
Realistic Instances

If life were a game, then the next level is inevitable, so just embrace it! Random Map: Supermarket, subway, ship, fitting room... anything is possible. Random Teammates: Interpol agents, delivery guys, grandma squad, mischievous kids... it's all luck. In the real world, a genuine parallel universe, the chosen ones must strive to survive! Episodic mode with a main suspenseful plot, but don't forget about romance. The female protagonist has exceptional bloodlines, while the male lead is not random. It's a 1v1 match. Female Protagonist's Operating System: Only tails and enchanting nights should not be wasted.

ProphecyX · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

Golden years - Part 3

With a playful twinkle in her eyes, Hai Baihe rested her chin on her hands and smiled enchantingly, saying, "I'll drink whatever you give me, even if it's poison."

"Do you think I'm that heartless?" Those same words sounded twice as captivating when spoken by a beauty. Though Liang Xiao didn't find himself swaying, he couldn't hide his amusement. He beckoned the bartender and asked, "What does she like to drink?"

The bartender was almost applauding Hai Baihe. After all these days, she was the only one the boss would invite for a drink! "Whiskey on the rocks," he expertly poured her a glass, with the ice cubes taking up half of it.

Liang Xiao felt that he should be surprised. His impression of Hai Baihe still lingered on the clever and interesting girl he met on the train. But for some reason, he didn't find it strange at all, and it even felt somewhat natural.

Hai Baihe finished her drink in one gulp. So the mermaid princess had been wiped clean, huh? No problem. The liquid on her lips felt like honey, glistening and tempting for a kiss.

The bartender discreetly moved closer, refilled her glass, and gracefully stepped back, continuing to observe from the corner of his eye.

Hai Baihe had been playing here for two or three years, and she knew everyone. As for the boss... hehehe, with his looks, he definitely wasn't ordinary.

An experienced driver versus an experienced driver, it couldn't get any better than this!

The others realized they were no match and could only watch from a distance, waiting for an opportunity to approach. Unfortunately, Hai Baihe and Liang Xiao seemed to be engrossed in their conversation.

Curiously, Hai Baihe asked him, "Are you the new owner of this bar?"

Liang Xiao scratched his nose. "Yeah." How could he explain that just a month ago, he was chasing criminals and now he's a bar owner?

"Don't be nervous." Hai Baihe twirled her glass, the ice cubes clinking together, making a crisp sound. "I'm not interested in your identity or occupation."

Understood, you're interested in me as a person. As soon as that thought crossed Liang Xiao's mind, he felt something was off. He furrowed his brow and thought back to their brief encounters. Had she ever expressed such thoughts?

"However, I wonder if you'll stay here for a while?" She asked with a smiling face. "I don't want you to owe me a meal and then disappear."

Liang Xiao chuckled. "Of course not. You set the time and place, and I'll definitely treat you."

Hai Baihe rested her chin on her hands for a moment and then snapped her fingers. "Got it."

Liang Xiao slightly turned his body and leaned in, eager to listen.

"Tomorrow, my place, breakfast. How about that?" She asked with an expression and tone as if she was extending an ordinary invitation.

Liang Xiao replied, "Sure."

A radiant smile bloomed on her face. She put down her glass, reached out, and caressed his cheek. Liang Xiao leaned down, meeting her halfway, and they exchanged a light, lingering kiss.

The next morning, when Hai Baihe woke up, her first instinct was to look beside her. Thank goodness, the person she had longed for was still in her dreams.

The morning sun seeped through a corner of the curtain, casting specks of light on the blue bedsheet. Hai Baihe bit her lip and rolled into his embrace, her hand caressing his chest and moving downward.

The texture

of his skin brought a satisfying sensation to her palm. She couldn't help but take a deep breath. This chest, this waist, this... well, she finally understood the meaning of "a slender waist and intoxicating fragrance." He truly lived up to the son of a sensual female star and a super male model. It was unbelievable.

It would be cruel if she couldn't have him all to herself.

She leaned in and sniffed his neck, the scent of prey. She made a mental note of it.

Perhaps she got too close to his carotid artery because he immediately woke up, his eyes instantly relaxing when he saw her acting like a little animal. "What are you doing?" His voice was lazier and huskier than he had imagined.

Understandably, they had spent an indulgent and joyful night together.

It was rare, not every night was enjoyable, and not every girl was as lovely as her.

"I really love the way you smell," Hai Baihe's tongue lightly grazed his lips. "I'll remember it."

Adorable, Liang Xiao reached out and ruffled her hair, sitting up and glancing at the clock on the bedside table, which showed 7:05.

"Do you have any plans for the morning?" Hai Baihe reminded him. "You owe me breakfast."

