
Re-establishing the Roman empire

Mc is transmigrated into the body of the Italian crown prince Carlo . Synopsis : If the two world wars are a catastrophe for mankind, then Italy is one of the few jokes in this catastrophe, which makes this cruel war a little more relaxed. But now, someone intends to change people’s perception of Italy… this is an mtl novel , I haven't seen it on here so I decided to write it here.

TAPISLO · Histoire
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33 Chs

Treaty of Bardu

Cairolli's several methods, the first one that worked was to mobilize the people. In the evening and the next day, major newspapers published the reports of the French army's invasion of Tunisia on their front pages.

At this moment, the newspaper seemed to be a messenger of justice, showing infinite sympathy for the French bullies bullying the weak Tunisia. Tuan Amen seems to have forgotten the fact that Italy planned to attack Tunisia ten years ago and was stopped by Britain and France.

However, this news shocked the whole of Italy very much. Many people have purchased various bonds of colonial Tunisia, and now their interests have been damaged. No one can accept this possibility. Therefore, except for a few people who really care about the weak Tunisia, people from all walks of life walked into the square to oppose the French invasion of Tunisia.

In Milan, more than 50,000 people gathered in the Town Hall Square. They shouted slogans against the French invasion of Tunisia and demanded that France withdraw from Tunisia.

As for Rome, 80,000 people surrounded the French embassy in Italy, and they asked the French ambassador to come forward and give an explanation. If it weren't for the protection of the police, the people in the embassy would have been torn apart by the excited people.

In addition to the spontaneous actions of the people against the French invasion of Tunisia, the government also took action. First, the French ambassador summoned by the Prime Minister expressed Italy's strong dissatisfaction with the French invasion of Tunisia.

Afterwards, after expressing the dissatisfaction of the Kingdom of Italy, His Excellency the Prime Minister proposed that Italy could provide mediation for both France and Turkey to avoid the humanitarian disaster caused by the confrontation between the two sides.

In the face of the Prime Minister's statement, the French ambassador said that he had not been informed about it, so he could not give an immediate reply.

In addition, in Paris, the news the ambassador to France received was not bad.

French Foreign Minister Gambetta informed the ambassador to France that France has no ambition to occupy any part of Tunisia, but must use force in the area of ​​Cromir to prevent Algeria from being attacked by Tunisian bandits. (historical story)

Such news made many people in Italy feel relieved. In order to avoid irritating France, various muscle-brightening actions were deliberately or unintentionally, and even the protests were much smaller. After all, people want to make relations with France deadlocked, but they don't know that France has not stopped military operations but accelerated its pace.

In Tunis, the French army, who had just arrived at the city, under the urging of the commander General Pelissier, immediately joined the marines and launched an offensive against Tunis.

Although the defenders desperately resisted, facing the French army's attack that did not record casualties, the French army broke through the line of defense without even a day's blocking.

In the Tunisian Palace, the ministers were in a panic when they heard the sound of guns in the distance, but even so, many people were still dissuading the ruler, Sadiq III, to leave this place of right and wrong.

"His Royal Highness, now the French army has entered the city. If they don't leave, they won't be able to leave."

"Your Highness, you can't hold on."

Facing the hard pleas of the ministers, Sadiq III still did not want to leave. This is the city of Tunisia where he was born and raised, and he is not willing to leave here at all.

"If we leave here, where can we go?"

"We can go to Istanbul and ask the Sudan for help."

"You can go to London and find an Englishman."

"Go to Rome and seek help from the Italians."

"Go to Cairo and find His Highness Ali."

The ministers' gossiping suggestions gave Sadiq a headache. However, he himself is very clear that no matter where he goes, he is just a desolate monarch who has lost his country. Although he does not know there is an old saying in China that a desolate phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, the meaning of it is very clear.

This is also the reason why he is reluctant to leave, because many of the monarchs who have been left out in history have died in depression, and he does not want that kind of experience at all.

Perhaps the French also need him to maintain the continuity of the local area. Anyway, Tunisia is also a vassal of the Ottomans in history. If you change the owner, you can keep the status of the family. Of course, this is the worst plan. Maybe it's like what the French said. They just want to punish the Horomir tribe for their cross-border behavior. At that time, there will be no problem in making reparations, as long as the family can continue to be the bey (the governor). ) is fine.

