
Reality's Edge The Luck Paradox

Jack Avery's unbreakable streak of luck thrusts him into a dangerous game where reality and virtuality collide. Tasked with surviving real-world challenges that mirror his virtual conquests, Jack navigates a perilous path between life and death, guided only by his wits and a dubious fortune. Surrounded by enigmatic characters like the shadowy Ethan Grey, loyal yet mysterious butler Lucas, and the secretive maid Gail, Jack must unravel a web of betrayal and manipulation. As the line between allies and adversaries blurs, Jack's quest for survival becomes a desperate search for truth, challenging the very essence of fate and free will. "Reality's Edge" is a thrilling journey through a world where the greatest challenge is discerning reality from illusion, and where every choice can be the difference between life and eternal game over.

quinnquirkbl · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs

Chapter 1

The apartment walls were splotched, the fences wore a coat of rust, and the windows, once crystal clear, were now smeared with years of neglect. The weak morning sun that filtered through seemed less like a warm embrace and more like a drizzle on a mud-stained coat, highlighting the filth rather than washing it away.

Evelyn Chase, despite being away for what felt like an eternity, couldn't shake off the deep-rooted dread that surged through her as she laid eyes on the dilapidated apartment block. It wasn't just the building; it was the biting grip of poverty that scared her.

She dipped her head, snugged her coat tighter around her, and crunched over the autumn leaves with her pristine shoes, making her way in. The corridor walls were plastered with a collage of small, desperate ads, and the cement stairs told tales of neglect with their pits and bumps, not sparing even a spot of dried vomit. Evelyn, pale as a ghost, covered her nose and mouth and hesitated before knocking on the door of Room 201.

Seven years had passed since she swore she'd never set foot here again, yet here she was.

The door creaked open, revealing a young man who now stood a good half-head taller than her. He was striking, with night-dark hair setting off his snow-pale skin, a stark contrast that only highlighted his fine features: narrow eyes, a prominent nose bridge, and lips shaped like they were chiseled from stone, though they rarely smiled.

Evelyn managed a tight, uneasy smile. "Jack..."

Jack Avery's eyes were as cold as his tone, crisp like frost. "What do you need?"

Her smile froze in place, even more awkward. "May I come in?"

Without a word, Jack stepped aside.

Crossing the threshold, Evelyn was struck by the contrast. Inside, it was clean and orderly, though the space was cramped and showed its age: the concrete floor, the center table, and chairs had long lost their color, and even the wall clock ticked away with a sound that spoke of better days.

Yet, it was spotless, a stark and tidy haven compared to the disarray of her upscale, three-story residence.

Evelyn Chase diverted her eyes back to the young man. "Why've you been ghosting my calls?"

Jack's brow knitted together.

In a gentler tone, Evelyn pressed, "You've holed up here by yourself for too long, and Mom's beside herself with worry."

Jack clammed up, offering no reply. Evelyn pushed on, "Ignoring the problem won't make it vanish. I've spoken with Mr. Chase. He's willing to give you a shot at his company..."

"There's no need," Jack Avery interjected smoothly, "Your concern for my affairs is unnecessary."

Evelyn's worry deepened. "You're barely nineteen, Jack. Dropping out of college and all because of... How do you plan to make a living?"

Jack's face was a mask of indifference.

"Look, kiddo," Evelyn tried again, softening her voice. "Mom's not asking you to move back in, just to give the job a chance. Cooping yourself up in here, glued to that computer screen..." She nodded towards the glowing monitor, "...lost in video games isn't the answer."

Jack lifted his eyes to hers. "Is there anything else?"

Evelyn hesitated, then Jack added, "If that's all, I'd like you to leave. The day's about to start for everyone else." His tone was calm, lacking any edge of sarcasm, yet it stung Evelyn.

It was the crack of dawn, the corridor silent, the neighbors still ensconced in sleep. She had chosen this ungodly hour for her visit precisely to avoid them, a fact Jack pointedly highlighted.

Finally, Evelyn laid her cards on the table: "I'm pregnant."

Jack's eyes tightened, a flicker of emotion. "Well, congrats."

Evelyn seized his wrist, her anxiety palpable. "Jack, please, come home. Mom's remarried now, and with his baby on the way, she'll have your back this time."

Jack gently but firmly removed her hand. "Look after yourself. I'm not your concern."

Evelyn had more to say, but the conversation was cut short as Jack ushered her out and shut the sturdy iron door with a decisive clang.

Facing the closed door, Evelyn's resolve wavered. "Mom's changed, Jack. Just think about it, okay? I'll be waiting for your text."

Jack remained silent until her footsteps faded. Then he sank into his chair, the glow of the computer screen illuminating his face.