Liang Xiao threw off the covers and searched for his shirt on the floor. "I haven't forgotten. What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever you make, I'll eat it," she said, sitting on the bed, her voice as sweet as honey.

Liang Xiao smiled. "You really know how to charm someone." He couldn't help but freeze for a moment. This situation seemed familiar, as if it had happened before.

But this was the first time he had said these words to Hai Baihe.

Occasionally, people have this kind of illusion, where a place they've never been feels familiar, or an event that just occurred seems like a dream.

Was it a little trick played by the brain? Liang Xiao pondered, then turned his gaze to Hai Baihe, who had changed her position to lie on her stomach. Her legs were raised, her well-defined chest and alluring collarbone hidden by her long hair. Between the gaps, glimpses of her spine created a perfect and delicate curve. Moving down, there were two dimples above her peach-like and perky buttocks. Her legs were slender and well-defined. If she sat up, one could even see her flat stomach and abdominal muscles. From head to toe, she was flawless.

If we talk about a beautiful figure, she certainly possessed one herself. She was an art model that could drive artists crazy.

"You don't want to play tricks, do you?" Hai Baihe didn't know what was going on in his mind and smiled mischievously. "But it's fine if you owe me. I'm not in a hurry to collect."

Saying that, she pretended to be regretful and bit her finger. "Or maybe you can fulfill it in a different way."

Liang Xiao laughed and shook his head, as if her request was beyond his control. But he didn't say anything, got up, and headed towards the bathroom. Just as Hai Baihe looked disappointed, he stopped at the doorway and beckoned her with a finger.

Hai Baihe didn't move. She opened her arms, her disheveled hair cascading on her shoulders, her eyes shining, as if they could draw one's soul in, like a mythical siren seducing sailors.

He was no exception, although he felt a momentary daze. When he regained his composure, he had already picked her up, his hand caressing her

thigh, tender and smooth. He gave it a gentle squeeze.

Naturally, this wasn't just a simple bath. After all, a leisurely morning like this shouldn't go to waste!

At eight o'clock, they finally began to fulfill their promise of having breakfast. With only bacon, eggs, and tomato sauce in the fridge, the main course could only be bacon and egg sandwiches.

"What would you like to drink? I have a coffee machine and a juicer, oh, and a soy milk maker," Hai Baihe said, taking out two oranges from the fridge. "Though I never use the last one."

"Soy milk? I rarely drink that." Liang Xiao had been living abroad for years, so he mostly drank coffee. Without fresh milk, an iced Americano would do.

Hai Baihe squeezed the oranges. "I drink milk at night and juice in the morning. It's important to replenish vitamins, good for the skin."

After preparing a simple breakfast, the two sat face-to-face at the dining table and finished their meal. Sunlight streamed through the blinds, vibrant and warm. The air conditioning took away the scorching heat of summer, making it delightful and lovely.

It was a beautiful and peaceful morning.

After breakfast, Liang Xiao bid her farewell. "I'm leaving."

Hai Baihe leaned against the doorframe, biting her lower lip, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if she wanted to say something. Liang Xiao extended his index finger and pressed it gently against her soft lips, whispering in her ear, "I have your phone number."

Her eyebrows suddenly relaxed, and she lightly touched his fingertip with her tongue. "Don't keep me waiting too long."

"It won't be as long as you think." When he smiled, his gaze made the person being observed's heart beat rapidly. "Besides, you know where to find me."

After Liang Xiao left, Hai Baihe bounced back to the bed like a bolt of lightning. She sent a WeChat message to Mu Ge, saying, "I slept with an incredibly handsome guy last night, both his face and body deserve a score of 101!"

Mu Ge, who was still lazily lying in bed, replied, "Sister, I'm still sleeping."

"He's also amazing in bed! I think I'm falling in love with him!"

Mu Ge's face remained indifferent. "Oh."

"Do you want to have dessert? I'll come see you this afternoon."

Mu Ge, fully revived, exclaimed, "Darling, I want to have Black Forest cake, Tiramisu, and Hazelnut Pudding!"

"Wait for me~"

In the afternoon, in Mu Ge's bedroom, Hai Baihe indulged in cake as she recounted the passionate night from the previous day. "It was incredible, incredibly satisfying! I'm truly in love with him."

"How handsome was he?" Mu Ge blinked her eyes.

"You've seen him," Hai Baihe said. "The one on the train, the one I played cards with."

"Ah!" Mu Ge remembered and envied her. "He was really handsome, almost on par with those models. How did you two get together?"

"He's the owner of a bar," Hai Baihe said.

"Adventurous encounters, huh?" Mu Ge sighed. "Only you can live so carefree. If I ever dared to fool around like that, my parents would break my legs!"

Her parents were relatively open-minded. They didn't prohibit her from dating in college, but in their eyes, behaving like Hai Baihe would be considered decadent.