
Reality's Edge The Luck Paradox

Jack Avery's unbreakable streak of luck thrusts him into a dangerous game where reality and virtuality collide. Tasked with surviving real-world challenges that mirror his virtual conquests, Jack navigates a perilous path between life and death, guided only by his wits and a dubious fortune. Surrounded by enigmatic characters like the shadowy Ethan Grey, loyal yet mysterious butler Lucas, and the secretive maid Gail, Jack must unravel a web of betrayal and manipulation. As the line between allies and adversaries blurs, Jack's quest for survival becomes a desperate search for truth, challenging the very essence of fate and free will. "Reality's Edge" is a thrilling journey through a world where the greatest challenge is discerning reality from illusion, and where every choice can be the difference between life and eternal game over.

quinnquirkbl · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 6

At a glance, it seemed Jack Avery might have finally found his escape route.

With the butler out of the picture, Jack was no longer trapped between a rock and a hard place. His mission was clear: find the vampire and make it through the next seven days. But was it genuinely that straightforward? Jack was all too aware of the day's significance.

Did seeking out the vampire imply he had to endure the First Embrace? And what did that involve? He vividly remembered the vampire's demands from the previous night, demanding satisfaction. How could Jack possibly fulfill such demands? Was a simple act of bloodsucking enough?

If not, did it mean... the only way to conquer this game was to sacrifice his own body? The mere thought sent shivers down Jack's spine, a concept too harrowing to fully entertain.

Had this been any regular video game, Jack would've already slammed the uninstall button and flagged it for review, not without hurling a few choice words at the developer. Sadly, this was no mere game but a hauntingly real, inexplicable world of its own.

There was no option to quit or surrender; Jack couldn't even begin to imagine the consequences of death without the chance to respawn.

—He had no choice but to soldier on.

"Shadowmaster Ethan, that shameless excuse for a developer, what in the world is this twisted game?" Nathan York exploded, his refined elven features, complete with silver hair and eyes, clashing starkly with the vulgarity spewing from his lips, betraying his otherwise noble demeanor.

His companion, clad in an impeccably buttoned coat that concealed every inch of skin save for his face, exuded a muscular vitality. His serious expression and the air of deterrence around him made him seem untouchable.

Lounging casually, Nathan fixed his gaze on the screen, "Damn, if I were in that kid's shoes, I'd have Shadowmaster Ethan's head."

Quinn Garrett, peeking over, inquired with a raised eyebrow, "Is that Ethan Grey's Soul's Intent?"

"Spot on," Nathan replied, his grin wide with malicious glee. "He's gone and placed Soul's Intent in a newbie world, explaining the S-level difficulty."

"So, it's deemed unbeatable because entry is restricted to a select few?" Quinn further questioned.

"Exactly," Nathan confirmed, "Only someone special could gain the recognition of Ethan's Soul's Intent."

"Is he underage?" Quinn asked, observing the strikingly beautiful young man on the screen.

"Just turned nineteen," Nathan provided.

"So young?"

"Ethan's not above going after the younger ones."

After a moment of observation, Quinn noted, "With the butler gone, wouldn't accepting the First Embrace complete his mission?"

Nathan's laughter carried a dark undertone, "It's not as simple as that. The First Embrace involves being drained of all blood. Becoming a vampire hardly counts as surviving."

Quinn fell silent.

"The kid's compatibility with Ethan must be off the charts to gain Soul's Intent's acknowledgment. But with Ethan concocting such a diabolical game, wouldn't the kid despise him?" Nathan speculated with a hint of delight.

Quinn contemplated, "But it's not all loss for him. Tackling an S-level world as his first mission, he stands to gain..."

"He's bound to clear it," Nathan cut in confidently.

Quinn looked puzzled by his assurance.

Nathan elaborated, "Ethan's Soul's Intent is the reason for the elevated world level, yet the mission's difficulty isn't insurmountable. It's within a newbie's reach. The kid's clever; selecting the right privilege practically hands him the victory."

Quinn reviewed the details, "Unlimited respawns, immunity to fatal injuries, it indeed sounds manageable."

Nathan's smile was tinged with pity, "Too bad the game's content is brutal. It's about to shatter the poor kid's moral compass."

Quinn could only nod in agreement.

"Regrettably, I've got to embark on a mission," Nathan expressed with a hint of remorse, "I'll miss witnessing Ethan's spectacular downfall."

Jack Avery had no idea about the entanglements he'd left in his wake as he departed from the grim scene. The butler lay dead, his lifeblood staining the floor—a scene Jack had neither the ability nor the inclination to remedy. Exiting the premises seemed his only recourse.

What to do next posed a significant dilemma. Jack was resolute in avoiding the so-called First Embrace, yet he couldn't simply ignore his impending appointment.

His sole option was to venture to Count Ekstrom's mansion and maintain his ruse with the vampire. All he had to do was survive another six days; maybe he could fend off the First Embrace until the end of his mission.

Yet, Jack had an inkling that his task wouldn't be nearly as straightforward as he hoped.

Oddly enough, the sprawling mansion now felt disturbingly vacant. While Lucas had been alive, the vastness seemed less foreboding. But in his absence, the castle now reeked of death, more akin to a crypt than a residence.

Still, Jack wasn't scared. Death had claimed him three times already.

He found the stable boy himself, arranging for a carriage to transport him to Count Ekstrom's estate. Initially, Jack had planned to pit Lucas against the vampire using nothing but his words—a plan that disastrously resulted in the butler's premature death. Now, he had no choice but to modify his strategy and buy time with Ekstrom.

