
ch. 8 uzu

(AN: finally got a day off so I can write a chapter or two.)

Looking at the ghost in front of him Naruto blinked in confusion. "Is this a genjutsu?" He asked

"Yes and no, it's a mix between genjutsu and fuinjutsu, now onto why I let you in. So young uchiha what do you know about uzu's destruction?" Arashi asked

"Not much just that iwa, kiri, and kumo teamed up to destroy uzu with 20 thousand men and only came back with 30% of their forces. That's why konoha had such an easy time holding off all the villages during the second shinobi war." Naruto answered

"Hmm well that's mostly right but what you nor anyone else knows is that there was someone else here that day." Arashi stated as the surroundings changed and showed a view of all of uzu. After a few seconds Naruto watched as uzu shinobi fought off the enemy shinobi's till one uzumaki opened the main gate and let them in. After a bit a giant bluish purple sword came down from the clouds causing destruction and death for both sides. Than after that a large meteor fell, Naruto watched slack jawed as a meteor fell and landed destroying half of the village.

"What the fuck?" Naruto asked no one in particular

"Yes ita as if the gods themselves decided that we were a nuisance to get rid of. Also where that sword struck it hit there for a reason, follow me." Arashi spoke as he floated away.

Following him Naruto asked questions about the village such as if anyone escaped or if there is any knowledge left here.

After a bit of walking Naruto reached a staircase that lead down. "So taking me into your basement old man." Naruto joked to lessen the tension within himself.

Snorting the ghost just gave Naruto a half glare before disappearing down the stairs. Following him Naruto found a corridor with multiple doors. "That one is the library where we hid our scrolls during the invasion, that one holds the summoning scrolls we pillaged from our enemies over the years, that one has a few books on our history, since we've stayed on this island since the first uzumaki we have a pretty detailed record going back about 600 years. And finally this last room was supposed to be our most important project our saving grace even if the clan was wiped out we would have a chance but…" the old man trailed off as he held up a hand seal and the door opened revealing a mostly destroyed room, but there was a glass pod at the edge of the collapsed room just a hairs breath from being crushed. "We stored around 50 uzumaki's in here all 25 men all age 16-18 and 25 females all ages 16-18 as well. Unfortunately that sword strike from the heavens collapsed this room leaving only one." Arashi spoke sadly.

Walking up to the capsule Naruto wiped the dust off revealing a beautiful red haired girl peacefully sleeping. She was wearing a white hospital gown that did nothing to hide her amazing figure. Naruto noticed something inscribed on a metal plac next to the capsule Naruto red what he could as the years of degradation caused some of the metal to rust.

"Kana uzumaki, 17 years old daughter of kin Uzumaki and Arashi uzumaki sister of…." After reading what he could he turned to look at the ghost only to see him smiling softly at kana while floating above her capsule.

"Yes she's my daughter her younger sister was sent away before the invasion in an attempt to save her, she was only five so I made the decision to send her away, selfish I know sending my daughter away while other's children are stuck within this villages wall just awaiting death." Arashi spoke with some self deprecation

Tilting his head Naruto thought over his words before speaking "no I don't think so, you did everything you could for the clan. You might have been a bad kage but you were able to save your children so that makes you a good father."

Looking at the blond boy Arashi smiled a little. 'Hmm I can feel the kyuubi in this brat which means he's probably kushina's son. I don't remember any other Uzumaki fleeing to konoha, most went to the smaller nations.' Than taking a breath the uzukage spoke "during the invasion I was able to investigate that traitor, he had a curse seal on his tongue a very familiar one. It was a curse seal only one man uses, danzou shimura."

Hearing that name Naruto's eyes narrowed. "I know him my fathers journal listed plenty of his deeds down, he was already a tumor that I was going to remove but now I'll make sure he suffers first." Than Naruto thought 'it's to bad I can't destroy root, but konoha needs a deniable force to do the dirty work that would make even normal anbu shudder. Guess I'll have to speed up my memory transfer seal.' Than focusing back on Arashi Naruto noticing that the man's lower body was gone.

"Ah it's good you got here in time I only had enough chakra left for a few weeks. Due to the collapse I can't release her. It needs to be done manually." Arashi spoke

Nodding Naruto asked "what do I have to do?"

"Simple there's a latch on the side let it draw your blood than open it." Arashi answered

Nodding Naruto found a small handle with a blood seal and a modified trap seal beneath it just like the front door. After feeding the seal after a second of nothing happening Naruto felt worried but that went away the second hundreds of small seals linked together popped up. "Amazing." Naruto mumbled dumbly

"Yes it is, now boy will you take care of my daughter for me." Arashi asked as his head was the only thing left.

Nodding with determination Naruto spoke "of course she's family even if we only share a distant common ancestor."

Hearing that Arashi was about to say she was actually Naruto's aunt but before he could his mouth disappeared. 'Ah I'm sure it'll be fine, Janna will tell him. Anyways here I come kin.' He thought before disappearing

As he did Naruto heard a sharp intake of breath. Looking back Naruto saw kana staring at the air where Arashi was floating. Holding her head kana mumbled in confusion "dad, but ahh my head what happened." Looking around confused.

"Hey there it's ok kana." Naruto spoke trying to find the right words.

"Who are you?" She asked

"Naruto uzumaki Namikaze, son of kushina uzumaki and Minato Namikaze." Naruto said proudly

"Huh kushina that sounds familiar." Kana spoke while holding her head. "I ahh my head, what happened I remember I was on patrol than we were ambushed by some kumo nin. After that I'm here, also where did dad go and why was he just a head?"

Hearing her Naruto winced. 'Ah this is going to fucking suck.' He thought before explaining the fall of uzu and how her dad used a combination of fuinjutsu and genjutsu to become a sort of chakra ghost.

After a bit kana started to weep and cry for her family. Standing there awkwardly Naruto just sighed before wrapping the girl in a hug and comforting her. "Now it's ok kana, don't worry maybe there not all dead, your dad did say that some Uzumaki escaped, also that your sister was sent away before the invasion, whats her name so we can go find her.?"

"Ah her name, it was….it was, ahh my head I can't remember." Kana spoke while holding her head and shaking. "I forgot the name of my little sister I forgot her face. Oh Kami."

But before the girl could fall deeper into a depression Naruto continued to hold her and doing his best to give her hope. This continued on until kana fell asleep while clinging to Naruto. Rubbing her head Naruto just thought of his plans for the future with this new information. "Dammit it can't ever be easy can it." He mumbled before looking down at kana, "at least I saved one uzumaki, maybe I could find others." And with that thought Naruto let himself fall asleep.