
About Him.

Still in the interrogation room...

The lady soldier went to take over the

interview because these three male

soldiers including her husband, can't

concentrate with the presence of three


*Alright, listen up. My

name is Daizy Ngan, from

a semi secret angency

that handles this kind of

case. There's no need to

investigate this matter

and we only need to get

your data. Don't try to give

false informations so

that you will not give us

a reason to arrest you.

Okay, I ask a question and

you answer it honestly.

Do you understand?

Edian who's fingers are interlocked with

Khristeine's while in handcuff, heard the

words and went to nodded.

With that, the question and asnwer



*Edian Edian

The first answer seems to be false

already but this beautiful soldier, still

maintain her cool and proceed to the

second question.


*Twenty three years old.


*Definitely a male.

This lady soldier can't help to raise her

eyebrows for the unnecessary words

and Edian can't also help to react by,

*Ma'am, it seems that your

eyebrows says i'm not.

My girlfriend is here and

let her words be the


Khristeine heard this and about to tell

her kiss experience once again but,,,

*I think you misinterpret

it. Let me just remind you

to refrain from adding

unnecessary words to

your answers. Do you


*Yes ma'am.

*Then let's proceed.

What is your permanent


*Poblacion West Lagawe,


*Name of your parents?

*I'm an orphan at the early

age and I don't know any


*Marital status?

*I have a girlfriend but I

think single is still the

right term, right?

*It's good you know it.

I hope you will answer

this next question

truthfully so that we can

monitor him or her. Tell,

me, Do you have


The words sounded and Edian noticed

that Khristeine went to look at him:

waiting for the answer. He look at her,

straight in the eyes and said;

*I would like to have more

than one with the woman

in front of me.

Khristeine heard this and unconsciously

replies with watery eyes.

*Even though we are still

not married, i'm willing

to agree.

A falking lovey-dovey scene was seen

and it's really painful in the eyes:

especially those single dogs and cats

in the room.

*Ahem! Don't forget that

we're still in the middle

of an inteview.

Khristeine heard this and instantly, the

face turn red: like a perfectly ripe apple.

She went to bow her head and it will

take time for the embarrasment to go


*I hope that this is the last

time for us to interrupt

the interview. We are all

busy in christmas day so

let's finish this as soon

as possible. Here we go

again. Do you know about

super humans?

*No, I don't. I might saw

some of them but didn't

know that they are super


*Then you never practice

the way of super humans?

*Yes. I just know some

kinds of Martial Art.

*How about the kind of

ability to defeat a super

human with just using your

bare hands, do you know

what it is?

*Well, I know that i'm

unique but still can't tell

what it is. The only thing

I know is, I never hurt any

innocent people with it.

At this moment, the soldier lady took

some time to write in her laptop and

seems to be a little serious.

After a few minutes of typing,,,

*Alright, this is my last

question... Do you want to

join the Super Human

Battalion? Everything you

need will be provided by

the government. The only

thing you need to do is to

train and train and become

a strong super human

soldier. Let me tell ask you

this: Do you think humans

are really special for us to

be the only living beings

that was created with high


*Well, I got the idea of what

you want to say. I already

convince myself that there

are other beings living like

us in their own planet.

Maybe some are inferior

to us but i'm sure there's a

planet that is more superior

than earth in many aspect.

That's why I always mock

those people who thinks

that they're on top of

everything because they

have a little strength on

earth. It's so stupid for

them not to see how

falking scary the world

outside this planet. I guess

the government saw a sign

and already started to

build an army that can go

war against forces that

are not humans. What if all

the government of different

countries make this project

becomes public. I'm sure a

lot of people out-there will

join, especially those young

men who want to show off.

It's unfortunate that i'm not

a show off nor patriotic so

I will say no to your

invitation: because I don't

need to be part of that

project in order for me to

protect our mother earth:

to protect my loved ones.

The man turn to look at Khristeine as

he utters the last two words. This scene

is more than enough for any woman to

be envious and jealous.

Only two people felt that way while the

four super soldiers are surprised. They

didn't expect for this man to have this

kind of thinking, and even know some

things. It's indeed unfortunate for him

not to join the Super Human Battalion.

*Edian, do you really don't

want to join us? With the

support and guidance of

the government, you will

improve faster than being

on your own.

The lady soldier thinks the man in front

of her is a perfect fit to become a super

soldier and went to convince.

*Mrs. Ngan, I admit that

there's really a big

advantage to work for the

government but I think

the disadvantage is bigger.

I don't want to take orders

from those fat embeciles

who never thought for the

betterment of our country,

what's good for it's people.

I better accompany my

girlfriend and get ready to

what comes in the future.

I know the four of you

are good soldiers and I

do hope that if one day,

you need to choose

between orders from the

top and what is right: you

will chose the latter...Well,,,

I think that's the end of

this interview, so are we

free to leave now?

Mrs. Ngan heard this and can't help

to shake her head in dismay. In a normal

tone, she went to order;

*Someone take of his


*Oh! Don't bother. I think

you need a new one

because this one seems

to be a little old.

Said this, forcefully breaks the chain of

the handcuff, and just like a rubble band;

pulls the two strands in his wrist.

There's a moment of silence in the

room and no one dares to be the first

to make a sound. Everyone need to

process first the scene: hard for them

to believe...