
Reality's Edge The Luck Paradox

Jack Avery's unbreakable streak of luck thrusts him into a dangerous game where reality and virtuality collide. Tasked with surviving real-world challenges that mirror his virtual conquests, Jack navigates a perilous path between life and death, guided only by his wits and a dubious fortune. Surrounded by enigmatic characters like the shadowy Ethan Grey, loyal yet mysterious butler Lucas, and the secretive maid Gail, Jack must unravel a web of betrayal and manipulation. As the line between allies and adversaries blurs, Jack's quest for survival becomes a desperate search for truth, challenging the very essence of fate and free will. "Reality's Edge" is a thrilling journey through a world where the greatest challenge is discerning reality from illusion, and where every choice can be the difference between life and eternal game over.

quinnquirkbl · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 5

The behavior of both the butler and the vampire wasn't just a case of them being lovesick—Cyrus Hall had clearly been giving them mixed signals for them to become so infatuated.

This revelation cast the game's title in an entirely different light. Was the question of love a matter of choosing left or right, between the butler and the vampire? Yet, the stated objective was merely to survive for seven days. Jack Avery couldn't help but wonder if there were more pitfalls he hadn't yet encountered in this absurd game.

As he pondered, the vampire announced his departure with a keen sense of urgency, "I'll be heading back first, Cyrus. See you tomorrow."

Jack was aware the butler was on his way, realizing the vampire was intentionally making himself scarce. Seizing the moment, he suggested, "I'll come directly to you tomorrow."

The vampire's eyes sparkled at the suggestion, and with a lick of his lips, he offered, "I'll come for you."

"No," Jack countered firmly, "wait for me. I have a surprise for you."

Hearing this, the vampire expressed his heartfelt sentiment, "Becoming my bride is the greatest joy I could imagine."

Jack couldn't help but find the sentiment a bit much, replying, "A day as significant as this deserves some preparation."

The vampire, lost in his own thoughts, assured him, "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, no finery could enhance that."

Jack thought wryly, As if I'd dress up just for you!

Pushing back against the absurdity of it all, Jack said, "A new life starts after tomorrow. Allow me some time to bid farewell to who I was." The game was testing his limits.

"Alright," the vampire agreed, barely containing his excitement, "I'll be waiting."

With effort, Jack mustered a smile, "See you tomorrow."

As the sound of footsteps neared, the vampire, with a hint of reluctance, implored, "Cyrus, I've waited too long for you. Please, make my wish come true tomorrow."

Jack, still adjusting to this bizarre reality, was taken aback by the request: Fulfill? In what way? What kind of game was this, anyway?

Attempting to keep a brave face, Jack found some solace in the vampire's evident adoration, "Don't worry. I promise our first embrace will be the sweetest, happiest night."

Overwhelmed, Jack managed a vague, "Okay, okay."

Mistaking Jack's awkwardness for shyness, the vampire hesitantly asked, "Should I leave first then?"

With a hint of resolve, Jack instructed, "Don't sneak a look at me tomorrow."

Cyrus momentarily paused, caught off guard.

Jack added, trying to maintain some semblance of control, "It won't be a surprise if you do, right?" His sense of dignity felt like it was in shambles.

The vampire, beaming with warmth, promised, "I won't go anywhere but wait for you at the Count's mansion."

Jack, still uneasy, sought confirmation, "Do you promise?"

Suddenly, Cyrus grasped his hand, confessing, "If you continue like this, I might lose my restraint."

Jack was utterly confused: Lose restraint? What had he done?

Unbeknownst to Jack, every word he uttered that night was interpreted by the vampire count through a lens of affection—coquettish, endearing, reluctant, longing.

With a heavy sigh, the vampire confessed, "These five years have been an eternity, but at last, you will be entirely mine tomorrow."

That caught Jack's attention: Five years? Had they really known each other for that long?

As the vampire tenderly kissed the back of Jack's hand, he declared, "Cyrus Hall, I love you."

