
Beauty Is Really Both A Blessing And A Curse.

A group of four people came out from

the hospital but the only man seems to

be forgotten as the three beauties are

having a good conversation about

women stuff.

Having no problem about it, Edian

follows them behind: heading to an

expensive restaurant. While walking, the

man notice that his underwear seems to

be ablittle tight. "Did Khristeine got the

wrong size? What will happen if my

junior decides to wake up?" He asked

these two questions to himself and

went to pull his pant, hoping for him to

feel better when suddenly! Two police

officers with a belly like a nine months

pregnant woman, came to freeze the

ignorant man.

The three beauties immediately notice

this and the fastest one went to ask.

*Officers, why are you

restraining him?

Who else would be the quickest to

speak? It was Gigi who asked the

question: a little annoyed.

These two pigs didn't even notice the

signs that these three beauties knew

the man and the only thing in their mind

is to impress: by becoming like a hero.

In a very confident and a little arrogance

tone, one of them went to say;

*Ladies, while we're doing

what should a good police

officer should do: which

is to be vigilant to law

breakers; this pervert stalker

came to our sight. Did you

know that he even touch his

groin part while looking at

you: three beautiful ladies.

Base on my ten years of

experience as a police

officer, this man has a

fetish and one among you

possess it.

Gigi heard these bullsheet words that

could be included in novels but didn't

get angry because of a unusual reason.

With a playful smile, pulled the man

towards them and said;

*Of course he look at us

because he's our date.

About the fetish thing,

there's nothing wrong

about it because one

among us is his girlfreind.

It seems that you're been

honing the wrong gut and

made a big mistake today.

We will not report a

complaint but the two of

you should reevaluate

yourselves sometimes. I

know donuts are addictive

but please,,, both of your

bellies are too much.

Said this and made a gesture to leave

these two worthless pigs in uniforms.

After walking some distance, this lady

nicknamed Gigi is really a special one

and start to act like she already knew

Edian and Khristeine for a long time.

Hugged Khristreine's arm and ask;

*Tell me Tintin,,, what kind

of fetish does Edian have,

in that police officer's


So awkward but something must be

said so,

*Edian doesn't have any

kind of fetish. He even

let my innocence be kept

until we get married.

*Gee,,, are you serious? Men

are men and they will take

our precious innocence if

there's a chance; unless

he was born as a man but

destined to be like one of


As an Alpha and Omega, Edian still

choose to ingore the words and pretend

to be deaf; but Khristeine who have

experienced the manly side of him can't

help to exclaim:

*No he's not! He gives me

a passionate kiss all the

time and it's always be the

best feeling in the world.

A single since birth woman like Gigi and

even a kissed have never experience,

she suddenly becomes mute upon

hearing the words. Unconsciously

licked her lips as she stares at the man's


Edian immediately notice this and can't

help to take a step back.

Gigi saw the action and instantly got

angry. Went to kick the man's shin with

all her strength, saying;

*This girl is so beautiful

and have a good body

but you don't want it. Soon

when Tintin agrees, I will

make you dream for it.


Said the humph word as she quickly

turn her head away from the man,

pulled the two best friends and start to

walk a little faster than usual.

"Women..." Edian said this word out

loud in a tone, ignore the pain in his leg

and went to keep up with the pace.

After five minutes of walking, the group

came to a five star restaurant where

even a glass of water has a price. It

seems that Gigi want the man to spend

a lot of money for a meal which of


*Gigi, I heard that the

lowest dish in here is still

expensive. I know that

Edian can afford it but I

can't see the worth of

spending such a high


Khristeine's honest words sounded and

even the talkative Gigi doesn't know

how to answer.

But for Edian, he already decided to

spend a lot of money today and will earn

again in the future. The man is about to

say his opinion when,

*Hehehe. These ladies, it

so happen that we don't

have dates. If the three of

you come with us, we will

not hesitate to spend a lot

of money for everyone to

enjoy the day,,, and of

course later tonight.

Anyone can see how lewd the group

that headed by the speaker and only

beaches will agree to the offer. But who

is Gigi? A lady who is playful yet very

hard to get. She's about to scold when

Edian gently pulled Khristeine and

Vayllerie,,, leaving her alone.

*You bastard!!!

Pretending or really angry, followed

them while screaming.

The group of vulgar men was left like

farts and one of them went to joke.

*It seems that those

women are not cheap.

It's bad because I really

like the cute one.

*Hahaha, you can't fool

no one. I know you also

want the one with the

biggest teeths. It's really

a pity that we can't taste

that woman with an

almost perfect body.

*Who told you that we can't

have the three of them?

The one with the biggest

buubs really is the best in

bed but the cute one got

my attention. My instinct

as a man tells me that

she's a perfect beach; so I

decided to use our usual

trick in order for them to

become our plaything


The leader of the group told his evil

thoughts and four minions can't help

to smile as they lick their lips. You can

see how they're so excited to execute

the trick that was used many times:

and never failed...