
Reality's Edge The Luck Paradox

Jack Avery's unbreakable streak of luck thrusts him into a dangerous game where reality and virtuality collide. Tasked with surviving real-world challenges that mirror his virtual conquests, Jack navigates a perilous path between life and death, guided only by his wits and a dubious fortune. Surrounded by enigmatic characters like the shadowy Ethan Grey, loyal yet mysterious butler Lucas, and the secretive maid Gail, Jack must unravel a web of betrayal and manipulation. As the line between allies and adversaries blurs, Jack's quest for survival becomes a desperate search for truth, challenging the very essence of fate and free will. "Reality's Edge" is a thrilling journey through a world where the greatest challenge is discerning reality from illusion, and where every choice can be the difference between life and eternal game over.

quinnquirkbl · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

Jack Avery found himself questioning silently: Was he even allowed to say no?

He had once viewed Gail as merely a misguided and slightly erratic youth. Yet, the truth unfolded to reveal Gail as surpassingly more ruthless than both Butler Lucas and the vampire, Cyrus. His justification for slaughtering the entire estate was ostensibly to protect Cyrus Hall, arguing they were potential threats. The underlying reality, however, suggested that eliminating Lucas's loyalists was a strategy to allow would-be assassins—thus opportunities for Gail to prove his worth—closer access to Cyrus.

Without the threat of assassins, how could Gail manifest his indispensability?

Following his ostensibly sorrowful departure, Gail orchestrated a series of manipulations, cornering Jack into becoming dependent on him. Gail opted not for direct violence but strategically eliminated all alternatives, leaving Jack with no choice but him.

Feeling cornered, Jack aided Gail Reed to his feet, questioning, "You don't resent me?"

Gail, looking up, his features alight with infatuation, replied, "How could I? I am nothing without you."

As Jack's fingertips grazed Gail's chillingly pale cheek, he expressed remorse, "I'm sorry for what has become of you."

Gail, seizing Jack's hand fervently, insisted, "No, it was my choice, my willing transformation into a vampire. You bear no fault; apologies are unnecessary."

Jack inwardly scoffed at the notion of Cyrus Hall being unaware of these developments.

Gail's gaze upon Jack was fervent: "Your kindness, your grandeur offered me, the most unworthy, the loftiest affection... My only wish was to prove myself deserving of you, to become strong enough not to disappoint you."

So, vampirism was his chosen path to worthiness.

With the gathered facts, Jack could nearly predict Gail's backstory: A humble servant catching his master's eye yet too insecure to reciprocate, burying his growing affections until they became an overwhelming force. Driven by love and a pursuit of power, he risked everything to walk the path of vampirism.

Evidently, the youth reported dead was none other than Gail himself, not deceased but reborn as a vampire.

This narrative coherence did little to dispel Jack's confusion over why Cyrus Hall, whose identity he now occupied, would declare affection for such a youth.

Cyrus Hall's entanglements, both with the vampire Cyrus for survival and with Butler Lucas for potentially leveraging vampiric powers, hinted at a pattern. But what about Gail? Prior to his transformation, what could a mere mortal offer to merit Cyrus Hall's exploitation?

It remained a mystery.

More bewildering still were the actions of the real Cyrus Hall. Just how many had he ensnared in his web?

Jack decided to take things one step at a time. For now, accepting Gail seemed the sole route to avoiding assassination—a predicament that persisted despite any resets.

He earnestly hoped the vampire and butler wouldn't interrupt. A confrontation between the three would certainly spell disaster.

Having stabilized the situation with Gail, the day concluded. Though the vast mansion now stood eerily silent, save for their presence, it oddly felt secure.

Gail's attentiveness to Jack bordered on reverence, treating him as a treasured possession while carefully maintaining his boundaries, seemingly content in his role as Cyrus's devoted follower.

For Jack, a man of contemporary sensibilities, the situation was profoundly intricate.

At last, the game progress indicated: Day Five.

Absent any word from either the butler or the vampire, Jack remained vigilant, anticipating unforeseen developments in the days ahead.

By dawn, the estate buzzed with life once more—the "deceased" staff had mysteriously "revived"...

Baffled, Jack listened as Gail, now impeccably dressed, assured him, "Fear not, Master. They are merely docile puppets at our command."

Speechless, Jack hesitated.

Gail, perceiving Jack's discomfort, promptly offered a solution, only for Jack to interject, "Let them be," preferring not to further complicate matters, albeit with presumed NPCs.

Gail, though outwardly submissive, chillingly remarked, "I wished for only us in this mansion. I yearned to tend to your every need personally. However, unable to stray from your side, delegating menial tasks becomes necessary."

It seemed Jack was not the one restricted from Gail's view, but rather the opposite.

With merely two days remaining, Jack opted not to dwell on these nuances.

"You decide," Jack conceded, trusting in Gail's judgment.

Gail's response, radiant with joy, suggested arranging a luncheon for Mr. Glinton's forthcoming visit.

Upon hearing another unfamiliar name, Jack braced himself for further complications, only to learn through a game prompt that Adrian Glinton was Cyrus's cousin.

So, Mr. Glinton was related to Cyrus Hall. But what significance did that hold?

Opting for caution, Jack agreed to the luncheon, perhaps to avoid missing a critical plot point.

"Yes," Jack consented, "Prepare his favorites."

Gail acknowledged with a nod.

By ten o'clock, Mr. Glinton's carriage pulled up to the estate. The semblance of normalcy was maintained thanks to the "resurrected" servants Gail had animated, making the mansion seem just as orderly as it always had.

Jack stepped outside to welcome his guest.

Alighting from the carriage, the blond youth, Mr. Glinton, flashed a radiant smile. He was dressed in a green double-breasted coat, stylishly left open to reveal a crisp white shirt beneath, neatly cinched at the waist with a gold belt, and completed with a pair of chic boots.

"Cyrus," Adrian greeted warmly, clasping Jack's hand, "You've lost weight since we last met."

Internally, Jack mused on the absurdity: Given the multiple ordeals he'd faced, weight loss seemed almost inevitable.

Adrian Glinton stood in stark contrast to the others Jack had encountered—brimming with vitality, handsomely aged a few years beyond Cyrus, epitomizing the prime of youth.

Jack was taken by Adrian's luminous smile, finding it genuinely warm and inviting.

"You appear to have slimmed down as well, cousin," Jack ventured, engaging in polite conversation.

Adrian's face lit up, "Really? I've been engaging in more physical activity lately; I guess it's paying off!"

Their exchange was light and amiable.

Although Jack typically shied away from initiating conversations, Adrian proved to be an effortless talker, quickly infusing the atmosphere with ease and warmth.

Upon noticing Gail, Adrian inquired, "Where's Lucas?"

"He's currently away on business," Jack responded smoothly, maintaining his composure.

Adrian didn't press further on the matter, instead gracefully steering the conversation towards more casual topics.

To Jack, Adrian represented perhaps the only semblance of normality within this bizarre narrative.

Their lunch extended well into the afternoon, after which they decided to enjoy tea in the garden. It was then Adrian mentioned, "I've brought along a fine tea set in my carriage. Gail, could you retrieve it for me?"

Gail paused, seeking Jack's guidance. With a reassuring nod from Jack, he proceeded to fulfill the request.

With Gail's departure, Jack braced himself, anticipating the unforeseen. Yet, nothing could have prepared him for Adrian's sudden, impassioned proposition. Clutching Jack's hand firmly, a fervent blaze in his eyes, Adrian declared, "I'm done with it all—family expectations, societal norms, everything... Cyrus, let's elope!"