
Reality's Edge The Luck Paradox

Jack Avery's unbreakable streak of luck thrusts him into a dangerous game where reality and virtuality collide. Tasked with surviving real-world challenges that mirror his virtual conquests, Jack navigates a perilous path between life and death, guided only by his wits and a dubious fortune. Surrounded by enigmatic characters like the shadowy Ethan Grey, loyal yet mysterious butler Lucas, and the secretive maid Gail, Jack must unravel a web of betrayal and manipulation. As the line between allies and adversaries blurs, Jack's quest for survival becomes a desperate search for truth, challenging the very essence of fate and free will. "Reality's Edge" is a thrilling journey through a world where the greatest challenge is discerning reality from illusion, and where every choice can be the difference between life and eternal game over.

quinnquirkbl · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 9

Jack Avery was in a state of utter disbelief, wishing for a way to express his confusion visually—perhaps through an endless stream of question mark emojis.

This was his cousin, Adrian, who had appeared perfectly normal up until moments ago. How had he also been caught in Cyrus Hall's intricate web? Was Cyrus's influence so pervasive that not even family ties were spared from his manipulations?

Lucky for Jack, he was yet to discover the existence of the game designer behind these twisted scenarios, or he would have been searching for the strongest words of exasperation to hurl their way.

Adrian, interpreting Jack's stunned silence as a form of overwhelmed happiness, expressed regret, "I should have let go of my reservations earlier. I'm sorry you had to endure that because of me."

Jack was swamped with mixed emotions, struggling to find where to begin untangling this latest development.

Adrian continued, seemingly apologetic, "I was mistaken. I promise not to cause you any more pain. Is that okay?"

Feeling as if he had been struck by lightning, Jack remembered Gail would be returning soon. He managed to say, "I've already let go."

This took Adrian aback.

Jack, still trying to make sense of Adrian's true motives, cautiously ventured, "We were never a good match. I've spent a long time thinking about it and have come to terms with that. It's best if you return."

"You want me to leave?" Adrian's previously sunny demeanor quickly clouded over, disbelief and confusion creasing his brow. "You're really asking me to leave..."

"Yes, please go back," Jack affirmed, increasingly numbed by the surreal turn of events.

Adrian's face lost all traces of its earlier warmth as he fixed Jack with a serious look, "Are you certain of your decision?"

The question sounded odd, but Jack, without hesitation, confirmed, "Yes."

Predictably, in the next instant, Adrian, who had been the epitome of charm and warmth, unsheathed a silver dagger and advanced towards Jack with a stoic expression.

Jack, resigned to the expected outcome, was barely surprised by Adrian's actions.

However, Adrian appeared genuinely shocked by Jack's acceptance of his fate, his calm demeanor in the face of adversity touching a nerve. Watching Jack's peaceful acceptance and readiness to face death, Adrian experienced a sudden pang of remorse.

"You did this on purpose!" Adrian accused, embracing Jack tightly, his expression one of frantic despair, "You... you provoked me on purpose... Cyrus, please don't..."

His voice trailed off into anguished, broken sobs.

As Jack teetered on the edge of resetting, his curiosity was piqued, though he refrained from probing further. Adrian's precision mirrored that of the vampire Cyrus—both delivering fatal blows without offering a chance for reprisal.

With the countdown to reset looming, Jack knew he couldn't afford to linger.


He found himself back at the moment Adrian proposed they elope.

Jack recognized that a direct rejection was out of the question; engagement was necessary with each character in their unique ways.

Curious about Adrian's final words before his "death," Jack sensed they might hold the key to unraveling the ongoing enigma.

"No, we can't," Jack managed to conjure up a convincingly distressed smile, looking pitifully at Adrian.

"I don't care about anything anymore!" Adrian declared, driven by a moment of passion.

Internally, Jack disagreed: While Adrian might have relinquished all concerns, Jack's priority was survival, aiming to last the seven days in this bizarre game. Yet, such thoughts remained unspoken as Jack mulled over how to delicately extract further information.

Adrian, perhaps inadvertently, offered more insight into the dire state of affairs, "...so many have already perished. The duke's mansion, the royal family—it's all become a graveyard."

This revelation helped Jack connect some dots after days filled with confusion.

Upon closer observation of Adrian, Jack noticed a hint of fear and unrest lurking beneath his otherwise bright and assured gaze.

Believing he had persuaded Jack, Adrian shared, "I understand they've wronged you, and I share your disdain for their treatment of you and your mother. It pains me too..."

Slowly, the story surrounding Cyrus Hall began to emerge more clearly.

Adrian continued with a sense of regret, "I couldn't protect you, leading you down this path..."

What path, Jack wondered, but Adrian, possibly fearing overstimulation, refrained from elaborating.

Jack, wary of probing too deeply lest he disrupt this newly discovered lead, allowed Adrian to guide the conversation.

"The Princess of Westlin has passed, and the queen is ill. I'll take care of you from now on, always by your side... Can we stop this now?"

The Princess of Westlin, Jack realized, was his stepmother.

Though Adrian shared sparingly, Jack was able to sketch a broad outline of the narrative.

Following his biological mother's death, Cyrus's father remarried the queen's sister—a pompous and extravagant princess who seemingly harbored little love for Cyrus. Despite his noble status, young Cyrus faced considerable mistreatment.

The details of the subsequent events were murky, yet Adrian's remarks suggested a long-standing vendetta nurtured by Cyrus against those who had wronged him.

Was this tangled web of relationships with the vampire and the butler part of a grander scheme for vengeance?

What calamity had Cyrus unleashed to warrant such attention from assassins? Was it merely the demise of the Princess of Westlin that incited this?

As Jack gazed back at Adrian, understanding dawned on him why Adrian had resorted to violence earlier.

It wasn't mere jealousy or spite; Adrian had believed Cyrus to be beyond redemption, unwilling to end his crusade for vengeance, prompting his drastic action.

"Rest assured, cousin. With her demise, I'll halt my actions. You should return home," Jack reassured Adrian.

"Are you truly ceasing all actions?" Adrian relaxed visibly, reaffirming his dedication to Jack, "I'll stand by you, for life."

Jack had no desire for such companionship, gently dissuading him, "You needn't feel obliged; my word is my bond."

"I'm not acting out of obligation!" Adrian's eyes conveyed deep regret, "I regret not embracing your affections sooner... if only I had..."

Jack struggled to grasp the emotional complexities, admitting, "Expressing my feelings to a cousin was my mistake."

"How is it a mistake?" Adrian countered,his concern palpable, "After everything you've been through, seeking comfort in me is natural."

Jack wanted to clarify: That's dependency, not love.

He paused, reconsidering the appropriateness of such distinctions within the confines of the game's logic.

Adrian sighed, "Let me stay, even if just as a sacrifice."

Jack blinked,confused by the statement. Then, as Adrian leaned in for a gentle kiss on Jack's cheek, he whispered, "Cyrus, whatever it takes to bring you back, I'm willing to do."

The sound of porcelain shattering from behind abruptly interrupted them.

Jack swiftly pushed Adrian away to face a stern-looking Gail.

Jack Avery:"..."