

"Why haven't you said something before?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I feel no one can do the job as well as I can? Maybe because I'm scared we'll lose the closeness we share. Perhaps it's my insecurities coming into play that if you don't need me, then there's nothing to keep you from bailing?" I said, surprising myself, because until that moment I hadn't considered that as a possibility.

Flynn wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest, "Fuck. I won't bail because you don't want to be our manager anymore. Nothing will come between us, whether you are RedA's manager or not, and you never need to worry about me not needing you. I'm always going to need you, babe. You're my fucking world, just like I know I'm yours. We've dealt with a ton of shit for want of a better word. You've seen me at my lowest and my best. You've taken my feelings from despair to delight, lust to love, and from anguish to elation."