
chapter 1

(A/S:ahem! Please comment after reading this chapter and and I want to ask for your permission to use your nickname in the novel as characters put a word that says [READERS] if i have your permission to use your nickname I will use it as a name of a character in the novel and by the way as long as the comments you leave is fit for the novel I might use it as a sentence of your novel character in certain situations you can also leave a personality you want to have in the novel i don't need your gender or age because everyone would look the same) that's all thank you for reading!

Whenever I was bored I would create a few novels because I noticed that the lack of interesting novels I read are decreasing so I made my own.

I was an author for fun and right now

I was on my bed  scrolling through the internet trying to find a good novel while I was using my phone while it's charging by the autlet near my bed.

I readjusted my position in my bed as i was in an uncomfortable position but accidentally I hit the plug of the charger and it got unplugged.

As I was trying to plug it back in I suddenly felt extremely sleepy because it was past twelve at night so I decided to sleep, and I quickly plugged the charger back in the autlet and left my phone charging next to me as I slept.

Author POV:

'Mmmm,..huh? where am i?' I suddenly woken up in the middle of the lush green forest

[Ding! As the author of this novel you have been given the author's system]

As I was wondering where i am i suddenly heared a robotic voice and a blue screen suddenly appeard in front of me.

[title: THE AUTHOR


STR: 20

AGL: 20

MP: 110

Skill points: 5

SKILLS: [clone] [possession] [marksmanship] [hand to hand combat]

What I saw was a blue transparent status screen like in the games and novels that I wrote 'what is that . . . .a status screen?' I tried touching it and my hand passed through it then I suddenly rememberd that I was not in my room I quickly searched the soroundings to see if there's any danger when I didn't see any danger I heaved a sigh of relief only then did I noticed what I was wearing I was wearing a swat unifor like the one you would see in shooter games the type of character that has it's full body hidden.

That's what I look like now

I also have a gun with me I think it's a modified asult rifle with silencer and a modified pistol as well and a bag full of bullets for the guns as well as a grande.

And metal wire

And hand cuff's

And spare magazine for my rifle and pistol

[Ding!: Novice gift would you accept?

                (Yes) (no)

"Yes!" right after the words left my mouth the status screen faded and my head started hurting as if it was being poked by thousands of needles but before I could scream in pain my vision suddenly darkened and I lost conseusnes.

'huh? Where am I. Ahhh that's right I was in the forest and the system and the novice reward...' I snapped back to reality after going through my thoughts there are new information in my head.

Apparently this another world it's name is May and it has monsters and hunters like manga and novels they also have magic and don't use firearms as it was not affective against stronger monster so they use medival weapons like swords,bow,shield,mace they use them because they can cover them with mana to give a weapon more destructive power.

And i also got memories of how to use a gun and how to fight in hand to hand combat. 'i should check my skills'


[title: THE AUTHOR


STR: 20

AGL: 20

MP: 110

Skill points: 5

SKILLS: [clone] [possession] [marksmanship] [hand to hand combat]



[ Clone: create an exact copy of the users body and their equipment during activation of the skill. the clone doesn't have consciousness and the user can give  them commands whenever a clones die it's memories will return to the user the user will also know the location of the clones. after the clones died it's body and equipment will fade into nothingness after 24 hours.

uses: 50 MP

maximum clones: 10

no cool down


[ Possession: after the user dies he can possess a clone as long as there is a clone the users conseusnes will not die. the user can also summon the [readers] conseusnes into a body of a clone and the

[Readers] can control the clones body. The [readers] will also have a good impression of the user and will follow hes order. the [readers] can only be summoned if they  agreed to be summoned. and if a reader dies the user can't summon the reader's conseusnes for 24 hours.

uses: 100 mp

Summons: unlimited

Cooldown: 24 hours

Active ]

[ Marksmanship: the user will have basic knowledge of how to use a gun. And can accurately shoot a target in a distance of 150 m


[ Hand to hand combat: the user will have a basic knwolage of hand to hand combat and self defense


'wow... The first two skill is basically made for each other while the other two skills is just what I needed just because I have a gun doesn't mean I know how to use it properly in a gun fight I especially don't know how to do hand to hand combat before but now I can do simple tricks and technique 'lets try making a clone'


I thought to my self as I tried thinking of making a clone.

Then out of nowhere an exact copy of me is in front of me, he has the same equipment as me holding the same asult rifle in hand same height same build were same in all aspect.

He just appeared no special effects it's like someone stoped the time and put an exact copy of me in front of me.

Well it's not like I don't like it aqually i like it i won't easyly gets spotted making them and even if someone saw them come out of nowhere they would just think that they're ayes are playing tricks with them.

'status' I said as I want to check if the mp consumption is as in it's description

[title: THE AUTHOR


STR: 20

AGL: 20

MP: 60/110

Skill points: 5

SKILLS: [clone] [possession] [marksmanship] [hand to hand combat]

'mmm.. looks like it's the same I wonder how i can increase my mp and other stats' I stood there for a few minutes thinking of how to increase my mp' before giving up.

'well I can't think of anything that Will increase it except leveling up the problem is I don't have a level not even level 0 well I'll think about that later' I thought as I turned to look at the clone.

'protect me' I said to my clone as it started moving towards me then it stood to my left two steps behind me holding he's asult rifle in hand looking around from time to time .

checking the soroundings I then looked at the skill possession I can be revieved as long as there's a clone of mine I can also summon the [reader's] but it's locked I wonder why.

'maybe I should make another clone just to be safe' I thought as I made another clone repeating the same process as before I ordered it to protect me as well it moved to my right two steps behind me. I then looked at my skill points.

'mmmm... What do I need to be upgraded

The most...mmm ... I think I will upgrade marksmanship it will help me a lot as it also affect my clones alright marksmanship it is'.

I then put 2 skill points in marksmanship


[ Marksmanship: the user will have basic knowledge of how to use a gun the user will also have a basic knowledge in gun maintenance and cleaning. And can accurately shoot a target in a distance of 200 m


'wow not only did it's range increased by 50 m it also came with basic maintenance and cleaning knowledge.

I will hold on the remaining three skill point for now I will never know when I will need it'


sorry I looked like it got corrupted, I had to look at the history to restore it

Jhonathan_Fiecas_4734creators' thoughts