
Reality's Edge The Luck Paradox

Jack Avery's unbreakable streak of luck thrusts him into a dangerous game where reality and virtuality collide. Tasked with surviving real-world challenges that mirror his virtual conquests, Jack navigates a perilous path between life and death, guided only by his wits and a dubious fortune. Surrounded by enigmatic characters like the shadowy Ethan Grey, loyal yet mysterious butler Lucas, and the secretive maid Gail, Jack must unravel a web of betrayal and manipulation. As the line between allies and adversaries blurs, Jack's quest for survival becomes a desperate search for truth, challenging the very essence of fate and free will. "Reality's Edge" is a thrilling journey through a world where the greatest challenge is discerning reality from illusion, and where every choice can be the difference between life and eternal game over.

quinnquirkbl · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 10

In a moment as fraught with tension as a dramatic scene straight out of a soap opera, Jack Avery faced the unfolding drama with a stoic indifference, as if he wasn't on the verge of capsizing in a tumultuous sea of love interests. Oh, but let's be clear, Jack wasn't just juggling a couple of love interests; he was entangled with not two, but four, elevating his predicament to a whole new level of complexity.

His reaction? Even colder.

Interestingly enough, his composure seemed to pacify Gail, who had been brooding in the corner. It was Adrian who had initiated the kiss, but Jack, offering no reciprocation and wearing a look of sheer disdain, significantly soothed Gail's turbulent emotions.

Had Jack shown even a hint of panic, Adrian's night might very well have ended in tragedy.

Jack hadn't intentionally set out to save Adrian. Despite earlier deductions suggesting Adrian might be the least deranged of a deeply disturbed lot, and even though Jack had previously been forced to end Adrian's life, he felt a twisted sense of propriety in seeing Adrian off, should it come to that. Yet, with Gail restraining himself, Jack was relieved to sidestep further drama—especially considering the butler's suicide had already complicated matters. Who knew what other curveballs this game had in store?

Upon Gail's entry, Adrian instinctively stepped back, distancing himself from Cyrus. Unaware of the complex dynamics between Gail and Cyrus, Adrian simply acted on what he perceived as gentlemanly discretion, reluctant to display affection in another's presence.

Jack observed Gail's expression swiftly soften.

"My apologies," Gail stated without a hint of genuine remorse, casually referring to the accident with the teaware as if it were a minor inconvenience.

Adrian, surprisingly, didn't react with anger but instead reassured Jack, "I'll find you something even better next time."

Jack, not feeling in a position to scold Gail, diplomatically responded, "Cousin, your intention alone means a lot." Little did he realize that his off-the-cuff remark would inadvertently channel the notorious charm of Cyrus, deepening the intrigue.

Gail focused on the term "cousin," a clear boundary, while Adrian was more taken with the latter part of the statement, each drawing their own comforting conclusions.

Jack was left utterly confused: What exactly had he done?

And so, the fifth day drew to a close without further incident.

Adrian bade him a lingering goodnight, his eyes filled with reluctance, while Jack, in an effort to maintain his innocence, kept his gaze firmly on Gail.

Adrian, both moved and guilty, seemed to think Cyrus's shyness was proof of the enormous courage it took for him to confess his feelings in the past.

Jack internally exclaimed, bewildered by Adrian's thoughts.

Gail, meanwhile, was thoroughly enjoying Jack's apparent reliance on him, interpreting it as a sign of deep affection. He fantasized about cherishing Jack in the most tender ways imaginable.

"Master," Gail spoke softly, "let me help you change."

Jack hastily agreed, eager to separate the two, feeling inexplicably exhausted despite having done nothing wrong. He couldn't help but wonder about the mindset of those who willingly navigate such complex emotional waters. Wasn't life complicated enough without adding such turmoil?

After completing his nighttime routine and slipping into his pajamas, Jack Avery got into bed, a picture of obedience.

Gail, his eyes brimming with gentleness, bid him, "Sweet dreams."

Wary of an unexpected goodnight kiss, Jack responded tersely, "Hmm."

To Jack's astonishment, Gail leaned in, his voice a soft murmur of assurance, "Don't worry, sir, I won't harm him."

Jack's eyes widened in confusion. Gail wouldn't harm Adrian? But why?

As Gail tucked him in, he continued, "Even though he's quite insolent and overly sentimental, I grasp your plans and won't interfere."

My plans?

Jack was puzzled. It was odd having someone else articulate his intentions, especially when that person seemed to know secrets even he was unaware of. Was this meant to be maddening?

Gail, seemingly in tune with thoughts left unsaid, offered no further explanation and simply wished him, "Goodnight." He then delicately kissed Jack's hand and left.

Jack Avery was left in silence, his questions unanswered.

Lying awake for the next thirty minutes, Jack eventually rose from his bed, stepping softly on the plush carpet that adorned the castle floors, protecting his feet from the chill. Roaming the halls barefoot was a breach of the decorum expected of the nobility, but Jack, typically shadowed by Gail, seldom had the chance to wander alone. Now was his chance for some discreet sleuthing.

His situation remained a puzzle.

An assassin had branded him a devil risen from hell; Adrian had implored him to desist, willing himself as a sacrificial offering; and Gail's veiled words hinted at deeper machinations.