Speechless, Jack could only ponder the situation. Despite being targeted by him twice, Jack found himself understanding, even if just slightly, the vampire's perspective—perhaps the treacherous Cyrus deserved a lesson in fidelity.

Immediately after the vampire's departure, the door creaked open, revealing Butler Lucas, who advanced slowly with a candelabra in hand.

Jack dispensed with the pretense of sleep. The conversation that followed mirrored their earlier interactions, yet Jack prudently refrained from broaching the topic of staying any longer, instead casting worried glances towards Lucas.

In a gentle tone, Lucas asked, "Master Avery, are you troubled by something?"

Jack's eyes briefly darted around before he softly shook his head.

Placing the candelabra aside, Lucas voiced his concern, "Master, please command me if you need anything. I swear my loyalty, come what may."

Internally, Jack mused, If it weren't for the fact that you've beheaded me twice, I might actually take your word for it.

Choosing his words with care, Jack revealed little. He suspected the vampire was still nearby. The vampire's unexpected hostility the following day, resulting in Jack being shot with an arrow without prior warning, might have its roots in tonight's interactions.

Before the game reset, Jack had initially been distant, only to display excessive affection towards Lucas upon his arrival. Given the vampire's penchant for jealousy and assumptions, it's plausible he construed the situation in his own way. The next day's invitation likely contained provocative remarks meant for Lucas's eyes.

Noble invitations were typically public documents, usually reviewed by the butler before being relayed to the master. Cyrus's mention of the wedding, perhaps even the First Embrace, was bound to provoke Lucas.

The clandestine nature of Jack's affair with the vampire was apparent; otherwise, Cyrus wouldn't have hastily exited at the sound of Lucas's footsteps—a planned agreement, presumably.

Why then did Cyrus choose to avoid Lucas that evening, only to issue such an invitation the following day? The pivotal moment was indeed tonight.

Deciding to endure through the night, Jack mentioned, "Lucas, I feel quite tired."

"Then, please have a restful night," Lucas promptly replied.

"Wishing you a good night," Jack responded.

Lucas, without further ado, made sure Jack was comfortably tucked in before whispering, "Good night."

With Lucas's retreat, Jack sighed in relief, hopeful for a more favorable outcome the next day.

To err on the side of caution, Jack feigned sleep and, after a while, sleepily called out "Cyrus." He had intended to say more, but the awkwardness was too much for him.

Come morning, Lucas was present to assist Jack with his routine. Jack's weariness was not feigned, a result of a night filled with contemplation.

"Master Avery, did you have another restless night?" Lucas inquired with evident concern.

Jack caught his gaze but hesitated to speak.

Lucas, looking equally unrested with slight dark circles under his eyes, pleaded, "Please share your worries with me. It is my life's purpose to alleviate your burdens."

Feeling a mix of guilt and determination, Jack asked, "Lucas, how long have you been in my service?"

Taken aback, Lucas knelt and answered, "Ten years."

With the narrative discrepancy—five years versus ten—Jack inwardly cursed the confusion and declared, "From today onwards, you are free."

Lucas's reaction was swift; his meticulously kept hair fell slightly as he looked up, his teal eyes clouded with fear, "Master, are you releasing me?"

A sudden chill enveloped Jack as he noted Lucas's pallid complexion, "Have I somehow disappointed you?"

The potential for violence loomed as Lucas's actions grew increasingly unpredictable.

"Am I unworthy of your affection now?" Lucas's melancholy laughter was unsettling as he produced a silver knife.

Jack's pulse raced. Was this a declaration of love? But why resort to violence?

"Master, I've never dared to covet your love or overstep my bounds. Yet, why grant me the bliss of heaven only to withdraw it?"

With despair etched across his face, Lucas lamented, "If I am no longer of any significance to you..."

Jack watched in horror as Lucas did not turn the knife on him but instead on himself.

Was this suicide? Had Butler Lucas truly taken his own life? Such a bewildering and morbid twist was hard to fathom.

Was this the narrative's intended progression, eliminating the need for a choice?

Jack Avery was unconvinced. The game couldn't possibly be this straightforward.