
Re: Infinite attempts‎‏‏‎

[Original story by JLNIXA] I have reincarnated as the villainess of an otome game that I used to play, so I tried to be good and not disturb the protagonist (I died), I started again, I decided to take everything from the protagonist (I died), I started again, I decided to get away from the events of the game (I died again) and then I started again. I have died and revived so many times that now I'm indifferent to death, and now, with infinite attempts, I will reach my happy ending, no matter what I have to sacrifice. [The cover isn't mine, I'll remove it if asked]

Mavier · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

Gali's POV

When we got home, Mom and I got a strange surprise.

(Gali) mom, what's that?

(Mom) I think it's a ham...

(Gali) and where did it come from?

(Mom) I don't know ...

(Gali) do you think it's safe for us to eat a little?

(Mom) better not touch it, at least until you know where it came from.

(Gali) okay...


My name is Galiana, but everyone calls me Gali, and you will not believe what has been happening lately, but I promise that I'm not lying.

One day when my mother and I were going home, we discovered that someone had entered, but nothing was stolen, anyway there was nothing to steal, but the person who entered our house left a whole ham in it.

TThat was only the start, because things gradually became stranger. I'm believing that there is a mysterious force inside our house that grants us what we ask for. For you to believe any of this, I should start from the beginning.

As I have told you, my name is Gali, I live in the outer sector of the capital, and for a long time things were very difficult.

My father was a bad man, he almost never worked, so he forced my mother and me to work, and he used the money that we earned to buy alcohol, and when he worked, he almost always returned to house with clothes full of blood, and we could never ask what had happened.

That's why every night, I cried and prayed to the gods for him to don't come home, my prayers should have been heard, since days passed, and then a week and then another and he did not return, much to my regret, things got worse from then on.

My mom never wanted to tell me, but I'm not stupid, from various parts of the conversations I heard, I could understand that my father had died, he was from a criminal gang, and when they were arrested, it seemed that someone shot him with a crossbow In the head, I was impressed, but I don't feel bad for him, what's more, I would like to meet the person who shot him and thank him, but I think it was for that way of thinking that I was punished.

My father owed money, a lot of money, to his close friends, neighbors, moneylenders, and at least 10 bars, when he made money from his illegal things, he could pay part of his debts and that is why they were so patient, but when my father's band fell, many people fell with them, that made people less patient, so my poor mother had to take care of his debts.

The debtors will chase us day and night, one of them told us that he would forgive us of my father debt if I was left with him, I was willing to do anything to help Mom, but she didn't leave me, she hugged me and told that man to be outside, that she would look for a way to pay him.

That's why, although we never had very large meals, now we hardly had to eat, until the last lily that Mom and I could earn, left to pay the interest on some of the debts.

It was one night with an empty stomach, that I asked heaven to please give me something to eat, the next day, a ham had appeared on the table of our house.

That was weird, mom asked all the neighbors, but no one knew how a 7 kilo ham had appeared in our house, in the end we decided to eat it, and since all the neighbors had heard about our ham, we sold half so we had food and also a little money.

That night I didn't know what to think, if my prayers had been heard, I would have preferred to ask that our debts be paid, and not have a ham, no matter how tasty it is, the ham will end up running out, and the debts will still be there.

My surprise was great the next day, when Mom tried to use the money we earned selling the ham to pay our debts, everyone we asked told her that the debt had already been paid.

Again, nobody knew exactly how, they all said that at some point in the day a mysterious figure had appeared to them, it had given them the exact amount of our debt, and the moment they looked up to see the figure , this had already disappeared.

The strangest part of all, is that the only person who had denied that the debt was paid, simply disappeared.

That scared me, despite everything, I did't wish anyone any harm, and the disappearance of that man weighs on my conscience, is there a mysterious force that fulfills my wishes?

But this mysterious force does not distinguish between good and evil, when I asked my father not to come home, the mysterious force murdered him, and when I asked for the debt to disappear, it made disappear the debt collector who refused to accept that it had already been paid.

That makes me think, what if in that case the ham belonged to someone, and now because of my wish a family ran out of ham?

Or maybe the money with which the debts were paid belongs to another person, and now that person has problems running out of money.

