
Re-establishing the Roman empire

Mc is transmigrated into the body of the Italian crown prince Carlo . Synopsis : If the two world wars are a catastrophe for mankind, then Italy is one of the few jokes in this catastrophe, which makes this cruel war a little more relaxed. But now, someone intends to change people’s perception of Italy… this is an mtl novel , I haven't seen it on here so I decided to write it here.

TAPISLO · Histoire
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33 Chs

Prime Minister's response

When the news of the French invasion of Tunisia reached Rome, it immediately caused an uproar. The importance of Tunisia to Italy will not be mentioned much. In recent years, its investment in Tunisia alone is as high as 578 million lire. This money is absolutely not to be lost.

As the Prime Minister, Cairoli naturally knew this, so as soon as he got the news, he immediately convened the cabinet ministers to hold a meeting to discuss urgently, this important matter related to Italy's vital interests.

After the ministers all arrived, Cairolli first introduced the purpose of convening this meeting.

"Everyone, I will make a long story short. Now that the French army is invading Tunisia, His Royal Highness Bey has sent us an invitation to mediate its battle with France."

Kairolli's words left many people not scratching their heads. Wasn't it good yesterday? Why did this happen suddenly without a sound?

Seeing that many people don't know the whole story, His Excellency the Prime Minister, who has just filtered out the cause, once again explained the reason.

After hearing about this because of the war between the two tribes of Tunisia and Algeria because of love murder, many people smelled a strange smell.

Without waiting for other speeches, he directly stated his response. "Your Excellency Sforza, now we need to know the attitude of Britain and Germany, and hope that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can get its support as soon as possible. In addition, we must summon the French ambassador as soon as possible to show our dissatisfaction."

Prime Minister Cairoli is still very accurate in seeing the problem. He knows that the only countries capable of stopping France are Britain and Germany, so he needs the support of Britain and Germany now. I believe that Britain and Germany will not allow France to seize Tunisia.

It has to be said that France has done a very good job of keeping secrets in this operation. Up to now, the Italian side still does not know that France has obtained the support of Britain and Germany.

Of course, he did not put all his hopes on the support of the two countries.

After instructing the foreign secretary, he immediately instructed the military representative to the army secretary, Admiral Saragate. "Your Excellency, now I need to express Italy's attitude, so your military should also respond."

"Prime Minister, please give an order."

Admiral Saragate, who has commanded several unification wars and filled the audience, is certainly not an idiot. The French invasion of Tunisia is too harmful to Italy. As the sword of Italy, the military will certainly not back down. If there is any hesitation at this time, otherwise there will be any problems in the future, then the board is likely to hit the military.

"Well, I will say it directly. I hope your military can gather troops to the French border to exert pressure and influence. In addition, the navy mobilizes warships and transport ships to make a gesture to support Tunisia. Of course, before there is no order, The military must not take the initiative to attack, and even if it is attacked, it needs to report to Rome as soon as possible."

Although Cairoli's words sounded very depressing, they received the inner support of everyone present. The people present are all high-level Italians. They are not young, and they know the huge gap between Italy and France. Although Italy is known as a new power, it is clear what kind of quality they are.

To put it mildly, with regard to the current strength of Italy, as long as a full-scale war breaks out with France, it will only be hanged and beaten. Whether it is population, industry, or national influence, Italy is no match for France, even if it is not smaller than agricultural Italy.

Therefore, as the Prime Minister, Cairoli has a very clear idea, that is, to show his muscles, let France know that he is not easy to mess with, and then rely on the support of other countries to let the French film give up the invasion of Tunisia.

Of course, in order to let France retreat, these are not enough.

I saw him continue talking. "Your Excellency Medici, I hope you can mobilize newspapers and other media to report the French invasion of Tunisia, hoping to resonate with the people."

This time, he named the name of the interior minister, Medici. Since France is strong, it must show its biggest muscles, otherwise the prime minister will also step down. Although there is a risk that it will be difficult to step down after gathering public opinion, it is impossible to hide this matter from the people. Rather than being criticized by the government, it is better to spread the news first.

Of course, if you don't handle it well then, you will definitely have a lot of infamy. But that's the sentence. No matter what, he was forced to the corner by the French move. I can't let France withdraw from Tunisia, I have to step down, and I can't care about it.

In fact, Cairoli still didn't say a word. If France occupied Tunisia, the loss of 578 million lire would be enough to make the creditors who invested in it tear themselves apart. It is the best outcome to be able to withdraw safely by then. Of course, if he wants to do something that everyone doesn't want to see, it's also impossible. Don't forget, he's just the Prime Minister, not the King, and it's easier to change Prime Ministers than Kings.

Of course, he still feels that these alone are not enough, and relying on the help of the people, the army, and other countries is always worse. Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of a person, and it seems that he must be invited out of the mountain to show France's determination to Italy.

Without further ado, he continued to name him. "Also, it's not enough for us. We need a hero to stand up against the French invasion of Tunisia."

The people present are not idiots. Since they are heroes, they must be convincing. None of the people present at the moment have the ability to do this, or in other words, none of them have the ability to convince the people of the whole country.

Of course, there are smart people who have already thought of the candidates, only to see the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jagali speak at this time. "Prime Minister, are you talking about the one on Caprera Island?"

"That's right."

Facing the words of the Chancellor of the Exchequer~www.mtlnovel.com~ Cairolli did not deny it at all. I saw him continue talking. "I'm going to invite Garibaldi out,

Let him lead the people to let the French know our unwillingness to yield. "

When he heard that Garibaldi was going to come out, the scene immediately became quiet. No one present wanted to go to Caprera. Don't look at how they made Garibaldi high, but considering his attitude towards the republic, no one wants to go.

Seeing everyone who didn't speak, Cairoli flashed a trace of displeasure in his heart. Since he didn't want to see Garibaldi, he could only call him by name.

"Your Excellency Gullitsi, this time it's up to you to represent the government to invite Garibaldi."

"As ordered, Prime Minister."

The Minister of Commerce and Trade, who was assigned this task, could only recognize it, but in his heart he thought it was revenge against him. Absolutely, this is revenge for his previous excuse not to fit into his circle.

Later, the Prime Minister discussed some other details, and then the meeting was dismissed.

As for the news of the French invasion of Tunisia, not only the government received the news, as the king of Italy, Carlo also received the news.

"how so?"

Carlo was equally surprised by the news, he couldn't help complaining to the captain of the guard who sent the news.

In fact, he knew that Tunisia would be occupied by France, but he also had nothing to do when he was not in power. Italy itself does not have the strength to compete with France. In addition, he has not studied much of this history. Naturally, he does not know when Tunisia was occupied by France.

But to say that this matter had no effect on him would be a joke. However, how to maximize his own interests still requires him to ponder.