"What's changed?" he mumbled, resuming his game. "Still a pawn, moved by others' whims."

Jack Avery's dad had vanished when he was just two, and his mom, Evelyn, became entangled with Mr. Chase during Jack's ninth year. She endured for eleven long years before marrying into the Chase family, now pregnant with certainty.

He meant his congratulations; after all, she had finally secured what she desired.

Jack let out a soft sigh as he set down the gear he'd snagged at the auction house. Not a penny of it was funded by Evelyn Chase; he prided himself on footing his own bills. Gone were the days of pinching pennies for tuition—life had become a tad smoother.

Earning a buck in the gaming world was no walk in the park, but Jack had a knack for it. He had a golden touch, snagging coveted items and flipping them for a tidy sum.

Today seemed no different. Wrapping up his online session, he was about to catch some Z's when his vision went haywire...

[Conditions met... Verification successful... Game loading...]

"What in the world?" Jack blinked in disbelief. A late-night gaming marathon side effect? Surely not.

As he blinked again, the initial confusion cleared, but the last five words sharpened into focus, projecting into the air. Jack whipped his head around, and the text followed his gaze, plastering itself on the wall.

A trick of the light?

He reached out, fingers brushing against the floating words, and in a flash of blinding light, the world went black.

In that whirlwind moment, Jack thought he heard a whisper, "Jack... I'm sorry."

[Game loading complete, quasi-world opening.]

Blinking his eyes open, Jack's mind raced.

"Young master should really eat up, you're thin as a rake," a voice chimed in. A diminutive maid, clad in classic black and white, voiced her concern gently.

Jack was speechless, his gaze fixed on the mirror. The reflection bore his likeness but draped in unfamiliar finery—a deep blue rose hat, a chic one-shoulder cape, and beneath it, a sharp double-breasted shirt cinched at the waist, all complemented by sleek black leather boots.

As the maid fussed over his shirt cuffs, molding them into elaborate petal shapes, she couldn't help but gush, "Young master, you're a real looker."

Jack couldn't see any appeal in this odd getup. Rubbing his temples, he was at a complete loss.

Noticing his furrowed brow, the maid inquired, "Rough night, young master?"

"It's fine," he responded, his voice catching him off guard—neither distinctly masculine nor feminine but somewhere intriguingly in between, tinged with a husky note.

What escaped his notice was the maid's gaze, now brimming with unabashed adoration.

"Master..." The maid's voice was a gentle nudge in the silence.

Jack, however, was too engrossed in the flood of text materializing before him to pay her any mind.

--- Welcome to the Quasi-World! Please familiarize yourself with the guide below. Game Name: Love Veers Left or Right. Game Overview: Dive into a whirlwind of romance! Primary Objective: Last seven days. Secondary Objectives: N/A. Save Points: Unlimited. Inventory: No items to start. Special Perks: Tenfold gold bonus, no pain in fatal encounters, and death immunity within the game's bounds.

The information overload was dizzying. Jack found himself questioning the reality of it all—was this a dream, or had he somehow crossed into a game?

The game was gearing up... An info board at the ready... Assigning him a seemingly straightforward mission: survive a week. What lay in store if he succeeded? Or if he faltered? The whirlwind of questions left Jack reeling.

Then, as if sensing his growing resolve, the text shifted, spotlighting one particular line under the Special Perks section.

[Select your perk pronto. Fail to choose, and you'll forfeit your right to any.]

With renewed focus, Jack scrutinized the perks. Death immunity within the game was immediately enticing; it seemed a surefire way to meet the seven-day survival challenge head-on.

But the very existence of unlimited saves and a no-pain option for fatal injuries threw him. Why promise survival ease if the goal was merely to last seven days?

The contradictions mounted.

Yet, the tenfold gold reward perk caught his eye anew. The sheer allure of it, even without knowing its full utility, was hard to ignore.

Deception often masquerades as temptation... With that thought, Jack Avery made his choice.

Elsewhere, in a sprawling underground labyrinth, a silver-haired figure narrowly dodged a sinister black fog. "What in the world?" he blurted out.

A shadowy form loomed ahead, its features obscured by darkness, save for the easygoing timbre of its voice: "Ah, someone's made their pick."

The silver-haired man raised an eyebrow. "They're in for a wild ride, then."

"Mm-hmm," came the amused reply, "Quite the stroke of luck."

Internally, the man scoffed. Luck? Hardly. Everyone knew Shadowmaster Ethan's challenges were notoriously brutal.

Here's hoping it's not a newbie. Memories of Ethan Grey crafting a devilishly tough entry-level trial flashed through his mind—no one had yet to conquer it. Wait... Shadowmaster's been chosen? Must be the rookie gauntlet.

Well, best of luck to the "fortunate" soul.