Those questions now didn't let me sleep, I told my mother what had happened, and since my wishes had caused all this, she did not believe me, she said that it is a conscience, and that none of this was my fault.

She said, that if there was a mysterious force that fulfilled wishes, then she wished that for me to stop working and that I could finally attend school, like wealthy people did.

The next day, in our house there was a blackboard, chalk, ink, pens, paper, an abacus, and other objects that would be used in a school, and the news that a school would be built in the outer sector of the capital. that everyone could attend.

Hearing that, we were completely terrified.

The mysterious force is real, and we don't know what it is, or what it wants from us.

(Gali) mom, what's going on?

(Mom) I... I don't know...

(Gali) do you think we should call someone?

(Mom) maybe but... I don't know...

(Gali) mom, do you think I have the blame for dad's...

She hugged me, and her eyes filled with tears.

(Mom) don't say that Gali, you haven't the Blame of anything, there were also nights when I wished that man would never come back.

Mom and I continued hugging the rest of the night, we don't know what the mysterious force is, but if it grants us wishes, we have to be very aware of what we ask of it.

For several days we did not ask for anything from the mysterious force, what's more, at home we almost never spoke for fear of saying something that we might later regret, it was not until one day that out of fatigue, mother said that she would like to have money so that she does not have to work, she covered her mouth at the time, but it was too late, the next day a pile of coins had appeared on our table.

(Gali) mom what do we do? Do you think we should move?

At that she covered my mouth and whispered to me not to say that, that it could make the mysterious force angry.

Mama finally plucked up her courage and spoke at the top of her lungs.

(Mom) mysterious force, what do you want from us? Why do you help us? reply.

The house was silent.

(Mom) mysterious force, if you are there please give us a sign.

The house remained silent.

Mom didn't know what to do, it seemed that she was waiting to get some answer, but the mysterious force remained silent.

(Gali) Mom, maybe the answer will come to us tomorrow, remember that the mysterious force always takes a day to fulfill our wishes.

(Mom) thought you're right, but now what do we do with this money?

I looked at the large pile of coins, in the pile there was more money than I have ever seen in my life, to put it better, there were coins whose value alone was already more money than I had seen in my life.

(Gali) mom, do you think we could keep the money?

She also saw the big pile, with that money she would not have to work for several years, and it must be very tempting.

The final, mom sighed and made a decision.

(Mom) no, money is something that is earned with the sweat of your brow, if they only give it to us then we would not know its value.

She sighed, and put her hand on her chin.

(Mom) also, this is too much money, if someone finds out, half the city would come to rob us, that without saying that we have no way to justify the money, if the guard finds out they will think that we have stolen it, and if that were not enough We still don't know if things just show up, or someone loses them somewhere, maybe this money is stolen anyway.

(Gali) then what do we do?

Mom closed her eyes and thought, then went to the middle of the house and looked up at the ceiling.

(Mom) mysterious force, if you want to help us, this is not the way, I do not want to be given things, I prefer to work and earn things with my own effort, if only you could help me to have a better job for me that is enough, that It would make me happier than all the gold in the world.

Again the house was silent, so Mom and I went to sleep, and when we woke up the money was no longer there, and it did not seem that it had been stolen, it seems that it disappeared just as it appeared.

For several days things continued in the same way, until one day Mom returned home, said that she had heard that several workshops were opening in the city, and that they were hiring people, it seems that the pay would be more than double what that mom earned as a seamstress.


Nowadays things are better than ever, the school is finally finished building and I will start attending next month, and mom kept her job, she says she only has to mix oil with soot and she is earning more than ever in her life, the only downside is that she always comes back with stained clothes, but that's the least of it.

Now we are about to move, we're moving to a larger house that is closer to the workshop where Mom works, once just out of curiosity I asked something from the mysterious force, but nothing happened.

I told Mom about that and she told me that she understands, there is nothing that the misterious force could give us that would make us happier than we are now, and I think Mom is right.


Well, that's the whole story, I know it's hard to believe, but I promise I'm not lying, to this day, Mom and I don't know what the mysterious force was.

But no matter what it would have been, we definitely owe him a lot.