Ka splat* You're dead. This being said I have contacted their government and informed them of the issue and had started to work with those government to try and increase the quality of their education systems and other factors. I saw this as beneficial for me as I would soon control the world anyway, especially considering the info i got from Skadi, Pixel and Kali.


It was about two minutes until me and Hel's date and I went for a long flowing dress with silver birds lightly imprinted along the top of the black fabric. I made sure my hair was silky smooth and also put on some mild perfume with the scent of honey and lilac, purely natural.

I used a spell from Overlord to get to her door, one that if any weeb was there would cause them to smile and repeat the phrase.


A purple and black portal opened in front of me, large enough for several people to walk through. Stepping through the travel was instantaneous and comfortable as the temperature of my body shifted along with the change in local. 

Standing in front of me was a beautiful woman with sublime white-platinum hair and sharp features that worked to make her piercing green eyes even more mesmerising and transcendental.

"Afternoon Hel, I see you look as stunning as always."

She blushed at my comment a vague tinge of black morphing through her hair before disappearing completely.

"You also look good..."

Her words trailed off as she was lost in my beauty. Using this as a way to break the ice i twirled around and showed off my outfit before prancing over beside her and taking her arm in mine.

Within moments i took her away to a distant part of the planet, with my spatial abilities this time.


Our first spot was a beautiful shore line with a wonderful restaurant that I had booked for this afternoon, using money to force my way into the reserved list. The beach was stunning and the view was even more beautiful as the gorgeous white sand mixed with pearlescent light blue water that refracted the sunlight into the sky, making everything seem brighter.

Hel was a little blown away by the change in scenery but took it in stride and stayed by my side as i walked forward, got my reservation confirmed and ultimately sat down. A waiter came and asked us for what we wanted and I quickly ordered my side of the meal whilst Hel decided to get one of every meat dish which i smiled over and confirmed, leaving the waiter in a panic. The manager came out and tried to persuade me but I quickly created some hundred dollar notes and slid twenty of them over to him, his face becoming bright purple and red as he sneakily took it and nodded. He ran away back to the counter and conveyed the request to the kitchen.

Hel wasn't paying attention to this however as she was too busy looking out at the people showing their bodies and slowly drowning herself in her own woes. I quickly had to grab her hand and smile at her before beginning conversation.

"What has you upset? I had hoped you would like this..."

"A-ah, its nothing you've done, its, just that i can't seem to enjoy the sun as i once did... My curse makes it difficult for me to show myself in the sun. That is why i stay inside a lot."

"What is this curse? Maybe i can cure it?"

"It's a minor appearance thing... Because i represent healing and resurrection my body and soul is constantly in a state of being dead and alive. Because of this my body looks normal in moonlight but not sunlight. The change doesn't occur quickly but over several minutes it will take hold."

I activated my eyes a little and saw a small leech on her soul, a dark, vile entity that had been caught in there, sucking at the very fabric of her soul like a maggot on fine food. I grimaced and this apparently was taken wrongly as Hel began to curl inwards a little.

"I-i know it's disgusting... B-but pleas-"

Before she could continue i patted her head and smiled.

"It wasn't you dear, it was the thing that has been doing this to you that i was reacting to. See my eyes?"

I showed my Ouroboros to her, resulting in a nod from her as she listened.

"These are my eyes, they can see through pretty much everything and see down to the soul... Currently i see a leech creature on your soul, spreading a blackness that your soul is constantly fighting."

She seemed shocked and leaned in closer to me, her face almost meeting with mine.

"Is that true...?"

She whispered so as not to disturb people around us, we were sitting in a small closed off booth next to the a large glass door that lead out to a personal balcony.

"Yes, why would i lie?"

"c-can you get rid of it?"

"Anything to make you smile again."

She blushed and pulled back a little, i didn't let her get too far though as i quickly grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in for a kiss. She was surprised, no doubt, but soon relaxed into the situation and even started to enjoy it. Meanwhile I enjoyed it also but mainly focussed on carefully and expertly extracting this parasite. The creature was slippery and continued to move around her soul as I pried at it with my psychic powers. It wasn't working well so i decided for a more powerful and permanent solution.

My reality domain billowed out into the small booth and focussed around Hel's form as I willed the maggot out of its life. This worked very well as the creature seized up and began to roll around before it and the blackness it was spreading were completely vanquished. Funnily enough it had the same feeling as that time Skadi delved too far into the internet... Which, by the way, was completely sealed off by me now and under constant surveillance by a simplistic AI tied directly to my Magitechna domain.

I moved back from the kiss, Hel trying to chase me before realising what she was doing and reluctantly falling back as well.

"That was good..."

"I'm glad you liked it, I've had some time to train in it. Now, the creature is gone so try and circulate your domain."

She followed my request and i witnessed something truly beautiful. Her dreary aura and depressed demeanor was vanquished by a tranquil bright white light, similar to Galadriel from Lord of The Rings. The black moving through her hair now gone and the previously silver hair now pitch white, like the room i had first entered into when i was reincarnated.

'Does this mean she is going to become a reincarnation goddess in the future?'

Tears formed in her eyes as she tried to wipe them away with her hands only to have more fall in their place. It softened my heart to see her like that so i created some tissues and presented them to her. With a thankful smile she took the tissues and began to wipe away the tears that threatened to burst out with the excitement of being free of her curse.

"Thank you so much! I haven't felt this good since my mother was alive..."

"No need to thank me, it's only right that i should help someone as kind and caring as you. Something like that would not have attached itself to somebody evil or treacherous."

More tears began to leak from her eyes as she stood up and came around to my side of the booth, sitting down on the couch and hugging into me. I held her softly as the waiter silently brought in several dishes and tactfully left.

Some minutes passed before we began to eat and we shared some small talk and content about our days. Supposedly she had been following Pixel around and learning governance a little, becoming an apprentice of sorts to my wife. Not only that but she was also becoming sisters with Idun pretty quickly as they both bonded over being abused by the Asgardians... Hel by her father Loki and Idun by Odin, Freya and the entirety of the Asgardian people.

I was constantly smiling and laughing as she talked about her interactions and talks with my women, me adding some small details about them to make her laugh as well. It was a good date and i considered going to the other place i had set up but decided against it and just enjoyed a scrumptious meal with her and ended it all off by having a long walk on the beach.

The day was perfect and she seemed to not want to take it as far as Sol did, her romance leaning more on the emotional connection side of the scale than Sol.

"I hope you enjoyed the date, no matter how tame or normal it was."

"I loved it, being around you and your wives, my sisters, is all I need to feel happy... They are all so supportive and caring, y-you are too though."

"Hehe, don't worry, i got what you meant."

I hugged her as we sat on a stone jutting out into the sea, waves of water slowly and calmly crashing into the stone below as we watched the sun set.


Hope you enjoyed it!


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Special thanks to these fine people for the power stones!:
































Thanks to all of you!

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