
Re: In Marvel with Spider-Man Powers

MC will have to work and train his powers to make them more useful and powerful. Others he will get as he grows older. He doesn't have a system but more of a training screen that shows his progress, and that is it. Writing for fun please no hate. I'm still figuring out a better title so it will change. But helpful comments about how to write better are always appreciated. each chapter will be 1.5k to 2k words long. English is my first language but I still am bad at it.

Bloodriot123 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Why am I not being experimented on, not that I'm complaining.

~Arthur POV~

The next day

I woke up with a start and started to look around as best I could because I'm still a newborn baby. I'm still a little groggy, but I can tell I'm still at the hospital. Looking around, I can see that I'm in that big baby room, where all the babies are lined up for some reason. Now that I'm awake and starting to squirm, I see one of the nurses coming over to me.

"Oh, hello, cutie~"

Ugh, she is using that baby voice at me. I don't like it, it's embarrassing. I should have asked to regain my memories when I was older. Although that might have not worked because Tarrant was kind bad at doing that because I woke up in the womb, that is still gross, and I'm probably going to have PTSD about that. Oh crap she is still talking.

"Let's go get you to your momma, I'm sure she is looking forward to holding you again." After that, she starts to push the cart out of the room. As we are making our way around and going from hall to hall. I noticed the nurse from yesterday who took my blood staring at me. 'Oh crap I'm still in danger, and I can't do anything about it.' I start to cold sweat thinking how they might kidnap my or something worse. 'But wait, why am I not being experimented on now? Are they waiting for an opportunity or something? Wait, she is walking over.'

"Nurse Frayer, how are you doing today?" The nurse pushing me says

"Been better. I have a double shift today, and it is already taking a toll on me." She says very convincingly. "Any who is this the Adler's baby?"

"Yes, it is. Why do you ask?"

"Well I was helping them out yesterday, do some tests so I was wondering if I could take their baby to them, because I wanted to talk to them some more about running some more tests the baby will need." The plnurse pushing my nods and says

"Of course," and picks up a clipboard on my cart, "His tests are all looking fine, but if you want, you can take him up."

"Thank you, Nurse Folley, I'll do that now. Have a good rest of your day," She says with a smile, while my stomach is sinking and flipping at the same time. 'NoOooO! Is this where I get kidnapped?! I just got reincarnated, and I already have to deal with this kind of situation! I never should have picked Marvel to be in, I'm so stupid! Who cares if my favorite heroes are here or the women are all ridiculously gorgeous. Wait, that is exactly why I picked this place.' By this point, I noticed that we were moving, and the Shield agent was talking about me, so I tried to stop freaking out in my mind and see if I could glean any info from her.

"Now we know why he heals faster than normal people because of his mother, but is there anything else he can do? I want to check this out." Wut my mom? What do you mean I heal fast cause of mom? I don't heal fast cause of her I heal because of my powers! Unless my powers don't interfere with my body somehow. This is going to be confusing. I need to test this as soon as I can. Also, we arrived at my parent's room, where my father was sitting in his chair with his chest on the bed fast asleep, about to fall off. While my mom is wide awake looking at us enter. 'I guess I'm not getting kidnapped, and for some reason, they think my healing is because of my mother. I think I'll be okay if they aren't making any moves to get me yet. I don't think they will. Also, it isn't me they think is the reason for healing fast.'

"Here is your baby, Ms. Adler, but before I give you him, I have something I need to tell you. I was told not to tell you, but you need to know while we were doing your blood work. We noticed that your blood cells divided faster and maintained themselves better than normal humans. Do you know what I am talking about?" My mom eyes got a hard look, and her body tensed.

"When did you get my blood, and why did you test it?" She asked with an edge in her tone.

"Yesterday after you gave birth, you fell asleep, and I asked your husband if we could do some blood work to see if the baby had any chance of developing genetic diseases. Sorry if you feel uncomfortable about this, but if it makes you feel better, the baby has a very minimal chance to ever get any of these diseases."

"It's because I'm a Mutant, 'Nurse,' but you already knew that, didn't you? Now who you are really, no test can be run on the parents to check a baby for genetic diseases" Mom asked with an ample amount of fury in her voice. The Shield agent is looking around the room as if trying to think of an excuse or find some way out of this situation.

