
RE: Monster Devourer System

Yuri have seen loved one's perish, home destroyed, comrades ripped apart and communities demolished by mutants. Death was inevitable, he knew that a time would come that all the people he knew and including himself will perish from the hand of the mutants. But never have thought that he'll be the last man standing, he then realized there's no reason for him to figth, only then he let his guard down, and only then he learned how die. "Bro...Wake up!" A gentle voice of a young girl echoes on Yuri's ear, as comforting smell of roses reminds him the home. He opened his eyes and saw a familiar looking girl. Its her little sister. A tear drop from his eyes, as he suddenly hug the unprepared girl. "Kyaaaaa, let gooooo"

SirLazeAlot · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


The Mutation started so fast, i didn't had time to prepare. so the best i could do is create a makeshift weapon.

I grab a mop and pulled the head off before using some duct tape to warp a kitchen knife on the tip.


Makeshift Spear.

Over all Melee power: 9

Slashing : 5

Trushing : 20

Bashing : 3

Durability: 19.5/20

I go to my room and took my hiking bag, took a few clothing, and grabbed all the food that we have, that wont spoil easily, before checking on Alice.

"Just take important things Alice, and a few clothing would do."

"um...ok, whats happening brother?"

"Just do, what i tell you."

Alice slowly unload some of the things in her bag.

Explosion, gun shots started to ring in the middle of the city, Sirens echoes while aircrafts hover the sky.

Alice didn't said anything as she follow me outside.

Grabbing my makeshift spear on my hand and holding Alice on the other, i watched my surroundings.

People are going out from there houses looking confused, huge amount smokes coming from the middle of the city, army trucks passing by, and jets flying to the air.

There's no time to just stand here, i grabbed Alice by the hand and marched away, The first thing on my list is to keep Alice safe, then find a way to get in Zi city to find mom.

Group of monster will flood this city any minute now we need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Yuri and Alice made their way to north of the city.

As time passed by the chaos ensued, People started to panic cars roars as they flee in terror.

Incoherent screeching can be heard in the distance yells of terror and gunshots can be heared nearby.

Alice tugged Yuri's shirt.

"Brother I'm scared."

Yuri turned towards her and gave her a smile.

"Dont, worry brothers here."

He can't show weakness now, his sister's life depends of him.

Monsters roars are getting closer and closer by the minute. while people like him also are also running from the terror.


The two turn there head where the sound was coming from, its a monster that was as tall as a human.

Alice eyes widen when she saw a mutant with dark red skin and body of hairless dog.

"Just run!" Yuri yelled.

Alice followed him.

The demonic beast pounced to the first human he saw before ripping them to shred.

Other monsters also showed up from A huge dark red snake with large fangs, to big insect with sharp scythe or horns.

All of them would attack humans on sigth before consuming them, its like a buffet but with humans as the menu.

One of the hairless dogs suddenly came out of from an alley and pounched directly the two.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Alice yelled in terror as she swat down holding her head.

Yuri quickly maneuver infront and thrust the spear in the monsters open mouth.


The spear managed to pierced through its head, dark blood and brain matters splatter on the ground, as beast limp and falls to the ground unmoving.

*Ding* "exp +1"

Yuri hurriedly pulled the spear. and grabbed Alice from the ground.


Alice complied as she start running with her tiny legs.

Just a few seconds later another beast from the roof laid its eyes to the two. this time its a a black jaguar looking creature with two talons sticking out from its forarms.

Without any second thought it suddenly jump down directly towards the two.

Yuri quickly move towards it raising his spear upwards.

The monsters could not react in time, when the knife goes through its the gap in its ribs and through its heart.

Yuri maneuver the falling body to the side to avoid breaking his spear.

*Ding* "exp +2"

The monster Falls to the ground twitching, Yuri hurriedly pulled the spear and continued running.

There a monster that suddenly appeared infront before pounching to a guy on front of them.

Alice momentarily stop as she saw a guy getting shredded piece by piece by the monster.

This is not a time for her to be in daze.

Yuri knows how shocking it was to see living human being killed infront of you feel like, so he just grabbed Alice by the waist and run passed the beast who was preoccupied.

"Everything will be alrigth!" Yuri comforted, but Alice didn't make a sound.

Yuri decided to talk to her later, but now he just need to focus on making sure that the two of them would say alive.

The people on the road him became thinner and thinner, as the monsters mowed them down on to the ground. screams of terror reverberates the high way as the beast ripped them apart.

Yuri didn't falter, he kept running and running while killing any beast on his way.

Unlike before, he notice how clunky and slow his movements are, but thanks to his experience, he could still managed to hit a monsters vatals that would immobilized them if not kill them instantly.

*Ding* "exp+ 1"

*Ding* "exp+ 1"

*Ding* "exp+ 2"

The spear has a great reach which was a very great weapon, considering that you can hit any beast before they can even had the chance to reach you.

These mutants are very weak compared the the monsters he faced before, but he knows they would become stronger and stronger as the time goes on.

*Ding* "exp+ 1"

*Ding* "exp+ 2"


"Devourer promoted to level 1."

"Strength increased by 50."

"Perception increased by 50."

"Agility increased by 50."

"Vitality increased by 50."

"100 experience needed for level 2"