It seemed Cyrus Hall was orchestrating something momentous. Without uncovering what it was, the endgame remained out of reach. The challenge of surviving seven days was littered with traps, and Jack fretted that mere survival to the final day might culminate in a doomed fate. A veteran of many games, Jack understood the importance of solving each riddle to progress.

The identity and motives of his body's original owner, Cyrus Hall, were the greatest enigma.

While intending to visit the library, Jack paused as he passed the guest rooms, overhearing voices. For all its grandeur, the castle's ancient walls were woefully thin, allowing sound to travel easily.

Jack stealthily withdrew to the doorway, keen to listen in.

The wooden door was shut tight, yet the faint glow of candlelight leaked through the cracks, casting shadows in the darkness. The voices inside, thanks to those very slits, left little to the imagination. Jack didn't need to get any closer to hear every word clearly.

Inside, Gail and Adrian were in the midst of an argument. It seemed their daytime discord had found its way into the night.

Jack held his breath, listening closely.

Adrian broke the silence first. "Where has Lucas disappeared to?"

In stark contrast to his usual demeanor, Gail responded with defiance, "The affairs of our house are none of your business, Mr. Glinton."

Surprisingly, Adrian wasn't perturbed by Gail's boldness. "Have you assumed Lucas's responsibilities?"

"Yes," was Gail's simple affirmation.

After a brief pause, Adrian pressed on, "Cyrus's actions can't continue unchecked. The church is losing patience. If this goes on..."

Gail's laugh was scornful, "Where were they when the young master needed protection? That woman was monstrous, killing his mother and tormenting him. He has every right to seek vengeance!"

"Princess Westlin is dead!" Adrian retorted.

"So what?" Gail shot back. "The queen lives, the duke lives, the empire stands tall!"

"What are you suggesting?" Adrian's voice grew tense.

With a cold laugh, Gail replied, "Whatever the young master decides, I'll be right there with him."

"You're leading him down a path of destruction!" Adrian accused, anger in his voice.

Gail's tone softened, yet carried a sinister edge, "All I wish is for his happiness."

Their conversation ended abruptly, and Jack, fearing he might be discovered, quickly made his way back to his bed, wrapping himself in the blankets. He mulled over their words.

What was the meaning of all this? Was Cyrus plotting against the empire itself? How...

In a world where vampires roamed, what other dangers lurked?

Day Six.

Upon waking, Jack Avery felt an uneasy twitch in his right eye, sensing that the day ahead was not going to be like any other. The quiet of the morning seemed like the calm before a storm.

Gail assisted him in getting up and dressed. With only a few hours of sleep, Jack felt unusually drowsy.

"If you're still tired, sir, perhaps you should sleep a little longer," Gail suggested kindly.

Jack shook his head, "No, it won't be necessary."

Without insisting further, Gail continued to help him with his attire.

Today, Jack was adorned in a new suit, its black and white hues striking a stark contrast. The potentially rigid color scheme was softened by elaborate designs and the addition of black roses, creating an allure that was both sinister and captivating.

As he stood before the mirror, Jack scrutinized his reflection. Medieval fashion often leaned towards lavishness, and his previous outfits had been a palette of blues, greens, and other lighter shades. Yet, none had the gravitas of today's attire, with its carefully designed collar, cuffs, and the dark roses that imbued it with a somber charm.

Cyrus Hall's skin was exceptionally pale, his features a perfect blend of youthful and mature allure, accentuated by light lips and jet-black...

Hold on.

Jack paused, struck by a sudden realization.

Why did Cyrus Hall have black eyes? For a European, shouldn't his eyes be lighter?

Gail carefully placed a ring set with a black pearl onto Jack's finger, his kiss gentle on Jack's pale fingertips. "You are truly beautiful, sir."

Jack was jolted back to the present, the whirlpool of doubts in his mind calming somewhat. Despite a lingering sense that today was far from a typical day, it unfolded more peacefully than expected. The trio remained inseparable; Adrian faithfully kept his promise of companionship, while Gail diligently prevented any close interaction between Adrian and Jack.

This silent contest between the two amused Jack, affording him time to contemplate the unfolding events. Yet, as night fell, nothing remarkable had happened.

Jack couldn't help but wonder—was this all there was? Were only thirty more hours standing between him and mission completion? Could it really be this straightforward, or was this damned game biding its time for a grand finale?

Their tranquil evening was abruptly disrupted by a resounding explosion, like a landmine detonating right at their doorstep, startling everyone in the hall. Gail was quick to position himself protectively in front of Jack.

The grand entrance of the castle lay in ruins, and a silver figure descended abruptly, like a shooting star. As the dust cleared in the moon's faint glow, Alexis, with his silver hair tousled yet his presence as imposing as ever, approached with a frosty air.

At that moment, Jack realized trouble had come knocking—the debt collector had arrived.

Ignoring the others, the vampire fixed his gaze on Cyrus Hall. "Lucas has betrayed you. I've come to take you away," he declared.

Jack Avery was speechless...

Almost instantly, another figure appeared, the impeccably dressed butler Lucas, now with a visible tear in his tailcoat. However, this slight dishevelment didn't detract from his elegance; rather, it lent him an air of rugged grace.

"I won't let you harm him," Lucas declared firmly.

Alexis's eyes narrowed. "I'm offering him eternity."

With a slight smirk, Lucas responded, "He doesn't want it."

Laughing coldly, Alexis directed his deep, intense gaze at Jack Avery. "Don't you want it?"

  Jack Avery:!!!