"Ah, what do you mean I'm a nurse at this hospital, and that's it. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I also won't tell anyone that you are a mutant if that makes you feel better." Suddenly, my father is sitting up and looking at the nurse angry.

"Are insinuating a threat in your last comment, Nurse Frayer?" I now am looking at what I thought were my klumzy dad and airheaded mother stare down an official Shield agent. The only thing going through my mind is to not piss them off when I'm older. My mom is the next one to speak.

"Now answer my question who are you and what do you want with us."With a pointed look and question, the Shield Agent is very nervous.

"Haaaa, fine, I'm undercover spy for a government agency to get some info on a patent who is scheduled to go into surgery in a few days. I had no intention of trying to harm either of you. The opposite, I wanted to warn you if you didn't know what you are." My parents just look at each other's eyes silently communicating, after a minute or two of silence. My mom stands up, disconnects herself from the wires, and walks over to me. While my father is walking up to the nurse.

"If we have anyone come and threaten us, know that your boss will be in deep shit." With that, they walk out. While I'm stunned and in awe of my parents. They are definitely not normal and have some pretty good connections if they know who that nurse is working for. We leave the hospital after some more paperwork, and we are gone.

In the car going home, there is a tense silence. Dad is the first to break it, "Sorry I shouldn't have let them take your blood. It slipped my mind when I heard the word disease from that 'nurse'. I should have been more on guard."

My mom who is in the passenger seat, looks over at me in my car seat strapped in, then at my dad, "Yes you should have been more careful but you had no idea they would test my blood for the X-gene. In fact, I think it is our Little Arty, who sparked this interest in our blood because he is probably a mutant as well. We are going to need to get the tests they performed on him and on us." She says already with an intelligent glint in her eye. "I'm excited to see if our little boy has some cool power and what it can do." My dad chuckles at her saying that.

"Yes, head researcher of the glorious Rand Corporation." Getting one revelation after another, I realize that my mom is really cool. The Rand Corp is one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the Marvel Universe. I also think of what they mean by getting the test they performed on us and how they are going to get them, when my dad, Addison, answered my unspoken question. "I'll reach out to some of my friends who own that hospital and get those tests for us, and then we will know exactly what sparked their interest."

With that, the car was silent, but my accursed baby body started to get lulled asleep by the car driving on the road. Soon, I fell asleep and entered dreamland.

When I woke up, I was in a crib in new clothes, and in our house looking around, I tried getting a lot of where I was lying down. It was a comfortable open bedroom with a medium-sized dresser and a big walk-in closet. There was a king bed with two lumps under blankets breathing softly.

Then I felt it a hunger I had never felt. It was so intense that I felt like dying all over again. Which is saying g a lot considering how I died. Which is bullshit by the way. When I can jump dimensions, she is getting pranked hard. A couple minutes pass, and I can't hold in any longer, I start to scream and cry to wake up my parents. Not ten seconds go by when my mom is by my crib side. Cooing and picking me up, checking if I need a change or if I'm hungry, which I already know which I am. Even if it is embarrassing, I don't want to starve to death.

When she finally gets what I need and starts to feed me. I close my eyes and start suckling. I feel so mortified. Soon, I'm full and falling back to sleep while getting burped and listening to mom's heartbeat constantly beating. 'This is really relaxing.' Is the last thought that went through my head as I once again pass out.

The next morning, I wake up to mom next to the crib in a chair asleep. Turns out, babies, don't have a good time staying asleep for long periods of time. Also, they need to be changed before feeding and also after sometimes. Anyway, I don't see my dad anywhere in the room. I don't want to wake my mom after being needy all night, so I start to practice speaking because I have nothing else to do. "Blaa bllaaa maaa goooo." These new vocal cords need some training Ugh. My mom is also awoken but my practice but she notices that I'm not crying just babbling at nothing.

She whips out a phone and starts recording me making sounds. I decide to play along and make even more noise to satisfy her. After I stop she end the video and picks me up. "You are just the cutest thing I have ever seen or heard for the matter," She then hold me to her shoulder and walks to into a connecting hall going somewhere?

Hey there, this is the last chapter for this week, but I will post more starting Monday. peace out my wonderful readers! have a good weekend, but not to good be safe!

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