
Re: The World of Shifters

In a futuristic power struggle between three races, Humans, Shifters, and Alchemists a teenage boy is unknowingly born with the power to stop it all. " I'm... 200 years in the future? Can a loser like me... really start over?" Lars the loser, was the smallest and weakest kid in his high school. Everyday he was shoved into lockers and beaten to a pulp. When his high school bully beats him into a coma, Lars draws his last breath thinking. "Am I going to die a loser?" When He awakes from his coma, he finds himself reincarnated to the year 2230 , inside of an academy. And that he is no longer a human, but he is now a Shifter, a being with supernatural powers. Lars, now on the body of a Shifter named Axel, sets out to become the strongest Shifter in his academy. Learning from the bullying he experienced in his first life, he sets off on an adventure to become the strongest. However, as he navigates through the academy he has premonitions of a great tragedy that he realized he had dreamed about in his previous life.

Gaburieru · Fantaisie
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100 Chs

Chapter 67: Ravens Descent

(Lars dreaming)

A man in a huge trench coat slowly paced down a hallway. It was a large showroom hallway that had green embedded carpets lining its floors and magnificent framed paintings and pictures lining its walls. As the man strode past the frames on the wall his eyes fixated on a single portrait of a deserted island of red sand. Sighing briefly, he continued to the large door at the end of the hallway. The door opened up to a set of stairs leading to the roof of the building. Leaning forward the man spread his arms extending two purple wings from his side and easily made his way, flying to the roof.

As he came out of the roof access door, a downpouring rain soaked his feathers and clothing. Spreading his wings once more he prepared to take flight into the night sky.

"You're going to have to leave earlier than 3 AM if you want to catch me sleeping," a voice behind him grumbled.

"I made sure to cover my tracks… How How did you know I would be here?" The winged man asked.

"A father who cannot find his son, Is merely a father who is not looking."

Coming out from the roof access door was an old man hunched over with black feathers all around his neck. He was walking with a cane as he stumbled side to side to meet the purple winged man.

"So you know of my mission then", the purple winged man answered

"There isn't a piss in this building that I don't know about!" the old man gagged

"I'm going….. To the island again," the man said.

"I know… I didn't come here to stop you I came here to remind you."

"Remind me of what?"

"To put all personal affairs aside for this mission."

"Personal matters…. You don't think I'd"

"OH I don't think, I know, and don't think because he sent you that your untouchable, all I have to do is make him aware of your situation and this whole thing is a bust!"

"Then… you go…. Maybe you're right... maybe this is too much for me to bear"

"Ahh but you must bear it just like I bore for you and you bear for-"

"That's enough" The purple winged man said softly "… I get it…. Why did you come here you've caused my mind to become clouded."

"That was my intention" The old man said grinning "It's a long flight there, you will have time to think over what you are going to do and by the time you arrive you will have made amends with yourself and have a clearer mind than you did before. It is better to face your emotions now then to let your ignorance lead you into a desperate situation."

"So you came to prepare me for what's to come?"

"Wrong again! I do not know what is to come, otherwise I would go myself, of the two of us you are far more perceptive, I simply came to remind you of what had come to pass as you seem to have forgotten."

"I... will never forget…."

" Nor will they… Make sure you remember that when you see them."

"I'm… I'm going to see them?"

"Yes, I have no doubt about that, it seems SPA Atlantica is readying an assault on Darius. It seems they are recruiting a large number of agents in this year's exams." The old man said shaking his head. "That could make things complicated".

"I see…" The man said.

Taking a deep breath the purple winged man began preparations for flight expanding his wings outward.

"Once Again… I cannot escape the shadow of your wing even as a grown man."

"So it shall always be… Don't forget who gave you your wings Raven."

"I'm naive but I'm no fool …. I will see you in 3 months' time and if not never again."

"Godspeed my son" said the old man.

The man once again unfolded his wings and took off into the night sky.