The minister did not know that at this time, Sadiq III's mentality had already completely changed, and he had changed from maintaining the independent status of Tunisia to maintaining its power.

"Okay, I already have an idea. Just stay in Tunisia and negotiate with the French."

Sadiq III's words shocked everyone else, but they couldn't do anything about it. Since Bey had already decided, they could only do what he wanted.

So the French army suddenly found that the Tunisian army was no longer resisting, but a man with a white flag who looked like a religious man came to them.

"Hello, this is Tunisian Mullah Khalifa. On behalf of Tunisian Bey, I am willing to discuss peace with the commander of your army."

In the face of the Tunisian peace negotiator, the French army did not dare to make decisions privately, and immediately sent it to the commander, General Pelissier.

"Your Excellency Khalifa, I can accept your request. But in order to avoid misunderstanding between us, it is best for your army to return to the barracks to avoid misunderstanding."

Who is Pelissier? He is a seasoned person. This is just a surrender in the name of peace talks. Of course he gives face in name, but in fact he still chooses to surrender.

Of course, Khalifa knew his purpose this time. Seeing that the French commander agreed, he knew that his mission was completed.

"Well, Your Excellency, I hope you can order the attack to be suspended so that those innocent people can survive."

"No problem, but we can give you two hours at most. If they don't return to the barracks by then, then they are not innocent people."

Since the Tunisians are going to surrender, Pelissier doesn't mind showing his magnanimity. Of course, the other side should be warned about the consequences of violating it.

In fact, his warning was completely useless.

When the armistice came into effect, those Tunisian soldiers, led by their respective commanders, all returned to the barracks, which made the French army cheer.

After all, no one wants to be hurt when the overall situation is set.

Afterwards, the French army occupied every point in the city, and only then did Perissier bring a group of soldiers to meet Sadiq.

"Hello, Your Highness Sadiq."

"Hello, General Pelissier."

After a brief greeting, Perissier took a document from the adjutant behind him and said. "His Royal Highness, in order to avoid a tragedy like this one, our country has drawn up a contract, hoping that His Highness will sign it for the peace of the two peoples."

Facing Pelissier's words, Sadiq III was mentally prepared. He wanted to stop the war for the French without paying at all. How could this be possible?

He immediately took the document and opened it. It was a request from France. However, the clauses in it made even the mentally prepared Highness Bey feel dizzy.

The above is not too complicated, but in order to avoid the current situation between the two countries, France wants to station troops in Tunisia. In addition, given the poor financial situation in Tunisia, France helps Tunisia manage its finances. In addition, in order to prevent Tunisia from falling into cumbersome diplomatic problems, France reluctantly helps Tunisia to manage its foreign affairs. Of course, it respects the terms that Tunisia has signed with other countries before, but in the future, France will take care of it.

It can be said that this condition handed over Tunisia's military, financial and diplomatic affairs to France, and Sadiq III would become France's puppet in Tunisia.

Facing such a result, Sadiq blushed. "Your Excellency General, is this condition too much for our country?"

In the face of Sadiq's desire to bargain, Perissier directly refused. "His Royal Highness, this is not much at all, it is all for the sake of Tunisia's safety and interests."


"No but, I said it was for the sake of Tunisia."

Seeing that Sadiq was still uninterested, Polisier scolded him directly. Only by letting this person know that the will of France cannot be changed can he give enough care.

Facing such scolding, Sadiq, who was Bey, blushed even more.

"Your Highness doesn't want to go back on it, right?"

Perissier looked at each other with great interest, and as his voice fell, the French soldiers he brought looked at the Tunisians in front of him with a calm expression.

"No problem, I'll sign."

Seeing that the situation was heading for the worst, Sadiq III quickly agreed.

"This is the only way to ensure peace in Tunisia."

After the Bey had signed the signature, Polisier held the contract with the ink still dry, and casually persuaded the lost Sadiq III.

Then he led the French soldiers away, leaving only a dry Tunisian with a bitter face.