
Re:Gia II De Calor Regina

This is a follow up to Re:Gia I In Your Eyes. The story doesn't follow Yuena and Shuya, but follows new characters. "Please save her... I'll do anything you want. Just please... save her," the boy with messy long red autumn hair pleaded in exhaustion. His plain tan oversized shirt was torn and stained in red. He cried with eyes flamed in anger as he softly laid the blue haired little girl's body onto the floor. "But first... I must do this.." The boy returns to the burning grounds. "Heh, you came back after all you've done?" scoffed the white coated blondie. "Because, I haven't finished what I started." The boy replied.

Azora_Angelina · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Burning Desire
