
Re: In Marvel with Spider-Man Powers

MC will have to work and train his powers to make them more useful and powerful. Others he will get as he grows older. He doesn't have a system but more of a training screen that shows his progress, and that is it. Writing for fun please no hate. I'm still figuring out a better title so it will change. But helpful comments about how to write better are always appreciated. each chapter will be 1.5k to 2k words long. English is my first language but I still am bad at it.

Bloodriot123 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

First Day of Kindergarten

I got dropped off, and I was feeling pretty excited. Dad was going to convince mom to let me train and get stronger. Finally, some of my plans can go forward! Right now, I'm looking at my classroom door. I already knew where it was because we went to the meet and greet that happened before now. All we did was meet my teacher and then leave it wasn't very exciting. After getting the papers and whatnot, we left because the time it started was way past little Jeremy's bedtime.

Anyway I stepping into the class, and the first thing I see is a head full of white running towards me and plowing into me, almost knocking me down, which is a feat in itself consider how I am have the strength of a regular adult as a child.

"Ouch! What are you made of?" I hear hersay while rubbing her head and then whisper. "I was trying to tackle you just now." I only deadpan at this and ignore it. She got what she deserved.

"I'm made out of vibranium and Adamantium." I say proudly

I hear a scoff, "That doesn't mean anything to me because I don't know what that is." She says a little too proudly.

"What can I say ignorance is bliss." We look at each other, then chuckle, then start laughing and keep laughing until our stomachs hurt. After a good laugh, we stand and hear her whisper.

"You're going to get it when you don't expect it." It sounded like a promise to herself I wasn't supposed to hear. The only thing I could think was, 'haha yeah right! You can try anytime you won't get one past me!' Anyway, we walk to our seats and see that our table has a couple of different names. I look over, and my eyes widen a little bit. 'No way this is happening.' While talking, I look around the class and see six tables spaced evenly through the class and an odd number of kids' names on all of them. The walls have posters with big cartoon animals holding letters. While the front has a whiteboard that goes to the floor. A TV hanging in the corner that has a clock on it with some events scrolling past.

"Alright, class, let get in our seats. we are going to start now." We hear our teacher and head to our chairs at one of those really big circle tables. We are in a class of 23 kids, and all I can do is look at the kid next to me. If you guessed that I would share class with Jean Grey, you would be wrong. Because it is Peter Parker sitting right next to me, yeah, the future web-slinger himself. I'm not going to lie he is going to be good-looking in the future. Messy brown hair and brown eyes but a hidden intelligence. A face that has baby fat but has high cheekbones, which makes his face look a bit older. He will look good, but even now, I look cuter. Hmph.

When we are all sitting, my teacher says that we will go around and introduce ourselves and when our birthdays are, along with a cool fact about ourselves. 'Hmmm, wanderer along as I don't need to draw something and hang it up l.' Like clockwork, the teacher pulls out crayons and a paper frame.

"We're doing to hang up your picture and what you say!" I can feel the happiness rolling off her. 'Let's see how long that lasts with me here. Hehehe, time for pranking,' I think mischievously.

"Let us start with the table in the back with the white-haired girl in the back. Please stand and tell us about yourself." I see the teacher pointing at the table behind me where Felicia is sitting next to another two girls, who don't look like anyone I know. With a light dusting of pink on her cheeks, Felicia stands and starts to speak.

"Hi, everyone. I'm Felicia. My birthday is on October 22nd. A-a-and I forgot the last question." She says, blushing a bit heavier and with her head down.

My teacher speaks, "Tell us something about yourself, sweetie."

"Oh, my best friend is in this class, and he is right there!" She points to me, and every turns and looks at me. I think I am going to commit murder. I look at her deadpan and start thinking of how to get back at her for this. She is no longer blushing, but now looks like she won somehow. This is about trying to tackle me, isn't it?! This means war. As I sit there looking at her deadpan, the teacher chuckles and starts speaking again.

"Alright, thank you, Felicia, how about your best friend goes next." All Felicia does is do what looks like a smirk but only looks like is winking and smiling. Maybe it was a mixture of the two.

With a sigh, I stand, "Hello, my name is Arthur Adler. My birthday is on September 29, 1998, and something interesting about me is that I'm now declaring war on my best friend." As I turn and give a fierce stare at her. To which she doesn't even look fazed, but I can see a blush starting to appear as everyone looks at her once more. I hear my teacher force down a laugh and play it off as a cough, and I take my seat. The rest of the class starts to introduce themselves to only one. The only one I pay attention to is when Peter starts to introduce himself.

"Hey everyone, I'm Peter Parker. My birthday is August 10th, and I really like to build and watch my parents do experiments!"

Hmm, this tells me a couple of things. One, he still has his parents, and they are scientists. What I need to know is in what, bioengineering or something else. Two, there is time to save them, I need to meet them, but how? As I have a thousand ideas on how to be able to make it that two probably innocent people don't die a horrible death or be captured. The class in done with their intros now, and the teacher has handed out the paper frames and boxes of crayons for us all, and she is calling kids to come and get their picture taken. All I do is look over and see Peter Drawing and looking particularly focused.

"Hey Peter, can I use that blue crayon after you are done, please? I can't find another." I ask him to spark a conversation hopefully.

He seems to jolt and looks around, trying to see who is talking to him. "S-sure Arthur, I can give you it now, I'm done with it."

"Thank you." I start drawing thinking of another way to continue the conversation. Ugh, why is this so difficult?! Luckily, I don't need to continue it, he asks me.

"Um Arthur, what does declare war mean? You said you declared war on your best friend, I don't understand."

Mentally cheering, I respond, "Well, Peter, to declare war means I am going to prank her, and then she is going to prank me back if she can. We have known each other for a long time now and it has become something of a game for us." You know long for a five year old anyway. At this, he giggles and looks amused at that.

"That must be pretty fun if your pranks are any like the ones I do to my parents." Oh Peter, goodie two shoes is a prankster?

"Oh, you like pranking as well? Do you have any stories about some good ones?" I ask him

"Of course I do this one time. I pranked my Aunt May into putting salt and sugar mixture into her cookies instead of sugar. The prank wasn't that good because the cookies ended up tasting really good. But I still count because I confused everyone about how they got so good."

"Haha, that is good. I have a similar one where I tricked my mom into putting in mustard powder instead of white pepper into dinner. Dinner was a bit of flop after that. Haha, but they found out what I did and had me eat a full serving. So it didn't work out for me in the end." I get a laugh out of Peter as I wear a disgusted face at remembering that night and decide to ask him another question. "Hey, do you want to be friends?" He stops laughing and looks at me and smiles.

"Sure, I would like to be friends with you! You can call me Pete if you want, everyone calls me that after a while." I do a fist pump mentally, friend get how's that parents, haha! We talked for a little bit more before he was called to get his picture taken, I already had mine taken because I was first because my name was the top of the list. Thinking about the future, I realize I could help Peter when he gets older and becomes Spider-man, but I need to plan this correctly. As I finished that thought, Peter sirs back down in his chair.

"Hey Peter, do you want to go to my house after school today?" I think after some reflection and planning, and this is the best way to help. My parents are going to talk to me about doing martial arts or some kind of training. If I can rope Peter into it somehow, it will help with his career as Spider-man. Also i get a gym bro to train with.

"Umm, I don't know, I do want to play more with you. I'll ask my mom or dad when they get here."

"No worries, my dad is going to pick me up and will be coming to the class. We can ask them then, okay?" I get a nod from Peter, and my plan is in motion now.