
Reaching My Heart

I am happy and contented with my life. I have it all. Money, fame, family, friends, girlfriend, everything. But when she came, something changed within me. The contentment I have, slowly faded. And I can't even seem to convince myself that she's just no one, thinking that she made my principles shattered. We started as classmates that went to being a common friends. I never thought I'll get her heart. But, she also got mine. I was wrong for making her feel an option, my option. But, who am I kidding? I want her in my life but I can't. I'm afraid of losing her yet, I lost her. I lost her for just a mistake.

Kalixxta · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

His accompany

I looked at her as if she said something funny. I laughed loudly. Everyone in the cafeteria looked at us trying to know what's going on. Megan and Eril laughed with me.

"What's going on here?"

Wesley came out of nowhere. He looked at us, waiting for an answer. Megan and Eril stopped laughing as they saw Wesley.

"Hey honey."

I just stopped to response to what Wesley asked before Taylor could talk.

"Oh hi Wes. She told me she's your girlfriend. And guess what? You're right. She really is funny."

I smiled at Wesley and tried to look normal. Taylor just rolled her eyes at me but didn't say anything.

"That's great! You should be friends with Leigh, babe."

Wesley looked at Taylor. From annoyed, she changed her expression and smiled politely. Note the sarcasm. She's so easy to read. Obviously, she's faking her smile just to please Wesley.

Looks like we've got a one hell of an obsessed girl here. Too bad, I'm gonna peel that pretend princess off her unexplainable face and monkey brain.

"Looks like, she don't wanna be friends with me. Too bad."

I acted and sounded sad to irritate Taylor and of course, to look good in Wesley's eyes. That's my plan 101.

"Don't worry Leigh. My babe's nice. I'm sure she'll make friends with you. Right babe?"

Taylor is eyeing and glaring at me but she hurriedly looked at Wesley and smiled sweetly. Tss. Plastic.

"See Leigh? She's nice. Told you. That's why I love her."

Just wait Wesley. I'll make her reveal herself. And make you say you love me.

Wesley put his arms on her shoulders. Hahaha. What are they? Squad? I can't help but laugh at that thought.

Everyone looked at me curiously. I realized that I laughed too loud out of the blue. I lower my laugh and tap Wesley's shoulder while he's face is telling me what's funny. I composed myself and started reasoning.

"Sorry. I just can't stop myself. Your girlfriend's really nice that made me think why you two are together."

They looked at me with their 'huh' looks. Surprised of what I just said. Taylor is now giving me death glares. Oops. Did I hit your ego Taylor girl?

"No offense but what made you fell for Wesley, Taylor? I mean, he's playful and hard-headed while you're nice and uhm... Nice."

I nodded trying to convince them. Wesley laughed, wiggling his eyebrow while winking at me.

"Of course. That's what my charms do Leigh. See this?"

He pointed out his face.

"No one can resist this face."

He smiled and winked at me. I just smiled and rolled my eyes playfully. In the end, we both chuckled.

"Fine. Anyway, we need to go."

I excused myself but before I could turn my back, I winked at him and smiled playfully to Taylor whose now like a snake snaking her arms around Wesley's. But she can't do anything but to gritted her teeth at me.

Megan is screaming at what I just did awhile ago. While Eril is just smiling at me. "Oh em gee!" Megan screamed.

She's starting to widen her eyes and unbelievably looking at me. She positioned her fingers like a gun, pointing it to me while winking. I just made a face at her.

"You're really unbelievable Leigh! Imagine? You just talked back at the oh-so-famous Taylor girl? Idol!"

She ran towards me, hugging and tapping my shoulder. Eril is now pulling her away from me. But Megan just won't stop.

And that is the end of my day. Happy for teasing Taylor and feeling complete and contented for seeing Wesley.

Guess I'll have to pretend being nice with her girl while getting his attention without being obvious.When I got home, I started surfing the internet and looked for his accounts. And guess what?

With just a click, I found him sending friend request and following me in my social media accounts. I'm one hell of a lucky girl.

I accepted his request and sent a message to him. As I wait for his response, I stalked his account and look at his pictures there.

I let out a giggle as an idea went through my mind. I saved all of his photos on my desktop. Tommorow, I'll make it printed and post it all over my room. Such a brilliant idea.

The next days were great. Wesley's always accompanying me making Taylor really irritated and angry. But Wesley's just explaining to her and she can't do anything but to nodded and agree since she's being nice for the sake of her obsessed love for Wesley.

Such a good dog she is. Haha. She don't know what she's losing. Poor little girl.

Die in jealousy dear while you watch me get your boy.

I'm laughing with Wesley and as usual, he's always joking and blunting his handsome face. I just agreed with his statements of how handsome he is.

We're just laughing, talking, playing and making fun with each other the whole remaining days of the week.

We tried to invite Eril and Megan but they're always refusing. They make excuses like they're busy but deep inside, I know that they're just giving us the chance to be alone.

That's how eager they are to piss Taylor. Such a naughty girls. But I like their personalities. A lot. They're just really playful.

Those days were really great. I learned a lot about Wesley's life. Like his favorites. Well, he likes black, but not anything about pets, he loves spaghetti but he's shy to let anyone know. Not even Taylor. He also likes street foods but he don't want Taylor to know. In fact, he's telling that he hates it just to please Taylor. As what he said.

"I really like eating street foods but I can't let Taylor knew about it coz you know, she doesn't like cheap things. She always wants expensive and exclusive things."

"But, she said she loves you. And if someone loves you, they'll accept who you really are and what you really want. May it be a gold or just a mud."

"Yeah. But I know Taylor. She's not gonna change her principles and her pride just for love. But I can deal with it."

"Even though, you're not happy with it?"