
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantaisie
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716 Chs


Trying to find out where it was coming from Xilo checked out the entire area. Pushing away bushes and overgrown grass in this small pocket of land he couldn't find a thing. It was just a forgotten land that was left on its own to rot, no hint of a person or even a place that someone could leave. If you were down here then you were stuck here unless you had the ability to climb back up. The noises he was hearing from before had also disappeared leaving Xilo lost once again. "That presence is gone too." Xilo was seriously confused at how something could have just disappeared so easily when he was right next to it.

"Do I have to give up then?"

Crossing his arms Xilo thought about it, he could still keep an eye on the throne room from down here so there wasn't any real reason to leave yet. "I guess I can hang out here and see if it comes back." If nothing happened by a certain time he would just climb back up and forget about it. "Let's give it another ten minutes." Standing in between all the bushes Xilo made sure to keep as much of the place in view as possible. There was a decent chance that he had missed something with all these overgrown plants covering everything. Which meant it was best if he didn't write off any area as impossible for something to appear in.

While Xilo waited around looking for a ghost, the people in the throne room were growing impatient with Landal's disappearance. They had their own schedules to attend to and couldn't afford to stand around so if Landal didn't show up soon they would just leave. The people who were in charge were starting to notice some of their dissatisfaction as well. "That man." Gone without a word they were left to distract everyone else until he eventually returned. It had happened a couple of times in the past but they had never figured out where it went and since it was only occasionally they left it be. Now during an important moment he had left them all.

"We'll have to keep an eye on him so he doesn't do this again."

Turning to the crowd they all continued trying to talk to them to stall for a bit more time. Eventually they wouldn't be able to keep them here anymore however the hope was that landal would return by then. Landal was currently making a lot of people frustrated as Lexia sat at the dining table surrounded by all the girls. She was doing her best to clean up her face and make herself presentable again while all the girls talked with her. She appreciated their presences as she chimed in here and there. She wasn't 100% just yet nonetheless she was making an effort to get back to there.

Xelfia was definitely the biggest help for Lexia as they talked about some of their childhoods. How they were similar to each other in wandering around a forest for most of their lives exploring. "An abandoned Astral Beast eh?" She knew from the beginning that Xelfia wasn't human, however to learn where she came from was impressive. Most Astral Beasts that were left on their own at a young age died with a very little amount of them surviving. Lexia had learned a lot about Astral Beasts when she was a child living with her family and she liked them a lot. "They're pretty damn similar to us." Looking down at her arm she wiped off some dirt as she took another drink of tea that had gone cold by now.

"How do you find it being an Astral Beast in this world Xelfia? Do you feel hated...hunted or loved? In my old home Astral beasts were mostly accepted so when I came here it was a pretty big change. There were almost zero Astral Beasts here and the few that came were always shamed or even killed at worst if they were found out. With that said I'd like to know how it is in other places, if you mind saying of course."

This was probably the most Lexia had spoken since she had gotten back to the house. Processing Lexia's words Xelfia rubbed her arm as she thought about her experience in the past. Her answer was very obvious though and that was the painful part, though it had begun to change a little with time. "Horrible with some good." That was put in very simple words but it was enough to get what she wanted to say across without diving into it. Nodding her head Lexia accepted that answer as it was. "As expected." That was why Lexia wanted to be friends with Astral Beasts and try to change this country's past. With Landal by her side she thought that would have been easily accomplished, now though it seemed so far away with a war around the corner.

"What do you think changed to make it better?"

The scales on Xelfia's arms glowed as she talked.

"Actually going out into the world and exploring. Breaking free of the cage I locked myself in was the change I needed. It sounds dumb but actually talking and trying to interact helped."

Nodding her head this was good information for Lexia to know. Just because she had failed so far in her goal doesn't mean she had given up. Even something small could help her out on that path and maybe one day she would reach her goal thanks to it all adding up. "Landal gave up...I haven't." The tea she was drinking had tasted even more horrible than before yet she kept drinking it with a smile. Looking at Tearia, Felli and Xelfia acting like a bunch of sisters it was hard to stay gloomy in such an atmosphere. "I wonder where he went off to though?" That was something Lexia had been wondering but since no one brought it up she had never asked about it.

*Knock* Knock*

"Come in, oh Vandor."

Xilo had waited for a little over ten minutes now, past the timer he had initially given for this. "There it is." All his waiting had paid off as he saw something move around in the bush. Making that groaning noise from before Xilo silently walked towards it as he kept his sight locked on the movement. He couldn't let it go now, he had no idea when it would be back. Getting closer he felt his body bump into something by surprise. "Huh?" There was nothing in front of him but grass yet his body wouldn't move forward no matter what he did. "Is there an invisible wall?" That was the only thing he could think of however it wasn't here before, that was he was certain of.

"Is there some way in?"


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