As the carriage departed the estate and meandered down the rural path, Jack was taken aback by the pastoral beauty around him. Such serene vistas were inconceivable in the relentless pace of modern life: the sky a boundless azure, the wind rustling through the grass, and lotus flowers shyly emerging from the water's edge, all swaying gently in the breeze.

Jack observed keenly, finding no flaws in the breathtaking reality—a game that felt more authentic than life itself.

Abruptly, the carriage lurched, forcing Jack to cling to the handle to steady himself.

"What's going..." Before he could finish, the carriage door flung open, revealing the coachman's menacing stare.

A sense of foreboding enveloped Jack.

A dagger, its blade gleaming with malice and vengeance, lunged at him. "Without Lucas to shield you, Cyrus Hall, let's see who can save you now!" the coachman hissed.

Trapped in the confines of the carriage, evasion was impossible—not that Jack was particularly inclined to dodge.

Seizing the moment, Jack demanded, "Why do you want to kill me?"

"Why?" Fury radiated from the coachman, his voice seething with loathing. "Your wickedness is legendary; the empire would rejoice at your demise!"

Jack couldn't get another word out before the dagger found his heart.

"Ha! Even you have met your match," the coachman bellowed, lost in his derangement. "I've always wanted to see if your heart is as black as they claim, you demon from the depths..."

As the coachman's rantings faded, Jack made a split-second decision to respawn.

Returning to the previous night was his only choice.

It seemed Lucas's survival was crucial. The coachman's parting words hinted that Jack's current identity was far from a simple nobleman's progeny, likely beset by a multitude of adversaries; and Lucas was no ordinary butler. Only with Lucas alive could Jack sidestep further attempts on his life.

Thus, was it reasonable to deduce that Lucas possessed the prowess to challenge the vampire?

Jack's original plan had merit, it seemed, but it demanded a subtler execution to prevent Lucas from precipitating his own demise.

Jack Avery was no longer startled when the silver-haired vampire appeared out of thin air—after three encounters, he was becoming quite the expert at these spectral interactions.

The vampire's declaration of love had escalated to an even more bizarre level this time: "Cyrus, I'd tear out my heart to show you the depth of my love for you."

Worried that the vampire might actually act on these dramatic words, Jack hastily interjected, "Let's not say things we can't take back."

The vampire's gaze, filled with deep red obsession, softened. "Till tomorrow, my most delicate darling."

Jack mused that the vampire's proclamations, though initially revolting, were starting to lose their edge with repetition.

After convincing the vampire to leave and handling an encounter with the nocturnal butler, Lucas, Jack eagerly awaited the dawn of a pivotal new day.

This time, Jack wasted no time on preliminaries, directly posing his question: "Lucas, will you remain steadfast in your loyalty to me, regardless of the circumstances?"

This forthright method proved to be effective. Lucas knelt solemnly, pledging, "To alleviate my master's burdens is my lifelong honor."

Looking down upon him, Jack inquired, "Are you aware of Count Ekstrom's true nature?"

Lucas tensed noticeably, his voice grave, "The count is long deceased. His body is now the vessel for a vampire that dwells in the shadows."

Jack silently acknowledged: He had known all along.

"What about today's significance?" Jack pressed, locking eyes with Lucas.

Lucas raised his gaze, his blue eyes swirling with a dark haze, "Have you come to a decision?"

"I refuse to transform into an abomination," Jack stated firmly, hand resting on Lucas's shoulder. "Will you assist me?"

Lucas's eyes blazed with determination, his response laced with emotion, "My lord..."

"My engagement with him was merely to safeguard the estate. But now, his demands have crossed a line. I..." Jack stumbled, revealing his inexperience.

Luckily, his approach was correct. Lucas held his hand tightly, seeking confirmation, "You do not harbor any affection for him, correct?"

Jack's admission was heartfelt, "I do not love him."

Lucas seemed to find solace in Jack's words, pressing a kiss to his hand, "Your clarity of heart is all I need to proceed."

Jack voiced his concerns about the vampire's inhuman strength, "You..."

Lucas reassured him with unwavering loyalty and devotion in his eyes, "Do not fret over me. Await my return."

Despite Jack's outward worry, his apprehension stemmed from a different angle. He earnestly advised, "Be careful." He secretly hoped their confrontation would buy him enough time to fulfill his mission.

Before departing, Lucas issued a final instruction, "Please, stay within the mansion."

Recalling the assassination attempt by the coachman, Jack solemnly agreed, "I'll stay put. Await your return."

Lucas's eyes gleamed with softness, promising, "I'll fulfill your expectations."

Following the butler's exit, Jack spent a morning filled with unease until the afternoon sun began to wane, bringing him some relief.

It appeared his tactic of urging the butler to face the vampire was sound.

The outcome of their confrontation remained unknown, and Jack hoped it wouldn't result in an enraged visit from the silver-haired vampire.

In Lucas's absence, the maid Gail assumed the role of assisting him with his attire. Reencountering her didn't provoke much thought from Jack. Although only a day had passed in this world, it felt significantly longer in reality, and he was slightly at ease having crossed a major threshold.

As Gail meticulously removed his cloak and started on his shirt buttons, she murmured, "My lord, am I insufficient?"

Jack, misunderstanding, responded, "Hmm?"

Gail, taller by half a head, gazed down, "What Lucas is capable of, I can accomplish too. Whatever Ekstrom can provide, I can match."

This time, Jack fully comprehended her implications, his gaze intensifying as he looked up at Gail.

Her voice, now stripped of its feigned naivety, resonated with the vigor of youth, "Lucas will not return. Could you perhaps spare me a glance?"

It was then Jack noticed the lace-trimmed Adam's apple.

Gail guided his hand to her chest, devoid of any feminine curvature, "Do you feel it?" The youth's voice, thick with emotion, pleaded, "This heart belongs solely to you."