
RE: Percy Jackson World

AN - So I am one of the many that grew up with this series and still read the spin off's because of that, I wanted to do my own fanfic of it with a small time system that can only keep track of your abilities and make it so you can't just unlearn things over time or damage your foundation over time, keep track of skills and their capabilities and masteries, That's all I wanted to say here's the Sypnosis. Daniel Sheppard was 19 when he was in the accident when he opened his eyes he was surrounded by darkness with a small screen illuminated in front of him, On the screen was the line. "You have 3 wishes left, And your Reincarnation and body creation are complementary"

OriontheGreat · Autres
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18 Chs

Combat ???

A few months had passed and Percy was now 9 standing at 4 feet tall with messy black hair and sea green eyes, I had grown a few inches making it to 4.10 and had no signs of stopping, During the elapsed time Percy had gained a better understanding and control over water meanwhile my abilities have skyrocketed and It seemed it was time to practice some combat techniques so I could learn to handle myself in the future.

my stats had changed to


Name: Shawn Jackson

Age: 10

Race: Demi-God

Title: None

Level: 1

(Normal human Levels are at 5-10max)

STR: 10 AGI: 11 DEX: 10

WIS: 10 INT: 20 CHA: 25


Water Control Level... 20

Blood Control Level... 3

Intent Magic control Level... 10

Danger Sense Level... 3

Charm Level... 10

"System, I need some nice combat techniques to learn what do you recommend?" Shawn asked in his mind,

"Host, I can recommend, 1st The Flowing unarmed Techniques, 2nd The Star Fall Sword style, and The Battle Gods Raging Fist, These will prove useful"

"The Flowing unarmed Techniques, as much of a fighting style as a movement technique utilizing your bodies natural movements to reach a state where you're body flows like water, at the mastery of this technique you will gain a passive ability to move fluidly and effortlessly enabling a graceful look"

"The Star Fall Sword Style, a true Sword technique which allows you to strike with the speed of a falling star, making your blows nearly unblockable and includes anything from parries to counters to faints this Sword Style includes everything you will need to master the sword"

"The Battle Gods Raging Fist, a Technique that will enable you to punch with the power of 10 tons and an extra 1 ton at every level, this technique can kill monsters that normally cannot be killed without special metals or the such"

"Also take note you can buy all of these with your current SP"

"Buy them, how comes the weapon forging process?" Shawn asked

"The weapon you selected was finished 1 hour ago"

"would you like to learn the Techniques? Y/N?"

"Yes, please take out my new sword as well"

As the new information flooded his mind a glowing sword hovered in the air, the sword looked as if it was made out of a star with its Golden Radiance and it gave off a Pure Divine Aura like it could purify even the most wretched and darkest beings in Tartarus, eventually the Radiance died down and the blade hummed as it floated to Shawns outstretched hand, After it touched his hand the sword morphed into a ring and placed it on his finger letting out one last glow before turning to a silver color,

The Techniques in Shawn's mind were powerful indeed but what surprised him was that his ability that let him climb infinite heights didn't raise the potential of his skill in the slightest, "Should have just asked for the "Limitless" ability" Shawn sighed before reaching out with his Intent magic to clean his room and went to eat.

A while back Shawn had received the Shadow clone Ability and was using that to go to school as it wasn't new for him and had more important things to do, It was currently 1:30 in the afternoon and soon everyone would come home, Percy had met a Saytr recently named Grover who stuck around him like glue but Shawn made sure to get Percy Alone for training for at least a few hours a day, He had started training Percy's Body and mind all while having him keep it to himself although he didn't complain he was exhausted afterward wich they would go for a swim afterward to heal and rejuvenate. It was showing its effectiveness and soon Shawn would begin Percy's combat training starting with unarmed training, he wouldn't be teaching him his techniques at least not yet but it was only a matter of time.