
Reactions are poisonous

Reactions are caused by actions. They can be hazardous. So be careful with your actions.

Anna_Jade · Sports, voyage et activités
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Reactions are poisonous

"You're exaggerating Sarah! There is no such thing as Vampires in this world", Emma scoffed at what she heard from Sarah.

"Seriously Sarah? I think you should stop reading those fictions about vampires. They just exist in stories…just like a perfect man...ahh...when will I get to meet my prince charming?" said Clara.

"Why don't you all believe me? "Sarah said...a little louder.

" I am telling you they are real!", stressing her words, she sat down on that round table with the other two.


"Okay, then what about the news? All the victims who died were as if their blood was sucked out and...And…they had that scar as well, of those sharp teeth?" she justified her opinion of vampires being real with recent event news going on in their city.

Recently, people began to die suspiciously out of nowhere. They were mainly pedestrians walking down the streets.

Sarah believed that it was a vampire or vampires who have arrived in the city and were hunting people down. She was a great fan of vampire stories and had a fantasy to meet one in her life.

Sarah, Emma, and Clara being the school life friends to career women were meeting each other in a café at the corner of the city.

"Cut the crap Sarah….Enough is enough….", Emma was surely not having any of it.

"Believe me! They are real!"

"Exactly Sarah…they are!", said Clara while looking at the candle resting in the middle of the table. Emma looked at her, annoyed. Sarah got ambitious.

"See, even Clara is saying that!"

"And you know who their next target is?", Clara said while looking at Sarah. All serious... " you!" she said and laughed. Emma too.

"oh...or maybe me", Clara pointed at herself. " oh and maybe that vampire might fell in love with me?" she said, mockingly. Sarah looked done with her expressions.

"I am being all serious here"

"Listen to me Sarah" Clara held her hand," when we read something or watch it, we fantasize it, or maybe even hallucinate it if we are so obsessed with it. How many stories have you read about vampires?" she asked softly," hundreds of them, so it's natural for you to think that way. And about the crime scene, remember last time when murders were happening? It turned out to be a crazy person who smuggled human organs."


"All we can do is care," she said calmly. Sarah was not satisfied but still, she kept quiet. she knew her friends were done with her stories.

"Frankly speaking, while working in my office I don't think my situation can get any worse," Emma said while rolling her eyes.

"What about you? How's the job going as an editor?" Emma asked Sarah. she worked for a magazine.

"Fine… it's hard" she claimed.

"What's easy though?" Clara said while sipping her coffee.

"Maybe getting killed by a vampire," Emma said and Clara choked on her coffee. Sarah pressed her lips.

"How romantic!" they both started laughing and Sarah rolled her eyes.

Just then Emma got a call from her office and she rushed while saying goodbye.

"Be careful, want us to drop you?" Sarah asked.

"Nah, I'm fine on my own. Don't worry, not a single vampire has this much courage to mess with Emma Scarlet" she said proudly. Sarah looked at the door from where she left, which was now closed.


The next morning Sarah and Clara received shocking news. News of Emma's murder in the same manner.

Sarah and Clara were at the funeral.

It was heartbreaking and shocking for them. They couldn't even think of their friend to die.

"She said not to worry," Clara said her voice all teary.

"I told her to be careful" Sarah's tone was low. Clara was crying and Sarah was staring at Emma's memorial picture where she was all smiles and lively. Polar opposite to how her dead body was found.

It was evening time when both of them headed towards the main street. Both were quiet while walking. Suddenly Clara stopped. Terror was in her eyes.

"What?" Sarah asked.

"Sarah, what if what you said was real?" she said, horrified. Sarah looked at her as if she had gone crazy.

"Clara, relax. Weren't you the one who told me it's just a myth? They are not real."

"no no no-wait…but we both saw her….Emma…it looked as if all her blood was sucked." she was talking in a low tone.

"I know you are upset Clara, but there are no vampires."

"But now I am saying that…what if we are the next target?" she said while looking around. No one was there. Clara got close to Sarah. As it was evening, the shadows were getting longer.

"No Clara. Stop thinking like that." Sarah got disturbed.

"No, no!!!" Clara began shaking her head while holding it in her two hands.

"No you listen to me, it's not like the police have said something. It's impossible for a vampire to- "

"Still," she said and began to cry. "Sarah-I don't want to die like that"

"Come here" Sarah opened her arms for her. Clara hugged her and cried.

"I don't want to die Sarah...Nor do I want you to die." she said while hugging.

"As you wish…" Sarah whispered and before Clara could understand what Sarah meant, she felt the pain of getting stabbed by a knife in her stomach that went all through her intestines and out from her back. Her eyes in disbelief. Before falling down she looked at Sarah with fear and tears in her eyes.

Sarah's eyes were cold as ice.

"You should have believed me. oh but…" while saying that she sat down with Clara who couldn't even breathe properly," I didn't kill you like others," she said coldly and was about to leave when Clara hold onto her leg.

"y-ou, y-o-u kkill—d Emma-"Sarah looked at her and smirked. Clara's grip loosened. The poison on the knife was finishing her from inside.

